

  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello everyone - it seems to take longer and longer to catch up with the posts that I run out of time to write my own!! Hope everyone with Irish blood had a good St Patricks Day - that anyone from Wales is enjoying the 6 nations win!

    Today was a new start for me - I did week 1 day 1 of the C25K programme so that I can run in a Race for Life this summer. I ran with Charlie my doodle who did very well in keeping alongside me and I think she will be a great C25K buddy!

    Two more 30 mins at week 1 later this week and I can't wait! The first 60 secs of jogging seemed to last forever, the eighth went by so quickly! I can't believe the difference from the start of the half hour and the end of it! I have a friend at work who regularly runs 8 miles and I never understood her - until today!

    Have a great week everyone - will enjoy reading your posts even if I run out of time to write back during the working week. MA in UK
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    More snow today, a bit of a headache and thee hint of a sore throat:frown: ...not the best of days. But we will for sure celebrate the good that is in it!
    I spent many hours on my butt at a Justice film festival this weekend. Not so good for the body but it sure exercised the brain. So many causes that need to be championed; so many oppressed that need freedom. I commented when I got home after the second day that having a social conscience is exhausting - I was ready for bed!!

    JaneH - I was looking for tickets out of Calgary to Cancun. I know that Canadian flights are usually higher - and we have more airport taxes and surcharges. But it seems that just a couple of years ago, we were getting a base/before tax flight for a couple of hundred dollars and now, even with Air Trans, the base price is $800?:sad: So is your $600 ticket after taxes? These repeated snow events are making me miss Playa!!

    Cheryl - continued prayers for the young man in your family and for Strength and grace for the family too. Every little step ahead is progress, though they sometimes do seem to be accompanied by steps backwards from time to time as well.

    Bj - snow again here too! I am trying to be patient for spring like weather - I think we had ours in february!:blushing: I did go around the house and remove any winter decor and replace it with spring - I do what I can!:laugh:

    Debbie - welcome to you and your new hips! I had a replacement in June and it has made a world of difference. Mine had deteriorated very quickly so I wasn't in pain for a long time but mobility was sure being limited! You are absolutely right - now, I have to do my part to give this new hip a chance - healthy eating and active life style....and hopefully, a little less weight!:wink:

    I think I wil go and soothe this throat with some tea. go well ladies, stay well.

    Glenda, in still wintery Alberta
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi all. Hope everyone has had a great weekend so far. It has been wonderful having both kids home at the same time. :heart: Today is DD’s b-day and she wanted to go to Walker Bros for Apple Pancake (If you’ve ever had it you know how awesome it is). Her BF came with us. She said she had a glorious b-day celebration.:bigsmile: Then we took her to the airport.:sad: DS is out with friends and it is so quiet now. (I take that back, DH just yelled up the stairs asking about dinner). I feel a bit empty with DD gone. We only have one more full day with DS. At least our daughter will be back in 10 weeks for the summer. DS is working in a lab on campus over the summer so we won’t see as much of him.

    Even though we have been eating out A LOT the scale has been kind and I’m only 1 pound away from the threshold I vowed I would never go over (which obviously I did). I’m 4 lbs from my ultimate goal. I am so thankful for MFP and all of you I found here. I don’t think I could have succeeded without you all…so a great big thank you to all my VitF 50+ friends:flowerforyou:

    Great news on my Dad’s condo – we have an offer and earnest money. I can’t believe it sold on the first day. I really am having the luck of the Irish today. Happy St. Paddy’s day. :smile:

    I’ll respond to as many as you can until my hungry DH yells up the stairs again

    Michelle – yes, put the beer can holder in a roasting pan to catch all the drippings. Pre-MFP we would roast potatoes and carrots on the bottom, but no more. Bake at 350 degrees for 75 minutes for a 4 lb bird. Let sit 10 minutes and then remove from the can to carve. Enjoy!:happy:

    Renny – so glad you are having a great time with your grandchild. I’ll have to wait awhile for that wonderful experience.:wink: Hope the ankle is healing up well

    Phyllis – sounds like you had an amazing field trip and how I wish I could visit you in Egypt!:bigsmile:

    Jackie – I can’t wait to see your pictures. Hope your feet are feeling better.
    Okay just got to the pictures. Sizzling!!!!! How long are your legs??? You looked great:drinker:

    Linda and Grandmallie – you are making me hungry:grumble:

    Meg – scary and funny. Is your student okay now?

