

  • nanasorchid52
    Hi ladies!

    Just stopping by briefly to send encouragement to you all this Saturday morning!

    Trying to clear up after the electrician who has put extra power points in my dinning room. Chiselled down the wall and there is dust everywhere - can write my name in it! Also half the loft is out so I am putting a few items on eBay.

    Need to finish before 5 pm as Wales is playing England in the 6 Nations Rugby tournament and it is an important match. Rugby is our National sport and everywhere people are wearing their rugby shirts/ wearing daffodils and leeks! It's a lovely atmosphere with none of the violence associated with football. I am in a win/win situation - English living in Wales - just want to see an exciting match!

    So keep logging lovely ladies and drink that water:drinker: keep moving and of course -

    Keep smiling

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    I'm bumping to find my place, but I also have q kale question for Lin in Central Iowa. DH loves Kale and I think he’d like the chips. I’m wondering about the sour cream part. I didn’t see any reference to it in your recipe. Is it a dipping sauce?

    Have a good evening.

    Katla in NW Oregon

    Katia - the recipe is just titled with sour cream in it......the combo of the whipped nuts, onion powder and garlic is suppose to be *like* sour cream. Just eat them as is out of the oven, for me, they are delicious. Either that's true or it says a lot about what I eat every day that I find them delicious!!

    Best wishes to you and your DH.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hope all goes well with your nephew.
    You just keep riding your horse right on in.

    Glad to hear hubby is feeling better.
    But also understand where you don't want it to become a big problem.

    Enjoy getting of on time on friday and enjoy your weekend.

    Heck not great my oldest grandchild is only 7.lol
    Buying smaller clothes what an achievement.

    Out volunteering It is self rewarding.

    You need to be bull headed and the boss of you.
    That is one thing you need in this journey.

    I see your still having son problems.
    Selling his clothes to go on holidays how childiss is that.

    Nice to find a place to have your car fixed that don't skin you alive.

    How scarry is that. Now you will be finding glass for the next 3 months.

    Those kale chips sound great. Going to try growing some come spring.

    Think a lot of us have the blues problem right now.
    It's the time of year we want spring.

    Sounds like you girls had a great visit. I do that same recipe with Swiss chard.

    Warm bread from the oven. The first thing I plan on doing if ever I see my goal weight.

    90 calories over on a day with a restaurant meal sure isn't bad.
    And the good visit made up for it. I'm sure.

    Sounds like a great St Patty's day meal. And the Irish soda bread made up for the cake
    You didn't even miss.

    Enjoy your day of shopping. Safe driving.

    Hubby walks every day only short walks. I should be joining him instead of saying it's not enough. More times than any I don't go at all. A little is better than none.

    Love the way you change your exercise so often. Can't get bored that way.
    Yesterday I did 15-20 min. of zumba with grandaughter with U tube.

    Well wii gave me the same today and i'm ok with that after yesterday's nice loss. Now it's to see no gain over the weekend. This gain on the weekend and rush to get it off by tops on wed. has to quit right now. It's sat. and same as Friday. Now to see a little loss tomorrow just . something would be fine.

    Last week I didn't manage to lose my weekend gain by wed. which ended in a 1.4 gain. Ouch I don't want or need them kind of weight ins.
    So today will be good.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Hello Ladies! I hope everyone has something healthy in mind for the weekend, and if not healthy, at least fun. My laundry is piling up and so is the dust, and maybe I'll get to it tomorrow, but tonight is the culmination of close to a year of planning for the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the company I work for. We all get to play dress up, eat wonderfuluscious food, and work on not frequenting the open bar too much so that management sees it.

    The scale is barely budging for me, but I'm the lightest I've been since before the birth of my only baby, and I'm fitter than I've been since my 20's, so I'm working hard to stick a sock in my complaining throat. We hired a photographer for the event, and have this gorgeous staircase to take pictures. I am going to be the kook he talks about for the remainder of his career, because I'm going to MAKE SURE he gets an awesome picture of my bizarrely unphotogenic self, even if it means 100 attempts! I'm not going to let this opportunity pass.

    So, hopefully, I'll still be hiking tomorrow, but if not, at least I hope management didn't notice how often I kept the bartender company.

