

  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    The sun came out! The sun came out... yes, we still have a week of cold to look forward to, but the sun makes me happy.

    Hope you all are off to a great start to the week!

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    JMKMomm, I do not have MS. That was another poster!

    I am getting to keep the 1-1/2 year old granddaughter today as she has another ear infection. This is about the 4th one this year. She will be going to the ENT during Spring break and will probably be getting tubes in her ears. Her father had them when he was 6 mos. old. With both GKs in day care this year, one or the other has been sick almost every month. Will be glad when mom's school is out for the summer so they can be home and get well.

    Hope all are doing well and wishing you a very happy Monday!
  • DisciplineIsFreedom
    Welcome Peaches. I don't think many of the ladies in here know each other. It's just like your 5th grade students. You don't know them at the beginning of the school year but as the year goes on you can even predict how they are going to react in any given situation. I have MS and couldn't even begin to respond to so many like a lot of them do. I try to remember some. Eventually I will learn more. Plus it's a fast moving forum. My grand kids are 6 and 11 year old girls. I was there when both of them were born. I never thought I would be bale to have that awesome experience of seeing my grand children taking their first breath. I stayed with them the first week to help Mom. Jump right in and do what you can do.

    Hi there. I read you have MS. How was it diagnosed? I have been falling recently and my doctor has set up an MRI for me to take. Any words of wisdom?
    Janice Northern Ontario
    I started having problems with weird feelings in my legs. I would have an area that I could swear was wet, had very cold spots on my legs although they were warm to the touch. Just some really wierd feelings. Then one day I was out shopping couldn't move my left leg. I couldn't pick it up and get it in the car. When I got home and was sitting in the recliner I couldn't even move my toes. The next day the other leg followed suit. I have difficulty finding the words I want, fatigue, a lot of what I call electric jolts in my feet. My gait is pretty unsteady at times. MS is a pretty difficult thing to diagnose because the symptoms can be the symptoms of so may other things. The MRI is a good place to start. Make sure you have a doctor you have a good rapport with, one you can speak frankly with and will be the same with you, Read up on the disease and be very pro-active in your care. Have not only a good family doctor but a neurologist that specializes in MS. Or at least make sure you have a consult with one that can guide your own local neurologist. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I belong to a wonderful online support group. Only some one with MS understands all the emotions, feelings, symptoms you are having. You may look fine but feel crappy. You have a handicap sticker on your car and people get mad at you for looking so good and parking in a space you shouldn;t. Many people don't have a family support system and an online support group can be that.

    Hi jmkmomm,
    Thank you for your helpful response. I, too, have had times when I thought my leg was cold in parts and touched it to see if I had spilled anything cold on it or to see if it were wet, but it was dry and warm to the touch. I've also had the piercing electrical jolts. I have a brother and a cousin who have ms. Both are still able to walk. I'll post again when I have test results either positive or negative. Thank you. <3<3<3
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies –

    Woke up to several inches of snow – everything is white as far as the eye can see. I had pretty much blown off the forecast, but they seemed to have gotten this one right. Bring on the spring! I’m starting my seeds just so I can feel some forward progress :laugh:. I did manage to get a lot of spring cleaning done yesterday however – detail/washed my car, vacuumed and shampooed the downstairs carpets, replaced the felt pads on the bottoms of the kitchen chairs and stools, cleaned the kitchen, pulled out the old sheets and blankets we don’t use anymore (taking them to the SPCA when the snow clears), cleaned out more too-big clothes. I also had to clean out the fridge and cupboards - *someone* had stocked them with hot dogs and potato chips. I tossed all of it in the trash (OK, I ate a few potato chips first). I also tossed the rest of the kids’ valentine candy – the rule in the house is we can only have candy from one holiday at a time, and they won’t be here before Easter lol.

    DH and I had a date night in the city on Saturday – went to dinner and the symphony (doesn’t that sound fancy?). I have a few beaded cocktail dresses – spent Saturday trying on everything – they were all way too big. Like, hanging on me like a gunny sack big. I made DH watch a fashion show of “and look how this one gaps in the back at the waist!” and “See?!? The straps won’t stay up!” He got bored quickly but enjoyed having a hot-looking wife on his arm for the evening :laugh::smooched: . We went to the Reading Market Sunday morning to look around and let me buy fresh produce before I took him to the airport. I love shopping there – I can buy so much for pennies – but I usually buy more than we can use (particularly since it’s just me until Wednesday night). However, I stuck to more durable produce this time except the kale and swiss chard – and I put that into a Tuscan bean and kale soup yesterday. It was a lovely weekend.

    Linda, I wanted to mention that while I get where you’re coming from on the “if it’s good tasting it’s not diet,” please remember that the key to making your diet successful isn’t depriving yourself or eating only bland, tasteless food – it’s making your regular, everyday meals just as tasty as they were before, just less of it and healthier. If I had to eat, for example, Special K for breakfast every single day I would break my diet in no time. It’s important to find what tastes good to you (and isn’t potato chips) and incorporate that into your regular food routine. Make it count!

    Amanda, we are having a snow day here too. Funny – I was in Colorado for two weeks and didn’t feel as cold as I have since I returned to Pennsylvania this weekend. Your Lebonese dinner sounds fab – I loved the variety of foods I could find in London. I’m so sorry to hear about your upset system – it’s too bad there wasn’t anyone to cover for you at work so you could get some sleep. I hope you feel better soon.

    JB, I hope your car is up and running now!

    Luvbuttons, your American Girl doll project sounds like fun! I hope everything turns out.

    Katla, I’m glad to hear your gua sha treatment worked. I’ve never heard of that. I had however not only heard of the salt-free seasoning at Costco but seen it and bought it the last time I was there. It looks tasty, and DH isn’t a huge salt fiend anyway so I know he’ll use it as a meat rub. How wonderful that the weather cooperated enough for you and DH to get out.

    JMKmomm, I hope your husband is better and getting treatment for his heart – how scary! I agree it’s might be best not to scare your MIL. Poor thing – she sounds somewhat confused. I hope your vacation goes well – sounds like you all need one. Good job looking ahead for a meal DH could eat at the restaurant and moving him off the chicken fried steak lol.

    Brooke, sorry I missed meeting you and Jane and Laura – next time.

    Renny, I can’t believe how bad the flu has been this year! It’s awful. I hope you feel better soon. I had seen the previews for Hungry for Change and want to watch it – something to do while DH is away this week – yay!

    Glenda, the winter just seems to be dragging on and on and on . .. thanks for the welcome back :smile:.

    Meg, hope you enjoyed your date night – sounds like fun!

    Tammy, your laundry project sounds a lot more fun than mine was (doing the two weeks’ worth of clothes DH never got around to). I am dying for a new washer/dryer. Ah, and I see that you made the white bean and kale soup too! We seem to be on the same wave-length . . . hmm.

    Sandy, I think it’s great that you still lost 5lbs – “only” :laugh:. Keep with it – the pounds will keep melting off.

    DeeDee, I agree completely about how wonderful it is to be outside enjoying nature. I love the same things – the birds, the flowers, the trees, etc. Hope Noel recovers soon. I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend as well. Enjoy the spring cleaning.

    MA_B – congrats on the loss! And enjoy that visit with your DS.

    Barbie, thanks so much for the “Suffer for 15 minutes/day” idea! I’m going to use that on DH right away. He had two weeks to pull together the info he needs to complete the DE taxes (he’s the only one who files in DE) but did he do it? Nooooo . . . and I love the idea of the important personal information documents too. Stealing that one as well. No wonder the yardwork was a pain you were bundled up like a snowman lol.

    Michele, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy that cookie. I’m with you – if I’m going to spend the calories, I’m going to enjoy them. I frequently stop eating something now after a bite or two if it isn’t fantastic.

    Marcia, welcome and I hope you keep coming back. A lot of people here start out with walking to get the exercise going. It really helps, so I hope you stick with it.

    Liz, that was a busy day but sounds fun.

    Viv, congrats on the loss! Sticky toffee pudding is my all-time favorite dessert – ever! When we were living in London we had it every single time I saw it on the menu. Fortunately while I was there I walked everywhere all the time and lost weight overall (and obviously didn’t see the pudding on the menu every night). DD loved it too. If you were looking at kickboxing with Aussies you may possibly have seen something by Les Mills – the two main people (Dan and Rach) are either Aussies or from New Zealand. I’ve been doing that for three months now and love every single second of it (except the HIIT part lol). Good luck finding it.

    PeachState – I hope you aren’t too put off. We “know” each other mainly through what we read here. Just jump in and join the conversation!