    Wizzywig – hope your headache has vanished and you are feeling better:sick:

    Lila – I’m going a bit crazy on the shopping recently as well, but I don’t think I can commit to no more this spring:laugh:

    Glenda – hope you are feeling better:sick:

    Welcome to all the newbies – you found a great group of ladies:drinker: :flowerforyou: :smile: :heart: Have a great rest of the day. Jodios
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Welcome Debbie in DC – congratulations on your new hips! So glad you’re pain free and getting active. You’ve joined up with wise, witty and inspiring women here:smile:

    Jackie – OohLaLa!!!!!!!! Sparkly fabulousness, and those legs lookin’ good girl:wink:

    Meg – how scary that must’ve been, I hope your student recovers quickly and fully. How was your ladder excursion:tongue:

    Wizzywig – Hope your headache is gone and the rest of your day is restful

    Sue in TX – Glad you got to go “mountain climbing”, impressed due to the heat

    Lila in BC – funny how the dogs can motivate us when we can’t motivate ourselves, and congrats on your weigh-in! Yay too for successful shopping and (yogurt) snacking :drinker:

    Barbie - “later I walked with a friend on the Olympic Discovery Trail where we saw robins, quail, and a bald eagle pick up a small rodent and fly away with it” This is exactly why I prefer exercising outdoors!!!!!!

    MA in UK – Race for Life! Awesome that you’re working this. Terrific cause and great workouts

    Jodios – Victories of many kinds for you to celebrate!!!!! Yay for fighting the good fight and steady losses

    Night all, off to cook and watch a bit of comedy with hubby,
    Brooke from Colorado
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Wow, lots of pages - welcome to all the new friends!

    I went shopping yesterday with one of my sisters-from-another-mother (SFAM) and bought 3 dresses at Von Maur. One for my nephew's upcoming wedding and 2 more. ( I did end up returning the flirty green dress...) The one for the wedding is a Calvin Klein sheath style - haven't been able to find a picture on the web to be able to show it, but it is a very neutral 2-tone ivory/latte patterned fabric that can be dressed up or down. Also scored a really cute pair of red peep-toe pumps to wear with it and my SFAM had this poncho sort of thing made from silk scarf type material. It is hard to describe, but you put it over your head like a poncho and it has a couple of ties so you can configure it different ways. Anyway, it has the 2 colors of the dress in in, plus some reds, bronze and a bit of gray in a floral design, so I am borrowing that to wear with it for the wedding. The other 2 dresses are patterned knit jersey types that I can wear to work/church, but aren't particularly dressy. All are sleeveless, so today I was at Kohl's in search of lightweight sweaters. They had a nice one with 3/4 sleeves, which I got in a couple of colors. I feel like all I've done lately is shop! It was also nice yesterday to visit Soma and get some non-grannie panties! Oh, and the PJs for the trip to the wedding. Cool nights...

    In honor of having new things to put in the closet I pulled out all the too-big things and added to the Goodwill pile in the entryway.

    DH brought a present home to me this week: Tupperware canisters and some bins to store fruit/veggies in the fridge that have little vents on them. Depending on what you are storing you open none, one or both vents. It tickled me to read the directions as they refer to different vegs/fruits as light/medium or HEAVY breathers. Made me chuckle and I told DH we needed some heavy breathers next grocery trip.

    We're doing crockpot corned beef and cabbage today. Just wish he'd get home from work 'cuz I am really hungry today. Haven't exercised today, but have been busy with things around the house.

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • Debbie0828
    Debbie0828 Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome ladies! My goodness, there are so many personal notes. How do you all keep up with everyone?!

    I did well on my eating today and finished right at my 1,200 calories. I will plan my day of eating in the a.m. and log it in so that I can help stay on track. Have a great night ladies!

    PS everyone seems to be doing great on their "Healthy Lifestyle Journey"!
  • MichelleMac58
    MichelleMac58 Posts: 77 Member
    So glad St. Paddy's Day is over....Irish Stew, Soda Bread, Guinness and off course lime cake with green butter cream icing to go with the Irish coffee!! Might have to start a cleanse in the a.m!! Oh well we all deserve a treat and tomorrow is another day. Night folks!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Renny - wishing that ankle of yours heals real fast.

    barbie - I love what you pick to eat. Keep posting it gives me some real good ideas

    Marcia in northern VA - welcome! My daughter lives in Reston. We have a few ladies on here from VA

    DeeDee - how is your weather? Ours is beautiful. In the 70's. It's funny, Jessica called a while ago (she's the one in VA) and said "it's snowing". We just told her to keep the snow.

    cooky56ny - for jb's cornmuffins I use cornmeal mainly because I have that in my pantry. Out of one recipe, I was able to make 24 mini muffins. I baked them for 15 minutes. I guess a lot would depend on your oven, too. Check on them after maybe 12 minutes and if they don't look real brown, give them another 3 or 4 minutes. Then you'll know for the next time how long to bake them.

    Linda - thanks, I felt much better today. You know what I was scared of? That it was a cramp and I was getting my period. Yuk if it was. But, fortunately, it wasn't. The Wii wasn't very nice to me, but I know that a lot of it was because I had that yogurt late at night and then some bread with cheese. Even tho I was under in calories, I still showed a SLIGHT gain on the Wii. Well, it's not my regular weekly weigh-in so I'm really not that concerned.

    Did make a key lime cheesecake for bunco Tuesday. It's in the oven right now. Afterwards, I put it in the refrig. I also made some of the white bean snickerdoodles, I'm going to ask the ladies to try them and then tell me what the secret ingredient is. I won't tell them until everyone at least tries them because if I say "there's white beans in it" I think some people will go "yuk". I also assembled the fish we're going to have Wednesday.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

    Say, is there anyone on this thread who is from Spain or France?

    Phyllis - that field trip sounds fantastic. Wish I could have been there, too.

    Brooke - I, too, feel funny exercising in front of dh. He usually has all sorts of comments. So what I do is I exercise early in the morning before he gets up.

    grandmalle - your recipe for the cake sounds fantastic. Unfortunately, I can't make it. See, Jessica is SEVERLY allergic to coconut, and I do mean severly. Oh well..... I do make the angel food cake and instead of the water I use a 20oz can of crushed pineapple. Tastes very good. Sometimes angel food cake can be so "bland" and the pineapple just gives it a bit of a kick.

    Debbie - welcome!

    Jackie - WOA!!! Please remind me -- why are you on this thread??? It sure doesn't look to me like you need to lose any weight. Are you primarily in maintenance? Have fun at the anniversary party!

    katla - I, too, was so mesmerized by Jackie's pic that I didn't even notice the room until she said something.

    Meg - that must have been so scary with your student! Glad he's getting good care now and in the hospital. But I just can't imagine going to work and seeing that.

    Did an hour of training games on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll do some pilates and then take the extremepump class. After that I'll come home and around noon we leave to meet Jessica in Lexington where we'll get her cats. See, she's going away next weekend and she asked if we'd take care of them. We'll probably be home tomorrow evening.

    Lila - that's just wonderful that you have so few clothes left that can be altered. You really are going far!

    JaneH - one good thing I just thought of when meeting MFP'ers, no one has a problem with you saying to the waiter "please don't bring the biscuits" So glad you had a good time, am eagerly awaiting photos.

    Glenda - hope you're feeling better fast

    jodios - you are doing fantastic with your weight. Congrats!n I just KNEW you'd get an offer for your dad's condo. How aawesome is that? When we sold our house 5 years ago, we were positive it would take a while, especially since the real estate market was in the toilet. Yet, we got an offer above what we were asking the first week it went on the market! So I know how thrilled you are. Thanks for the chicken idea. I had no idea you could make it in the oven. I think I'll try it, just not sure when I will, maybe next week.

    Gail - how thouthtful of your husband! Did you get a celery holder? That works quite well, I must say (except that for me it sometimes isn't worth it to have a celery holder)

    Heres' hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    To everyone that replied, Thank you!
    Michele in NC , Thank you for the recipe info:flowerforyou:
    I hope everyone had a nice weekend :bigsmile:
    This weekend sure did go way to fast.:ohwell:
    Good night:yawn:
    Bump 14
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Bump for tmorrow
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning - just got back from the dog walk - it's raining today so with the snow we had yesterday, it's quite slushy this morning. I'm wondering if we will ever get some dry spring weather here in York.:grumble: :grumble: The grass is a soggy mess so you can imagine the state we are in when we get back from walking Frankie.

    :flowerforyou: Headache has gone now thanks, I went to bed early for me and woke up feeling quite "perky" this morning. Think I need to make it a regular thing, especially as I am up early most mornings.

    :embarassed: Still haven't caught up with all the posts, so congrats to those who are losing, prayers to those who need them, and hugs to everyone.

    :flowerforyou: Advice please ladies - exercising on an empty stomach or not. In the long distant past (well it feels ages since I last exercised even if it was only a month ago ) I got up, had a quick cup of tea before going out with the doggies, I'd get home have another cup of tea then put my exercise DVD on and would have breakfast afterwards. Then I read something about you shouldn't exercise without eating something especially first thing on a morning, so I stopped exercising until after breakfast, but then found I didn't have time as I didn't want to start my DVD straight after eating. What do you think? Should I exercise first thing? Can't remember why it said it was bad to exercise on an empty stomach, something to do with not burning fat??
    I'd appreciate your thoughts please. How/what time do you exercise.

    Can't believe the time. I'd best get a move on - Note to self make pack ups the night before - save some time.

    The few posts that I have read have given me renewed determination, I can do this. Thanks for the support :heart: :heart:

    Time to get my butt into gear, that's my trouble (yes another one!) I don't move about as much as I should.

    Have a great Monday.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning Ladies, Off and running on this Brand new week! Virtual hand holding :flowerforyou: we can do this !!!
    Bump 15
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    Well we will be getting more snow later this afternoon:angry: I have really had enough.!!! was up and to the gym by 4:30 a.m. was only there an hr,I did 1/2 hr on the stationary bike and some of the machines.. Dont know what is going on with me, im just not up for it lately, hmmmm . I want to get some energy and really push myself ,but I dont feel up for it yet.I need to :wink:
    I am doing the food thing ok and tracking that well, I am just not getting pumped..:grumble:
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Got all caught up yesterday and here we are one day latter and no time to even read the posts. It's my day to work and I got up late so now get ready and out the door. Going to see that today is good. Hope you all have a great day.

    See you all lighter

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Happy Monday morning all. I finally had a few minutes to catch up on all the posts from the last few days. No time to reply ( I rarely do) but just want you all to know you ladies are all AWSOME.

    I have a few days off and am heading down the shore to stay with my DD, DSIL & DGS for a few days. Just finished packing up 3 bags of food I am taking with me. I pretty much portioned out what I am going to eat for the next 2.5 days while I am with them. They eat a lot of processed food. I am also desperately trying to get my DD on the right path to healthier eating. She swears it cost to much to eat healthy, but this journey is teaching me that that is not the case at all. I have a great fresh fruit & veggie market near me that I visit 2 or 3 times a week and hope to find one near her to try to give her some insight.

    While I am there my DD and I will head to the volunteer center and give them a day of our time. Don't know what we will be doing this time. It could be anything from manning a drop off center, cooking for other volunteers, making deliveries or helping to clean out a flood ravaged home. Whatever is it, I am just glad that there is something we can do to help.

    Well, I better get a move on, "see" you all soon.

    Jersey Girl, Jersey Strong.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you ladies who had some really nice things to say on my "formal event" dress and SHOES (those shoes are freaking awesome). I am 5'8 (approx) and they were six inch heels (at least), so I know I was at least 6' 2" and I towered above nearly everyone there. I guess I may have been subconsciously making a statement.

    Exermon: I think it was you who asked what I was doing on this thread.
    Someone else asked how long my legs are.

    What I need to say is that because of my structure, I can hide 20-30 pounds probably better than anyone else you "know." I've always looked lighter than I am. My BMI (and I do not put much stock in that--it's good in general, but not really accurate for folks with muscle mass) still puts me in the overweight category, and so does the scale. I am about 20 pounds from goal, but I did lower my goal weight. I am about 30 pounds from where I would love to be, but I'm not going to get "weird" about it.

    As someone with running distance goals, the lighter I can get, the better on my joints. That is my main goal.

    The other thing I almost feel preachy about is we can always be the best we can be, where we are right now--that living in the present thing. There are certain clothes that just look better on you than other clothes, and that dress was right-on for me. I do NOT look like that in my jeans, sweat pants, or most of my other dresses/skirts.

    So we seek out that which benefits us, shun that which does not, and then REALLY PLAY IT UP when we look good. Today it's back to the jeans and red Vans, but I'm feeling good and happy where I'm at now.

    I do love this thread, watching women who no longer fit the definition society tagged as "young," all striving to be the best they can, PLUS propping each other up. I can't tell you how much it's meant to me to have support here for this BSR. And as far as society and their definition of "young," I have never in my life felt this good--never--including my confidence.

    If I ever do get to maintenance, I'm staying right here.

    Thanks and have a butt-kickingly awesome week!

    edit: Wizzywig: I used to exercise (run) on an empty stomach--until I started with a personal trainer. I really, REALLY notice the difference when I eat something light before running and before hitting the gym. I can't tell you the difference it has made in my endurance. The only other thing I might add is to again eat something (protein) within an hour of having exercised.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon to you all
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow Jackie, you look great.

    I had a bad weekend because we went out drinking on Friday night, which left me not wanting to do much all day Saturday (just can't drink like I used to) and then we went to an Irish Pub yesterday. Took the entire family. I'll see if this picture of my son and I come out. Wasn't a good eating day, had fried cabbage egg rolls and sausage. My BIL's nephew had some progress yesterday. Opened his eyes for an extended period and seemed to respond to his cousin's voice over the phone. For those of you who didn't follow this he is 20 years old and OD'd on Xanax and alcohol 5 or 6 days ago. He's been in a coma and originally his heart was only functioning at 20% and his kidneys at 25%. His heart is at 100% now and his kidneys have not yet improved. He has fluid on his brain and yesterday he had pneumonia but I haven't had an update on that. Continued prayers please.