  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning Ladies Happy Saturday ! I have been thinking about all of you, I have not had time to post lately and the weekends are even harder to find time lately. I do read the posts but it is a struggle to keep up with them. I feel like I’m running like a scared rabbit and yet I’m always behind the 8 ball, argh! On a happier note I was only up .2 after last night’s Cracker Barrel dinner. Yay!

    grandmallie - I hope your foot is doing better, and I’m sending warmth and sunshine friend hugs to you!:smile:

    Sally - prayers to you and your Hubby, keep the faith. :heart:

    Laura80111 - Right there with you and Jodios on the short thing. I also am a bread lover and I remember a time when I also would buy warm bread from the bakery’s oven , but I’d buy 2 loves and eat half of one on the way home from the store. Those days have been long gone for years and I found a happy do-able substitute. It is Food for Life’s, Ezekiel breads, any varity. They are: flourless breads that use only freshly sprouted certified organic live grains, contain No GMO’s, no refined sugars, nothing artificial – no preservatives or shortenings. I love them and more importantly I can enjoy bread once again, but I still DO NOT eat a half a loaf any more, lol:blushing:

    Wessecg – still sending prayers to you (( HUGS)) :heart:

    junekaatz – wow some scary stuff with the light, but the way you told the whole story was comical. :laugh:

    linder – so nice of you to share your recipe. If I ever get the time I’ll have to try them! :smokin:

    Poerava – lunch with the Colorado Ladies… way cool. I’ll wave at you when you fly over Western NY, I’ll be the gal standing in the middle of the plowed field! :happy:

    Barbie – Your dinner sounds delish and Love, Love, love Irish soda bread! BTW abstinence for some things and moderation for others… guess I can’t make up my mind LOL :laugh:

    Sasha – I can totally relate to the work place thing, same here this past week ! :wink:

    DeeDee - Last week I forgot my spinach and had to go back the next day as I eat spinach daily! Funny tho, I never seem to forget the things for everyone else !! I too have lost my post after I was half way through a lengthy one, solved that by typing it up in Word then when it’s done pasting it in. Works great when I have the time to write! :laugh:

    Jackie - sounds like a fun weekend! :bigsmile:

    LinCharpentie – same here, I seem to sabotage, my efforts on the week end and I also need to stop it ! :ohwell:

    nanasorchid - sounds like a lovely weekend indeed ! :smile:

    Renny – back on the fruit and veggie challenge today, and crossing my fingers, it’s hard for me to do it on the weekends. I do LOVE that Challenge tho. :drinker:

    To all the newbies … WELCOME ! :smile:

    To any peeps I missed … love ya my little MFPals ! :flowerforyou:

    My plan for tomorrow in place of Green Beer I'll have a Green Drink ! :drinker:

    Carol in cold and snowy Western NY
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    monet: There are a lot of great towns in Boulder County, and you’re absolutely right that Boulder is pricey. :grumble: DD lives in Longmont, which has some lovely older neighborhoods and pleasant parks. The only thing to do is spend time visiting all the little towns to see what suits you.:wink:

    Amanda: Good to see that you’re doing okay. I’m glad you took time to post.:flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa: Thanks for the clarification. I showed the kale chip recipe to DH and he’s eager to try it.:flowerforyou:

    Linda in N. Ontario: It took ages to be able to buy smaller clothes. I lost over 20 pounds before I could go one size down. :ohwell: Someone said that the 18s and up have a wider weight range than the smaller sizes. I started in 18s. Smaller clothes are a very satisfying NSV, to be sure.:bigsmile:

    Jackie: It sounds like you are having a great time and good success. Bug the photographer for a bunch of good pictures that you can show off.:bigsmile:

    I started all of this because of knee pain, and my knee is better all the time. I can now easily walk up a hillside trail at the end of the road that I had to avoid for over a year because of the pain it caused. :grumble: That is a huge NSV. :bigsmile: I’ve been paying attention to the comments about using frequent exercise to help boost metabolism, and am trying to add evening exercise to boost my metabolism enough to lose the weight a little faster. I can’t claim it as a habit yet, but I have seen the scale drop in the last couple of days and that is motivating. :bigsmile:

    All of the healthy things I do are fun, but some are limited by the weather this time of year. I have to admit that riding the recumbent in the garage lacks atmosphere, :laugh: :laugh: but I read or listen to audio books to help the time pass and I feel so good when I finish that it seems fun.:wink: I have been rotating three main things: yoga, walking, and riding the recumbent. My favorite exercise is horseback riding and I’ll get back to that in better weather.:love: Lessons and rentals are not cheap, so it is a treat for me when I get a chance to ride. You’d be amazed at how many calories it burns. So does grooming the horse and tacking up. Since I don’t own a horse, I don’t have to clean the stall, but you can find calories per hour for that, too. Those of you who are lucky enough to own horses should definitely count the work calories.:laugh: It is amazing what you can find online.

    Have a good weekend and enjoy Saint Patrick’s Day. We’re all honorary Irish on March 18th.:bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies. I still in recovering mode. I was in bed by 7:20 last night. I was just so tired. My ear is still a little achy. I finished writing the complaint yesterday and I am going to file it today. Then I am sure things are going to get intersting at work for a while.

    I just plan to take it easy this weekend and hopefully start back more this coming week. With my really low actvity levels I am not eating much and it seems to be a vicious cycle. low food, low energry no activity low food. :noway:

    Catch up with you all later

    Robin Bodi and Rit
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    it is Saturday and snowy in Michigan. We just have to laugh and always have the comment available to explain any weather at any time - "remember we do live in michigan". wouldn't trade the 4 seasons!

    I recently heard about a recipe for a dip but have not yet tried
    greek yogurt - plain
    your favorite seasoning
    hot sauce - a few dashes

    sounds like a nice dipper for lots of things - just another option to keep things interesting

    thanks for the welcome
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies. A busy weekend ahead with little to no exercise:angry: I am attending a Justice film festival so lots of sitting and mental processing.

    BJ - Well said "Thank your for the consistency, patience and for the power of your support" Back at you! 165 days of logging and 49 pounds lost is a great encouragement to your sisters on the journey! :flowerforyou: So keep it up, boost the movement as needed and keep on:happy:

    Janeh - your son can get to Mexico on two shirts?!? I was checking flight prices a few days ago to see if I could help my friends out who decided they can't afford to get to their time share this year......$800/ticket :noway: and I am pretty sure taxes are not in yet!!! no wonder, with four of them, that they are not going. I think our flight prices a couple of years ago were $200 plus tax:grumble:

    Kate - Oh my, what a story with your light fixture! It's a good thing you were there - it could have gone really badly!! My nephew's wife just posted on fb this morning that they had a chimney fire late in the night but thankfully he was up late doing paperwork and caught it, and they had fire extinguishers nearby! Glad you are all okay!!

    Lin - your kale chip reecipe sounds interesting. I have tried them but only with oil and seasoning , in the oven for 10-15 minutes....the lazy version, I guess:wink:

    Michelle - I loved your comment about the trainers and toilet bar people being in cahoots:laugh: made me giggle this morning!

    Brooke - I watched the food network at my daughter's (we don't have cable at home) while recovering from surgery - I was pretty sure I could feel the fat cells swelling as I watched food trucks and diners and dives!!:embarassed:

    Kaatla - I hear you on the weight and joints. The deterioration of my hip joints has been a huge motivator on this weight loss journey. I do NOT want to lose my mobility and I know that every pound makes the problem worse. Yes, I want to ok better and have clothes that fit better, but more importantly, I want to feel better and give my body a chance to be what it can be. I am so glad that you are noticing the improvement in your knees.

    Okay, work to do if I am going to take in some of these films today. Enjoy the weekend ladies - they are calling for mor againe snow here. Where oh where is spring? Oh ya, this unpredictable, variable weather IS spring!:bigsmile:

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    We had a really fun lunch yesterday with Laura, Rori and Brooke! And yes, we all “behaved ourselves” and didn’t touch Red Lobster’s biscuits. :wink: It’s really nice to put a real face to people you know on-line, and to get better acquainted. We’re going to try to do it every few months.

    Cheryl -- Yes, the Fitbit counted marching in place, maybe because I moved my arms at the same time? It didn’t count sitting and lifting my feet up and down. I’ll bet your place in Missouri is beautiful! As a child, I loved camping, creeks and lakes. We have a condo right on the beach in Playa del Carmen, which is why we can go so often and why our son is angry about having to pay for a hotel.

    Kate – I’m so glad that the house didn’t catch fire. You do indeed have a house full of guardian angels! :flowerforyou:

    Lin – I had the same problem with my Fitbit yesterday. It didn’t sync to the Fitbit site or MFP. I finally reinstalled the software, and now it’s syncing again. I thought it was just me, so I’m glad to hear that it was a problem on their end. Also glad to hear that they have great customer service! Thank you for the kale chip recipe.

    Rori – I really enjoyed meeting you! I’ve never been to a concert at Red Rocks, although I’ve lived here for 32 years now. I’ve been there many times during the day, but I guess I’ve been leery of where to park and how long the walk would be in the dark to get up there. Shame on me!

    Lila – Have fun shopping in Spokane! I’m hoping to get there sometime in the next month to visit my daughter, but haven’t booked the tickets yet. DSW + Macy’s + a friend = a great day. :bigsmile:

    Michele – They did tell me that part of my problem was sitting on the couch with my laptop. Now I do most of my computer time on the PC instead, sitting in a chair at my desk. I hope that the pillow helps!

    Jodios – Thank you for the asparagus recipe! I’ll try it tomorrow. My son has lost 15 lbs. since we told him he needed to pay for himself until he’s back in school (he was really thin to begin with, as he has never cared about eating). I notice that he has enough money to go out to clubs and travel, though, so maybe I shouldn’t feel quite so guilty. I’ll confess to putting money on his debit card for groceries. Good luck fattening up your son!

    Brooke – It was good to meet you. We’ll need to make this a regular habit!

    Laura – I enjoyed spending time with you, as always!

    Monet13 – Congratulations on the weight loss! Boulder is our more eclectic city. Fort Collins is nice and near a reservoir. The mountain towns are great, although a bit on the pricey side. Parker and Castle Rock are nice because they are close to Denver, but you can still get some acreage. What type of place do you want to live?

    DeeDee – I don’t quite remember, but didn’t they put those gremlins in a blender in the movie? :angry:

    Amanda -- Six days a week at work is tough!

    Jo – Sorry about all of the dust. Enjoy the rugby tournament! I’ve never seen rugby, but am fairly sure it involves a stick.

    Jackie – Have a great time tonight! I’m sure your picture will come out gorgeous, and it won’t be just the photographer.

    Katia – That’s wonderful that your knee is so much better that you can walk the hillside trail! And great job on upping your metabolism and seeing the scale move!

    Glenda – We can currently get non-stop tickets on AirTran for $480 from Denver, although they tend to jack it up during spring break. Anything under $600 is good, but have ended up paying more a few times in the past. Where are your friends coming from? My daughter just found $600 from Spokane. I don’t think my son is very realistic. He might be able to get $200 for the two shirts, but he’ll have to sell some of his other things (he has clothes coming out his ears), like some of his True Religion (super-expensive) jeans. He is the true fashionista in our family, and the relatives all spoil him with really nice things.

    Jane in Colorado
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am another one that hates the scales right now. I remember several years ago when I went on a diet that I got so far and then it jsut stopped. I know part of it is my lack of being regular in the bathroom. But I am up from 209.8 to 211.4. Makes me an unhappy Joyce. Maybe I need to get back on the Fiber con
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hey Jane,
    I tried to march in place and my Fitbit did not move at all! It does not count upper body movement either....whatever you were doing, it was great! I have only made it to 5000 steps on the day we did a laserquest game with the grandsons....I have come close, but would be just under...and too late or tired to do more....but I am determined to make it happen more each week, then up the goal.

    I wonder if the new arm band has sorted out these issues yet...I put my Fitbit on the side of my glasses while in a bathrobe, and no, no steps counted then either....

    So glad you all enjoyed meeting each other!

    cheers, BJ
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Delivered the food we made to that family.Felt so good to give to someone else.
    Went to a buffet,didn`t do too bad,then walked around a store for an hour.
    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    bump and hi to my friends. I have taught from 7-4:30 thursday and f riday and both days we then went out to celebrate adoption day. More tomorrow, Meg
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening my friends,
    been a busy day today for me but without exercise:grumble: worked from7:30 till 12:45, came home had to go with the DH over to the FIL we checked on him, then stopped at Sam'sClub for a few things.Then met our friend's that we cruise with for pizza, we always have a great time with them... and we have decided that we will stay with the cruise we have booked,my husband can get on his high horse sometime and over react and I think thats what went on , we will be fine, as they say in Jamaica~ No Worries Mon:laugh:
    Tomorrow is my DGD 5th birthday ,I so wish they lived closer so that we could do a birthday cake and have fun.. I am hoping that they still plan on coming out Easter week, but the place they were supposed to stay fell through so I dont know.
    I think I did ok calorie wise today. I am up a couple of lbs so I have to mix up my routine more..
    Have any of you tried weighted hula hoops? it looks fun and if done correctly you can burn 300 in 1/2 hr.will have to check into that:wink:
    Hoping everyone is enjoying there weekend . I am waiting for the sunshine and warm weather!!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    grandmalle we have always been a family that celebrates any occasion when we can. It's what's in the heart and not on the calendar that counts. I have a brother that was in the Navy they built the nuclear subs. I don't know why our government builds a sub on one side of the country only to have it based on the other side but that's what they did. We hadn't seen them in about 5 years and they were going to be traveling through Evansville in February. So we waited on Christmas until then. Our girls thought they had the coolest time. They were the only ones in school that had Christmas then.Of course they also had it in December but we did it all over again. We also do that for most of our birthdays.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hi everyone. Read most of the posts but I don't have a lot of time. Wanted to post an update on my BIL's nephew. He is still in a coma. Everyone got excited today because he actually lifted his arm. They still cannot do dialysis but are doing partial dialysis (whatever that means). They are now concerned because he has pneumonia accompanied by a high fever. So basically there is nothing very promising yet today. Please keep him in your prayers. His name is Jackson May.

  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Bump 12