    Phyllis, welcome to the under-150s group!!! I’m jazzed to be here finally too.

    Lora, I imagine that wind is back today – boo. You’ll have to give me some ideas for where to go in NYC – DS and his girlfriend are coming there in May and we’re going up for the weekend to see them and bring them back with us. He’s a chef, so we’re looking at a special place to take him (where we can get a reservation too).

    Janice, I hope the unknown becomes known as the scary thing you feared but didn’t come to pass. Peace to you.

    Cheryl, Annapolis is one of my favorite places – DH and I were married there and go back often. I hope you enjoy the weekend even though it sounds like a bit of sad time too.

    Kate, you must have the only sunny spot on the planet right now lol. 100 car pile-ups – scary! Congratulation on the sexy bra – I’m glad it worked out for you. I agree the curtain fringe might not have been the best thing under your dress. Of course you’re allowed to get the little ones an egg or two – I just bought my niece a chocolate bunny for this Sunday and she’s 13!

    Carol in WNY, enjoy your visit with the grandbaby – I’m so jealous. DD just posted new pics of my GDD with her new outdoor splash pool - :sad:. I want to be there to see her, but no more traveling for this gal for a while.

    Sue in SD, I’m sorry your sarcoid is flaring up. I hope the steroids get it under control soon. I have it as well, but mine has been burned out since my late-30s (when they discovered it). Still, until the scars starting diminishing my lung function was really low. Good for you for being able to sing!

    Nancy, welcome back! I’m so glad you had a wonderful time. My “boys” are experts on cooking ramen noodles and insist that’s all they’ll ever need to know how to cook lol. DSD and DSS are both in Costa Rica for their spring break – with the Spanish class. My cousin went to Nicaragua a few years ago on a cruise and loved it. She said the black sand beaches were amazing. A triatholon – wow! That’s ambitious. I hope you enjoy the training.

    OK, enough for one day. The snow had stopped but it’s back again. It looks like it’s going to be a quiet day for me. At least now that I’ve started the spring cleaning it will probably continue – I tend to get motivated once I start. I’m living proof of the law of physics that say a body in motion tends to stay in motion :laugh:.

    Cheers, and keep moving!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janice in N Ontario: DH was diagnosed with MS about three years ago. He’d been having odd symptoms for years. We went to a Neurologist in the same practice he’d visited before. The first time we visited this doctor's office because he experienced flop foot while on vacation. He was told he had a pinched nerve in his knee. (We later learned that flop foot is a common symptom of ms.) The second time we went because he lost his balance while sitting on a stationary bike used for exercise and fell off. This was about a year later. He was referred to a surgeon who proposed fusing his spine. His regular doctor hit the roof and sent him off to Oregon Health Sciences University for further testing. He had a battery of tests that were both painful and inconclusive, and went for an MRI. They compared MRI’s from past neck surgeries with the new one, and that is how he was diagnosed. As I understand it, MS Is often diagnosed in a process of elimination. Compared MRI’s over time or a spinal tap may be the only conclusive ways to make the diagnosis. Spinal taps are quite painful according to DH, who has had two of them and swears he'll never have another. There is a lot of information available on line. I wish you good luck on this.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Kate from AB: Your whole post made me smile. It seems like life is good. Yay!:bigsmile:

    Barbie: I have noticed an increase in energy lately and was attributing it to increasing day length, but I think you’re right that it is connected with getting healthier. :flowerforyou: The good thing in this is that I can’t affect day length, but I can deliberately do things to get healthier. :bigsmile: The information you shared about elderly Okinawans is also very encouraging. They evidently have a wonderful culture.:smile:

    Viv from York: If you gained two pounds over night it is likely water weight. Pizza is very salty.:tongue:

    Amanda: How awful for you, and how courageous you are. Just leaving home took more courage than I would have had. :noway: Locking the gallery is a sensible strategy. I’ve had days on that theme, but nothing as persistent and dramatic as you’re experiencing. An over the counter medication, Immodium, (loperamide HCI) generally controlled it at work for me if I took two (or three) tablets. I prefer the multi-symptom version that includes simethicone to control gas. Consuming a dairy product hidden in purchased food is what usually sets me off. :grumble: As a teacher, you can’t just walk out of the classroom and be gone for 15 minutes. After taking two (or three) I didn’t need to go again for a day or two. :blushing: Three is an overdose but it stops the problem immediately. I still keep Immodium on hand but haven’t needed it in quite a while except on long car trips.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I won a coffee mug at a baby shower that I’d love to send you. It is perfect for you.:bigsmile:

    Sue in SD: Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Nancy: I’m glad to hear you had a great trip and were welcomed home enthusiastically. :bigsmile: Those men need to learn to cook and run a washing machine. :laugh: My son could do both by about 12 or 13. No one learned to fold towels, though, and my daughter still can’t seem to get the hang of it. To her credit, she works full time, has a toddler, and she and her DH are remodeling their home while living in it.:wink:

    Today is off to a good start. The dog has gone to the groomer and come home with less hair to shed all over the house. DH checked his blood pressure and it is the best it has been in quite a while. :bigsmile: I credit the exercise we did yesterday and water drinking as major players in the improvement. :drinker: You can only accomplish so much by cutting out salt. The scale was good to me this morning. :bigsmile: It bounced up yesterday and down to a new low today. I’m crediting the exercise and water drinking for that, too.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in overcast NW Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am finally back to the weight I was at before I gorged out on Easter eggs and then gained some! I haven't told my husband but I weigh less than he does.

    Sorry Peaches, I am fairly new to this forum also and especially using the quote feature. I just got the wrong person.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Well I have figured out that I am really depressed. I felt it coming on but thougth I could handle it. I can't. When I told my husband I didn't feel like shopping (he was stunned), When I looked at the beautiful moon this morning, I wanted to feel joy but I didn't. I am having trouble even being excited about Oliva or anything. I am calling an EAP counselor today to start getting some help. I am tired of not feeling anything. I am just so numb.

    Sorry to be such a downer but I am glad you are all here for me.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    In the spring - ish North of Seattle.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Bump for Monday....mostly just reading instead of posting.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Well I have figured out that I am really depressed. I felt it coming on but thougth I could handle it. I can't. When I told my husband I didn't feel like shopping (he was stunned), When I looked at the beautiful moon this morning, I wanted to feel joy but I didn't. I am having trouble even being excited about Oliva or anything. I am calling an EAP counselor today to start getting some help. I am tired of not feeling anything. I am just so numb.

    Sorry to be such a downer but I am glad you are all here for me.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    In the spring - ish North of Seattle.

    Robin, I'm glad you're getting help. I'm praying for you and a good counselor. xoxo
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Monday and bump for later!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Robin sorry you are feeling depressed. Try to keep your diet up so your body is well fed during this.
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Yucky snow here today too!:sad: :sad: So done with winter weather!! Been sick and out of comission - fever, chills, horrific scary cough - husband kicked me out of our room til it's better :cry: Talk later
  • luvbuttons
    Robin, I'm so glad you're going to go to a councelor about your depression. In spite of how you feel today, just know that you WILL see a beautiful sunrise again and you WILL feel it's warmth on your face and you WILL smile again. I will be praying for you too.:happy:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Just have a sec before heading to work. Wanted to show you my new hat :laugh:

    Robin, I understand what that's like. It's not fun at all. Find some good help, you're worth it. :flowerforyou:

    Have to run, but wanted to post this quote I found this morning. It spoke to me loud and clear.

    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon

    Have a good day!

    :smile: jb from Mostly Sunny!! Portland :glasses:
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    I kept getting cramps in my foot last night and couldn't get to sleep for hours after I went to bed. Usually, if I get a cramp, I jump out of bed and it goes away, but this time it just kept coming back. I have no idea what THAT was all about! Everything is fine today,but I am just so tired!:yawn: Will try to get to bed early tonight. My neice E-mailed the family inviting us to do a 5K run/walk for Multiple Myeloma (my sister has this rare cancer) in April. I have to check with DH, but I really hope we can do this. It will be nice to support my sister, and getting in some exercise at the same time. When I got up this morning it wasn't doing anything outside. Went downstairs to walk on the TM and when I came back upstairs, everything was white! I have BUNNIES on my wall and it looked like Christmas out there this morning!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!:explode:

    :drinker: Welcome to all of the newcomers and keep coming back for your Vitamin F!

    :laugh: Michele - Thanks for the compliment. I don't FEEL like 60 either thanks to this program!

    :grumble: Katla - Salt is my one true vice. Try as I may, I just can't seem to give it up. I do, however, drink LOTS of water!

    :ohwell: Rori - I'm sure you will get yourself back on track real soon. Stress is a trigger for me to overeat without even thinking about it.

    :smile: M - Great job losing weight while away. That's dedication!

    :happy: Linda - I agree that eating in moderation is the best plan to follow. It also means that we don't ever have to entirely give up the things that we love. That makes this a lifestyle and NOT a diet!

    :noway: Amanda - It's so funny that you live in London and I live in America and still, the weather seems like it's the same in both places.

    :heart: Joyce - Your MIL is lucky to have you. It's a good thing to check on the nurses. You never know, and it can't hurt to be sure.

    :wink: Renny - I love that you always look on the bright side!

    :laugh: Sharon - Loved that fortune cookie story! Sometimes these things hit home!

    :drinker: Tammy - It'll feel so wonderful when you are all done & everything looks beautiful AND you are getting some great exercise as a bonus!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy - Losing 5 pounds in a month is a terrific accomplishment!

    :sick: DeeDee - Keep following doctor's orders and you'll be back to your old routine in no time.

    :smile: Alison - My prayers are with you for your DGD to get that scholarship.

    Marcia - Buffet style dinners always seem to work best when you have a crowd. Hope yours goes well.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl - My continuing prayers for Jackson's recovery.

    :laugh: Kate - Have a wonderful time on your trip & please....no wardrobe malfunctions at the gala!

    :noway: Barbie - My girlfriend and I were talking about pedometers the other day. She said she usually does around 5000 steps. My best day was around 9000 steps. But 28,000? All I can say is WOW!!!

    :flowerforyou: Amanda - Hope you're feeling better soon. Take care of yourself and don't overdo.

    :wink: Nancy - It was a smart move not to get on the scale for a few days after a trip. Most of the pounds gained are from water retention and go away quickly.

    :flowerforyou: Robin - So sorry to hear you are suffering from depression. I am glad that you recognized it and are going to get some help.

    Enjoyed catching up on all the posts, but have to go for now.....

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Happy Monday! I had a good weekend - splurged a little on Saturday when I went to the BBQ Cookoff at the State Farmer's Market ... WOW what good BBQ! But I did stay away from the booths with the sweets for sale. Then Sunday my daughter and I went to the traveling Broadway production of Les Miserables. It was fantastic!

    But Saturday, before going to the Cookoff, I did an hour kick-boxing class to earn some extra calories.

    Robin - hope you get the help you need. It was really a good thing that you can recognize when you have a problem and are not afraid to take action to get help. We're here for you!

    Beth in SC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.
    My girlfriend and I went and filled Easter eggs for our church`s hunt.We must have done at least 100.
    No more ortho!!!!yeah!!
    Going to Violet`s for 2 days.
    Have a great day!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    Well I have figured out that I am really depressed. I felt it coming on but thougth I could handle it. I can't. When I told my husband I didn't feel like shopping (he was stunned), When I looked at the beautiful moon this morning, I wanted to feel joy but I didn't. I am having trouble even being excited about Oliva or anything. I am calling an EAP counselor today to start getting some help. I am tired of not feeling anything. I am just so numb.

    Sorry to be such a downer but I am glad you are all here for me.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    In the spring - ish North of Seattle.

    Robin - I'm sorry to hear that you are depressed but you are such a wise woman to realize you need some help and are seeking it out. God bless you. Hugs. :heart: :heart: :heart: All your Vitamin F pals are here for you...........

    Lin in Central iowa

  • luvbuttons
    Hi ladies: I spent most of the day in my closet and just came out. My goodness!! What a lot of stuff!! I didn't even remember some of it. I made the spicy carrot cauliflower soup today sans the masalla because I didn't have any but added some cayenne pepper instead. It was good and my husband loved it. With dialysis, his taste buds have changed, but this was a hit. Thanks so much for the recipe.:flowerforyou: Next on the agenda is lugging the bags of "donate" stuff out of the bedroom and wash dishes (no, I don't have a dishwasher). In spite of it not feeling like spring, my crocus are blooming. Guess they know something I don't. Have a great evening.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Robin: No one can fix everything. You’re smart to realize that you need some help for this. I hope you find an EAP counselor that you can communicate with at the level you need. You are in my prayers.:heart::flowerforyou: