

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :yawn: :yawn: I did a lot of dancing and walking today but no time left for writing…just popping in to say hello.

    Barbie from NW Washington
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening my friends,

    I have spent the past week in my hundred-year-old body, feeling like the wreck of the Hesperus while doing my best impression of Tim Conway’s ‘Little old man shuffling’ routine as I tried to navigate the icy sidewalks on the way to work. It didn’t help either that I had walked into a pile of marble tile barefoot in the dim light of construction downstairs and felt like I had broken the toes on my left foot. :sad: I don’t do things half-way, not me!

    We are in the throes of day-light thaw, night-time freeze and since all lawns (heaped in a couple feet of snow) slope down to the sidewalks, its naught but glare ice everywhere, great lakes of ice. No one is safe. I finally resorted to walking down the middle of the street where there were patches of bare pavement. In the daylight hours I am enough of an impediment to cause vehicles to slow but in the dark of night it’s like playing Russian roulette…. do I fall on the glare ice of the sidewalks or do I get hit by a car? I chose the street, better odds of survival! :huh:

    Today a snow storm has moved in to cover the ice, haha, but finally, I was able to see my chiro and OMG, call me Twisted Sister! He earned his days’ pay today! I believe this past week’s crappy feeling was first of all caused by major dehydration and second of all by holding myself so stiff while walking… and who knows, maybe I was doing something wild in my sleep as well? Here’s hoping things start going uphill from here and that I wake tomorrow in my real body ‘cuz I’ve been doing overtime for the sickies at work and I really need to feel better.:smile:

    Hope all is well with everyone!
    Here's to a better day tomorrow for everyone!

    Kate in snowy Alberta
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Hello all! It was a kind of lazy day here - just couldn't seem to get the energy going today - so no trip to the gym:frown: and tomorrow could be a full schedule....oh dear:embarassed:

    Michelle -Yes, I do some cooking - mostly as a volunteer or for friends. I have tried to cut mushrooms with an egg slicer too and was afraid it would break. There is something about the texture of the mushroom. I guess a food processor or one of those mandolins would work, but you can also buy them already sliced at no extra cost.

    Cheryl - :laugh: I thought when I responded to your post "It really is 26 lbs....I wonder if she will pick up on that?" And you didn't let me down:wink: Celebrate that twenty SIX pounds girl - every one of them!!
    Sending prayers for this young man as he clings to life - how sad - and praying for his family.

    Janeh - Wow! With all those doctor appointments you will do well to show up for the right one at the right time. Such a busy and hectic time for you. I sometimes find it demanding having one parent in town, and she is not at all demanding herself!

    Kathy - Thanks for the thoughts re my daughter. We too thank God for an outcome that could have been SO much worse.

    Renny - Ouch! It IS the revenge of the appliances at your house.:angry: How bizarre to have that all happen at once!

    Meg - Have a great adoption celebration. I have two adopted grandchildren (my oldest son's children) and so appreciate the gift that they are!:smile:

    It is bedtime here. Rest well, eat well and drink that water:drinker:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Bump to find my place tomorrow

    Joyce in SW Indiana
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I missed yesterday morning:sad: ! Too much to do and too little time:grumble: !

    Prayers to those in need!!

    Co. Ladies:smile: Have a fabulous time today, wish I was there and could join you!!! Michele and I are going to meet up one of these days:happy: !!!

    Foodie:smile: Have a wonderful vacation:happy: !!!

    Kate:smile: Be careful on that ice!!!

    Lila:smile: Your post gave me a giggle this morning:laugh: , memory...what is that...now where did I put my notes:laugh: !

    There are so many more replys I would like to make but I didn`t take notes and I don`t have much time:embarassed: :frown: !
    I think of you all though and always wishing the best for each and every one:flowerforyou: !

    I had training yesterday and I swear she was out to kill us, 45 minutes of pushups, planks, sit up, etc. etc....I left there and my arms and legs were both shaky:noway: . Went to the grocery store and of all things to forget I forgot lettuce...I usually have a salad everyday, I was too pooped to go back out and get it:cry: . So I had a sodium filled dinner and the scale rewarded me by being up 2 pounds:angry: , I `ve already had 3 glasses of water this morning and I`m still thirsty:drinker: !!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies, it`s Friday:bigsmile: !!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , it`s so important, and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly but clear NC..going to get up in the 60`s today:glasses: !
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    well went to the gym this morning and rode the stationary bike for a bit them stretched out the calf muscles,trying to take care of the heel..
    Well ladies think the DH will be cancelling our cruise plans, seems Carnival is just having to many problems and we dont want to be a casualty.. I was soo looking forward to it, there is a Royal Carribean one going out same day and it is about 250.00 more , so we will either do that or not go at all:grumble:
    Se' La Vie...
    hoping everyone's day is sparkly:drinker:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning to all and to all a great day. Mine will be just wonderful I have two great grandbabies here with me. So planning a great day of crafts and cookie making. Wii was good to me this morning. Down 1.8 from yesterday so that gain is already taken care of.
    I did fast read the rest of 9 and page 10. But no time to post to all this morning.

    So being that today is the only day we have let's make it a good one.

    See you all lighter.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Only lost .6 pounds. Oh well.

    Please eep praying for my BIL's nephew. He opened his eyes for 15 seconds. They have transported him a hospital in downtown Chicago.

    Update: Just got a message that his heart is functioning again almost at 100 percent. Prayers are being answered.
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    good morning everyone - looks like a lovely group! I would love to join you all - but am super tight on time as you all are likely too - and even though I am 50+ still with a middle schooler and highschooler that keep me running, part time working mum etc! Please fill me in on the challenge and I would love to check in from time to time. I joined early Feb and need to get going with the activity part as I have hip issues and will be meeting with orthopedic surgeon next week to see what options there may be. thanks!:heart::smile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome Bunny - and you're not alone with the midlife crises children. There are a couple of us on here. I'm 53 with an 11, 13 and 17 year old still at home!!!:noway:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning...Friday is here!

    I am looking forward to a good day. I have had a frustrating interaction with the nurse in my husband's urologist's office---it continues day two! I think he is doing better so that is a good thing but I am not happy. Until there is a big problem they don't want to hear from you and then a big problem will cost us a lot of money. My husband is like a little kid---just happy that he doesn't need to do anything now!!! uugghhh!!!! Well....I will get to the gym today!! It is so easy in taking care of other people, that I give up the stuff that is good for me...How many times do I need to relearn this lesson!!!

    Sue—I hope you don’t get that stomach flu.
    Mary…Good for you for not taking a cupcake!
    Jodios—What a great time ..to have your kids around! Isn’t yoga great!! I love the people in my classes and all the gifts yoga has given me!
    Brooke….I agree with the TOM rant. I am slowly stopping and I am 57!!!
    50ish Foodie….I am so sorry about your friend. So hard to understand why things happen to people.
    Katla…thank you for the good wishes and I will get to the gym today!

    Have a good day!!
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :drinker: TGI Friday all,

    jb- Congrats on you loss and that NSV of those size 8's:drinker: Yep I would be taking back the 12's and getting some 10's that fit.

    Cheryl- laughing one moment:laugh: and crying the next:cry: I too have stopped to look in the mirror and thought not bad then got closer to the mirror and said "keep the clothes on" then reading about your hubbys BIL nephew tugged my heart, will keep him in my prayers.

    Linda in NOntario- You have the right attitude only YOU can make the changes in fitness. Yes I hear you my chances of winning the lottery are just about nil...but I figure someone keeps winning why can't it be me?:huh:

    Eileen- I think it's your that lives in Egypt...your picture in your ticker is beautiful:flowerforyou:

    Jane- Yuck 200 on the car...which reminds me I have to get mine in the shop to have it looked at...hoping it's not an expensive job:ohwell:

    grandmallie-glad the dr has given you something to help with the foot/heel ...grinding the ice in until it hurts doesn't sound like that will be any fun...and do hope it works:flowerforyou:

    Beth- it just takes time to remember about drinking the water and making it a habit. I never used to drink water and now I make sure I have a full glass at every meal and a water bottle on the go when I'm doing any errands...you can do it:drinker:

    Jo- congrats on the dress...pictures?:flowerforyou:

    Katla-wow a private yoga lesson :wink: I'm sure you were learning a lot with no one else to interrupt.:flowerforyou:

    Sue-hoping you are feeling better soon, being dizzy is such an awful feeling and I get it several times a year as I have Meniere's Syndrome (inner ear being out of wack:grumble: ) I like the feeling AFTER I'm done doing the shred and if there is time before dinner I head to the hot tub and that's really makes it okay and last night was one of those. I'm still a bit acky but I keep telling myself I will be feeling better in just few more days:wink:

    jen- Happy Birthday to your Mom:flowerforyou: ahhhh The Lion King a couple of years ago Son #1 & DIL took us to see it in Las Vegas...was a wonderful show.

    Sally- hoping your hubby is better soon and that you are finally able to reach the Dr to get it all figured out:flowerforyou:

    Jodios- yes being short is a whole another challenge...clothes, shoes and eating and keeping it all in order. I have found that I have just adjusted all my eating to be smaller portions and when I can changing receipes to have lower calories ingredients when possible but I really haven't given up eating anything. I don't eat pasta and potatoes as often as I used to they have become my special treat meals when I do and of course bread is always a special treat as I really can pack it on when I have bread. There used to be a time when I would buy a loaf of french bread fresh from the oven at Albertsons and head home and slice it thick and slather it with butter and eat about 1/2 the loaf for dinner....can't remember the last time I did that...now I just don't buy the bread cause I'm not sure I could resist it:blushing:

    50ish- so sorry to hear about your co worker:flowerforyou: I would love to say a year from now I'd be wearing "ears"...my family can tell you I love everything Disney:blushing:

    Michele- you had me laughing about Vince and bacon:laugh: I would have never thought to be eating something to give medication something to work with:laugh: yep it still makes me smile:wink: I'll let you know about the spices.

    Kate- you be careful walking down the middle of the street....I'm sure spring should be just around the corner and your walking will become easier. Hoping that your Chiro was able to help with all those aches and pains and that the adjustment worked and you woke up a new woman:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee-yep I'm sure your instructor was trying to kill you too:laugh: those exercise instructors must take classes on how to get everyone to the shakey stage or they all went to the Jilliam Michales class of torture:wink: . Sorry you forget the lettuce that can be so frustrating when you get home and realize you have forgotten something very important.


    Welcome to all you newbies you will see this is a great place to get total life encouragement:flowerforyou:

    Rori, JaneH & Brooke- it doesn't matter how much time we have we will make the most of what we do have....I'm so looking forward to seeing all of you at lunch today:drinker:

    Did day 3 of the Shred and then did the hot tub and it really helped with the achy leg muscles. I keep telling myself no matter how much I hate doing it I do like the results and will continue to fight my way through cause I really do want to feel better physically. Summer and short sleeve tops are right around the corner and I want to be ready for it when it finally arrives:wink:

    The boss is gone and I will get out of my office on time. I do have a lot to get done so will talk with everyone later.

    Because of my busy self I've not log in at night and have forgotten to complete my food diary the past few nights....and remember that I forgot to do it once I'm in bed and the phone is downstairs:grumble: Once again I will try harder today.

    Let's keep drinking our water, logging our food and moving our bodies:drinker: We are the BEST 50+ women around.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kate in Alberta: Your ice plight sounds horrible. We seldom get much snow, and when we do it covers a layer of ice. We really don’t have much of a clue how to deal with it, but a friend gave us the shoe equivalent of tire chains to put over our boots. They’re called SnoShuz Shoe Chains. They do help control slipping. We still walk like we’re a thousand years old, though.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    grandmalle: I think your husband is smart to be wary of a cruise line that has too many problems. Keeping my fingers crossed that you can go on Royal Caribbean instead. I know you've been looking forward to this.:flowerforyou:

    Linda in Northern Ontario: Great grandbabies? You don’t seem old enough for that. I hope you enjoy your time with them.:flowerforyou:

    wessecg: Such good news. Praying for continued improvement.:flowerforyou:

    Sally CC: Hope things go well for your husband.:flowerforyou:

    Colorado Ladies Who Lunch: Enjoy your time together. What a lovely treat. I have to admit to more than a little envy.:tongue::bigsmile:

    I need some new tops to wear while working out, for yoga and for milder weather. Wouldn’t you know it, Macy’s is having a sale. :laugh: I’ll bet they aren’t the only ones, either. I’ve hated shopping for years due to negative experiences with my mom growing up and recent weight issues, but buying smaller clothes is definitely rewarding and creates a fun factor that was never there before.:wink: I thank MFP and all of you for the support, success, and attitude improvements that have come because of you.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~A little stiff from the cooking last night,feels good to help others.
    Have a great day!!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Ahh! The Ides of March day,,,,not so good for Caesar...but I am hoping it is all a great day for you! I have been unable to keep up with the posts, but will catch up on the weekend....

    Meanwhile I am unsure whether I am celebrating, or mourning the loss of my first 165 days on MFP...
    Yesterday was the 165 th day of logging on MFP....but my weight loss has stopped, and in truth, I was at this weight for quite a few years... yet I am determined to lose the remaining amount. I am looking at the next 200 days as key to my life and future.... The first thing to do is get moving....and I have a fit bit now which shows me just how little I move.

    I have been employing the new NEAT science that shows if you move every hour you burn more and longer than if you just take a walk once a day....but still, there needs to be a significant addition of movement...so that will be my first goal.

    The food can be great, and it can be just ok, and on a cycle out day, quite bad....what I find is that more than one out meal a day in one week really screws up the metabolism....so restrictions will be put back!

    As for the correct macros....I would love the advice of all you successful women losers...what worked for you? I would love the input for this plan. Thank you modelling persistence, patience and the power of your support!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    The Fitbit had me marching in place last night while I watched a movie, as I swore I had to hit at least 5000 steps (I know that isn’t much, but I’m quite lazy). :blushing: I’m going to work towards 10,000 steps, but this is only Day 3. I shopped for 3 hours yesterday, too, and still didn’t have enough steps. Normally on MFP, I would have cut the shopping time in half, then counted it as a slow, 2 mph walk. It seems that would have been overestimating the calories. While the Fitbit is making me walk, it’s also making me not want to do exercises that it won’t count. :sad: Going to have to get over that notion!

    Really looking forward to lunch today! I’m going to try to remember to put my camera in my purse, now that I know how to post photos. The challenge will be remembering to get the picture taken! :wink:

    My son has decided it’s necessary to go to Mexico for spring break (no, he isn’t in school) with his friend. We’ve refused to let him use our place, so he’s really mad about having to pay for a hotel. We were hoping it would force him to stay home and be responsible. :noway: How is he planning to pay for this? His plan is to sell some of his clothes on Ebay. He claims that a couple of Burberry shirts will cover the plane ticket. I’m going to be worried to no end while he’s gone. It also poses a problem with my trip, as I was counting on him to do a doctor run (cataract surgery follow-up).

    Cheryl – Those darn glasses!! :laugh: I use a magnifying make-up mirror which shows every line and wrinkle to perfection, unfortunately, even without my glasses. Prayers for relative’s son to pull through – how terrible that kids have to do these things. My stomach knots up just thinking about it. Let us know. I just saw your update on the heart function, and pray that the rest will come.

    Linda – You’re welcome any time! Glad to see you back and in control. Great quote from your son. Enjoy your grandkids today!

    Beth – You’re right. I think I heard “Opa!” too many times in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and the idea got imbedded in my mind. Great that you’re doing so much better with remembering your water! Could you set a string of paperclips in a conspicuous place on your desk and remove one for each cup you drink? I don’t know if that would help or not, but it’s a thought. :drinker:

    Jo – Good to see you back. I don’t know UK sizes, either, but I’m glad you found a dress you feel good in!

    Katia – Glad that your one-on-yoga helped!

    Jen – Happy Birthday to your mom! It sounds like you have several fun, celebratory things planned.

    Jodios – Roasted parmesan asparagus sounds marvelous! I have some asparagus in the refrigerator right now. Will you share the recipe?

    Jane Martin – How kind of you to do all that cooking!

    Brooke – I still have periods, too, so I can relate to what you’re going through. I’m now 54, and it does seem like it should have stopped by now. My grandmother had a pregnancy at 52, though (ended in miscarriage), so I guess I have late genes.

    Michele – I’m going to borrow Vince’s line about the cholesterol pills and the bacon. I only let myself have bacon a few times a year, but hubby gives me such a hard time over it (and salt, but that’s what the blood pressure pills are for, right??). Did your massage help?

    Jane in Colorado
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I am soooo envious of those of you who are meeting for lunch. I would love to meet ya'll. Let us know if everyone was good (talk about accountability - 4 MFP ladies at one table!)

    Thanks for all the prayers. I haven't heard anymore except that the fluid in the brain is keeping them from doing dialysis? I am guessing that means his kidneys still aren't working. It is so frustrating not be able to get information since everyone at the hospital is in no state of mine to text the entire world.

    Jane, your fitbit recorded your marching in place? Mine never does, nor does it record little short steps (my son's suggestion to me while I was trying to get my steps in). Also Jane, you have a place in Mexico???? Awesome. I have a place in Missouri (by place I mean a camper on 10 acres with a creek (that can be walked down to get the the lake). Not the same :sad:

    Sue - you don't look way older than me - define "way." I hope your vertigo is better. Last year when my room was spinning I thought it was one of the most frightening thinks to ever happen to me. What if it hadn't stopped?

    Jen - happy birthday to your Mom.

    Jodios - parmesan asparagus and peach bread pudding - Oh my does that sound good.

    50ish - been there. One of my longest posts to everyone was gone after submitting because the board was full.

    Michele - nice that you are comfortable in sleeveless shirts. I might have to do the 30 day shred to get ready for sleeveless again!

    OK. I am going to stop avoiding working now. I'm sure ya'll are tired of seeing me on my horse keep popping up on every page :wink:
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Finally had a chance to sit for a moment and catch up with all the great posts!:smile:

    Michele-I bet our DH's are related-was laughing over the bacon comment:laugh: Definitely something my DH would say, I can
    usually resist the ice cream but it's pretty tough to resist double stuff oreos :grumble: I conveniently have been forgetting
    to buy them for him or the price will just be too high :smile:

    Wessecg- Continued prayers are being sent your way!! And I love looking at your horse pics-they are such beautiful creatures!

    June-I hope you are feeling better today!

    I see a few new ladies joining us-a warm welcome to all :flowerforyou:

    Not much to report here, my DH has strep throat and supposedly there is a new strain of it going around. She works at a school and evidently quite a few children are out with this. Finally found a reputable and reasonably priced mechanic close by :happy: My DD's turn signals quit working and where we took it, after getting ridiculous estimates just to look at it, is charging less to fix it than if my DH would have gotten the part and fixed it himself. My DH wasn't sure what is was exactly and wasn't feeling up to doing trial and error with this problem. So we are grateful this wasn't an expensive fix (abt $55).

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Just another monrning in the castle (haha)

    :grumble: There was a loud ’CRACK!’ I yelled and kitty went hell bent for leather out of the kitchen. The light fixture over the table had blown. The investigation began with a ladder in the kitchen, a ladder in the hallway to the attic and the realization that the darn thing had been slowly simmering away waiting for the perfect opportunity to burst into flame. It was charred black and melted inside! AUGH! Thankfully we have a house full of guardian angels. :heart:

    I had been smelling smoke for a month, faint whiffs but I could never track down the source. Finally I gave up looking, thinking it must have been an outside source wafting in through the cracks.

    Call in our friendly electrician who works for meals. The breakers are off so he can work on the kitchen. The water is shut off so DH can work on the downstairs bathroom. Our vehicle is walled in by the electrician’s truck (besides I don’t want to go out, there’s half a foot of new snow out there) and half the house is obstructed by ladders. I’m staying in my room and invisible mending the hole in DH’s suit pants. ‘Snap’….. that was the last needle threader wire breaking….. I’m not finished. Hear me? I’m not finished!! …Sigh…:noway:

    What is left…. I think I’ll read a real, non-electrical, non- techno challenged plain old book. Sounds safe enough! :ohwell:

    Kate, walled up.... nope, someone is calling my name...... no rest for the wicked! :devil: