
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday moring all,

    My daughter came over with her kids yesterday for the last visit before her big move. She gave her work her letter of resignation today. She is excited and scared at the same time. Change is difficult, even when it's a good thing. We had a wonderful visit. I made crock pot chicken cacciatore (on St. Paddy's day, nonetheless!), and got it all over my one and only kelly green shirt. I put it in the wash right away, but couldn't get the stains out, so I'm on the hunt for a new kelly green top for next St. Paddy's day!

    I made kale chips and stored the leftovers in a plasic bag. They got all wilty pretty fast and I had to throw the rest away. If anyone knows a better way to store them, please share. Thanks!

    :brokenheart: Jodios - Enjoy that houseful of people while you can. My kids have now all flown the nest, but I still enjoy those crazy visits!

    :laugh: Phyllis - The most steps I get in (on a good day) are about 9000, but then again, I sit on my butt 5 days a week in an office!

    :flowerforyou: monet13 - That's a tremendous weight loss. Congrats to you!

    :mad: DeeDee - Glad to know that I'm not the only one that has computer gremlins.

    :drinker: Jackie - All that running is sure paying off. Those gams are looking awesome!

    :smile: Katla - I always find good advice on this site. I'm going to try your suggestion about adding some exercise at night for a little boost, even if I only do it a couple of nights a week.

    :wink: Robin - Give your body a chance to recover. You'll catch up later.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl - Time is the best healer. I am keeping your nephew in my prayers.

    :sad: Renny - OUCH! - Take care of that ankle. It needs time to heal.

    :love: Michele - I LOVE Panera, but I've only been there for lunch.

    :flowerforyou: Marcia & Debbie - Welcome and keep coming back.

    :noway: Meg - I am horrible in emergencies and tend to panic. I'm glad you were able to call 911 and get help.

    :heart: Alison - Children are very resilliant. You'd be surprised at how well they can do under difficult circumstances.

    :happy: Gail - Please post pics of yourself in that dress at the wedding. I'm sure you'll look fabulous!

    :ohwell: wizzywig - I think everyone is different, so you have to find out what's right for you. If I eat before I exercise, it makes me nauseous. I ususally don't feel like eating afterward until my system calms down a bit. As long as I'm hydrated, I feel fine.

    I haven't been on this thread since last week, and it took me awhile to catch up! Lots of activities going on here. I love reading the posts. I get so much encouragement and good suggestions. Thanks to all for the Vitamin F and have a great day.

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early afternoon beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    It`s a Monday for sure:grumble: ! Lots of computer problems this morning:angry: and not a lot of time:sad: ! Also training day and because of the computer %^%$ I was late, only 4 minutes late, but still. And...it was raining this morning and cold and I didn`t want to go...but I did and I`m glad, worked out a bit of the tension the computer caused me. However it continues now:explode: !

    Cheryl:smile: Love the pic of you and your son!!! Prayers for Jackson continued!

    Lucy:smile: Computer gremlins:devil: are almost as bad as scale gremlins:devil: :devil: , getting in there and making the scale go up when there is no reason for it! I swear I must have a few sitting on me when I weigh sometimes:laugh: .

    Viv:smile: I can`t eat before exercise, it makes me sick:sick: ! I have to wait a bit afterwards to eat too. Like Lucy said just make sure you`re well hydrated!!! Try both ways and see what works for you, good luck!

    Well, I must run now...will try to be back later in the day, don`t anyone hold their breathe though:tongue::laugh: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Just caught up on the posts from the weekend:smile: Sounds like a lot of you had a fun St. Patrick's Day!

    Jackie-You look fantastic in that dress!

    Wessecg- I'm glad your BIL's nephew is showing improvements and I'll definitely still keep him in my prayers! What a nice pic of you
    and your son!:smile:

    My DD's car repairs weren't quite as inexpensive as expected but only because they had to take part of the lower dash apart
    to get to the relay switch, It still wasn't too bad but it would have been nice to have been called with a new estimate before picking it up and finding out then that it was $80 more.:grumble: Oh well, at least her Jeep is all better for now. I was excited yesterday because after having a slow start to the day (think I'm trying to fight off a sinus infection), I had a burst of energy and even danced to the radio with my little Yorkie for a 15 lb. weight.:laugh: As I mentioned on my profile page, no this will be posted on youtube! Then DH and I went to Menards and grocery shopping and I was walking at quite a good clip. After all this when I was getting out of the car, my knee was so painful I could barely put any weight on it and it wasn't even my bad knee.:frown: I elevated and iced it most of the night but between that and hip pain didn't sleep well. It's snowy and yucky here today so my boss didn't care about me not coming to work today since it's slow. I'm still determined to stick to healthy eating but feel like every time I take 2 steps forward activitywise that I'm taking 3 steps backwards. Still get discouraged that after losing 42 lbs., my knees still give me so much trouble. But I know my DH is right that this doesn't erase the fact that both knees are bone on bone and eventually may have to consider replacement. Right now though, I'm trying a month of prescription meds (not for pain but for inflammation), refuse to go back on painkillers and then will see if I need a cortisone shot. Not thrilled with those either. Done whining, thanks for listening-going to do some chair exercise!

    Hugs and:heart: to all,

  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    What's up my home girls :laugh: !! I went to the gym yesterday and thought I would try out the Jacob's ladder again:huh: . Last time I got on it was a year ago and I was only able to stay on for 15 seconds:embarassed: . I stayed on for a whole minute yesterday:bigsmile: . I know not very long for most people, but I thought it was a victory for me:drinker: . I am going to try to do work on it everyday and build up my time. My goal is to compete in the Jacob's ladder competition we have on campus in the fall. I want to show them all what a 51 year old chick can do:tongue::laugh: . Hope everyone has a great Monday. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Love ya all lots!!

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Morning all! It is snowing sleeting here. Did Mother Nature forget spring is just around the corner. I want to exercise outside and feel warm:grumble: :grumble:

    Today is our last full day with DS. He wants to got out to sushi for dinner. I love my kids, but I can't wait to get back to more controlled eating (I plan and make it so I know the calories and other nutritionals).

    Exermom - I also workout first thing in the morning and if I eat before I get a nasty stomach ache, so I exercise on an empty stomach during the week. I know that on the weekends if I have more time, that a light snack (e.g. cup of yogurt, 1/2 piece of fruit, etc) gives me more energy but I need an hour after eating before I can workout. In yoga we are taught that you can have a snack 2 hours or a full meal 4 hours before practicing. With all the twisting and forward folds you really don't want a full stomach.:wink:

    Cheryl - can totally relate to a challenging weekend. The scale was up a little for me today, but we are back at it and that's what matters. Still praying for your BIL nephew.

    Jackie - Those shoes were killer. Congrats for always striving for a better version of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    I have to get back to work. Everyone have a great day:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Jodios
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi PALS:
    :wink: Just made an awesome Curry Carrot Cauliflower soup for dinner. If any one wants the recipe let me know!

    :happy: never eat before I exercise in the morning. I don't have time. But after I finish I always eat, usually some yogurt and fruit and some dry granola sprinkled on top. I don't feel like exercising after I eat, plus I don't have time because I am already at school and wouldn't have time to shower. I can run and swim better on an empty stomach. I suppose if I had like an hour after eating that I could stand to exercise but my life doesn't give me that option right now so I just do what I do. Exercise/ Eat/ WORK/ Eat and SLEEP.

    :ohwell: Went to the doc this afternoon cause I have been having pain in my abdomen when I do sit ups and push ups. Found out I have a small cyst on my ovary but she didn't think that was what caused the pain. Probalby just a pulled muscle. she told me might as well take those ovaries OUT since they don't really have a function any more. Plus the cyst. Said that I have over active ovaries for my age!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: What is that supposed to mean? I laughed! anyway also need to get a mammogram and check to make sure no cysts are forming in my breasts. JOY!!! :bigsmile: Don't you just LOVE mammograms! NOT!

    O.K. BYE from Cairo. I am going to chill out tonight for a few hours and then hit the bed. it's 7:00 PM now. Phyllis
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    For those who have a Kindle: Amazon.com has “The DaVinci Code” free for Kindle today, for some reason. I just got it! The URL is: http://www.amazon.com/The-Da-Vinci-Code-ebook/dp/B000FA675C/?t=slicinc-20&tag=slicinc-20&ascsubtag=K5yLQo_sEeKbs9ZjVhxZEg0_c.LU3_CLM_0_0

    I don’t know if MFP will let me post things like that or not, but I thought that I’d try. My "overnight-for-no-discernable-reason" 4 lbs. are finally gone!

    Phyllis – What an amazing field trip! It sounds like your kids had a great day playing and learning at the same time.

    BJ – Glad the marching steps are counting now! I also walk around the house some, or walk my driveway. The marching-in-place is just for when I’m watching a movie. I figured I might as well be moving instead of just sitting there! :drinker:

    Jackie – Woo-hoo! Looking good!! Thanks for posting the anniversary photo. I do love bling. :bigsmile:

    Jodios – I made the roasted asparagus recipe last night. I think I may have overdone the salt, but it was yummy and I’ll definitely do it again! I used Pam instead of olive oil to lighten up the calories a bit. I’m glad you got to spend some time with both of your kids at the same time – that’s special! And congrats on getting your father’s place sold so quickly.

    Meg – How scary to walk in and find your student like that. I’m so glad that he seems to be okay! I can’t use one of those phones, either. :blushing:

    Lila – Congrats on your weight loss! Your shopping trip sounds like my kind of day. No sticks in rugby?? I wonder what I’m thinking of… I’m picturing a goalie with a netted stick. I guess you can tell that I’ve never been a sports enthusiast.

    Glenda – Yes, the tickets included all of the taxes. What a bummer that the tickets are so high out of Canada.

    Cheryl – I love the St. Patrick’s picture with your son. You are so photogenic!

    Jane in Colorado
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    wizzywig: I eat a light breakfast before exercising, but not always before walking the dog. I wouldn't want to eat right before a hard workout. :noway:

    LuAnn: I haven’t noticed any increase in our food budget caused by dieting, either. If anything, it is lower because we're eating less. Maybe your daughter thinks she has to join one of those programs that sends you the food. That IS expensive. :grumble: Good luck on teaching her that she can do fine on her regular budget. My daughter noticed that we’ve lost weight when she was here but didn’t seem to even notice our healthy habits. :grumble: I was amazed at what she ate. I’m sure it was intended to keep her energy levels up. She’s a young, working mom and that can be a challenge. She didn’t ask our advice and we didn’t offer. If she ever does ask, I’ll get her connected to MFP right away.:bigsmile:

    Jackie in Cherry Hill: Amen! Your words are filled with wisdom. BTW, you look fabulous.:flowerforyou:

    wessecg: Speaking of looking fabulous—you rock. Thanks for sharing your picture. It is great to hear that your BIL’s nephew is improving. He remains in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy: I am so sorry to hear about your knees and hips. It seems like you’re doing everything you can to treat them well and improve things. The idea of surgery is terrifying, but it might be the solution. My Auntie had a hip replaced when in her mid-eighties and while being treated for liver cancer. She recovered well and went back to her beloved golf. Her last game was on her 90th birthday and she groused about riding in a golf cart. We lost her to the liver cancer about 6 or 7 months later.:heart::brokenheart: :heart:

    Jolene: What is a “Jacob’s Ladder?”:huh:

    Jodios: CO has been in a terrible drought situation. Maybe the snow will help reduce fire danger if it doesn’t cause too much plant growth. Keeping my fingers crossed for less fire this season.:flowerforyou:

    DH got up early this morning and then went back to bed after I got up. He’s not feeling well, and hasn’t gone back to bed like this in a long while. I hope the sleep refreshes him.:flowerforyou:

    I saw a raccoon disappear under my neighbor’s deck this morning. I am not pleased about it. :mad: :angry: Raccoons are dangerous, and have damaged a neighbor’s house by crawling under it to den. :frown: The urine and poo caused horrible smells to seep into their home, and cost thousands to repair. :frown: :frown: We have a neighborhood cat feeder whose cat food has drawn raccoons in the past, and it was her next-door neighbor whose home was damaged. :angry: I hope she (feeder) isn’t back to her old tricks of leaving food out where it draws them.:noway:

    Hmmm. My comments seem rather whiney. Sorry about that.:blushing:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi thanks for the advice about eating and exercising. I think I'll carry on as I used to, it worked for me. I usually work out before breakfast, but if I'm feeling extra tired I'll have something light, then have breakfast afterwards. I think the main thing is to get back to it! I haven't got on the scales for a few days, I'm sure I've put on weight, I feel fat and frumpy.

    :heart: Sending prayers to your nephew Cheryl.

    It's been a very wet day her in York, the river is quite high so I expect there will be flooding in some areas in the next few days. This is the wetest I've known it for years.

    I need to get moving I've sat long enough.

    Thanks for all the good advice.

    Viv UK
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member

    Katla, this is a Jacob's ladder.:glasses: :happy:
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Wow, I've been on vacation and out of touch since the 9th. In that time, you ladies maxed out the old thread and added 15 new pages to this one! I am going to try to skim through those pages tonight but wanted to check in and pat myself on the back (just a little).

    I've spent the last 9 days with my DD and members of my family in Texas and managed to gain less than half a pound. That may not seem like a great accompishment but trips to Texas mean things like Whataburger and lots of Mexican food, at least for me. This time, I tried to make mostly good choices, drank lots of water and focused on portion control when I was eating those things that I crave so badly when I am back in Ohio. Now I'm back on the straight and narrow but am generally pleased with how well things went.

    Ok, back-patting offiically over. I hope that you all had a great week and weekend and look forward to catching up on all your news tonight!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Katla, this is a Jacob's ladder.:glasses: :happy:

    Thanks for the picture. Jacob's Ladder looks scarey to me. How do you use it?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    We have a Jacobs Ladder at our gym, with my heel the way it is I dont know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to try, but it looks scary lol.Hope everyones day went well, mine was ok but this darn heel is giving me alot of problems.. I have iced it, rolled a ball under it, and am hoping that Pain Free Book comes soon, I ordered it awhile ago and they are pokey about getting it here.. hopefully tomorrow. we are supposed to get snow and freezing rain starting tonighr, Oh Joy.. cant wait..:grumble:
    I think this weather is putting a damper on my mood.. im hoping all the wramth and sunshone come to Connecticut soon..:happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: Viv, I walk my dogs for about 40 minutes before eating or drinking anything then have my breakfast and walk them for two hours………however, later in the day, I wait about an hour after eating before doing my weight training…….if you don’t feel faint or weak exercising before you have breakfast, then continue, and if you do feel weak or dizzy or something, eat something small……your body will tell you.

    :bigsmile: LuAnn, congrats to you for bringing your own food…….that’s one of the things I’ve done to help me lose weight and keep it off.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I have continued my connection with this thread for a long time since I got to my goal weight……weight loss is not a destination so that once you get there you can relax…you have to fight for it every day and being part of this thread keeps me focused on what is important.

    :bigsmile: Janehadji, walking in place while watching TV or a movie is a great way to stay active and add steps to your step counter…..i have to get far away from the TV or it bothers Jake.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: After too many days I finally got back to my weight training today…I always feel so good afterward but getting started seems to be a challenge……lately I’ve been opting to ride the recumbent bike and watch figure skating on TV…or just as I think I’ll get started with the weights, the dogs come begging for another walk.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Janeh - goalie with a netted stick..lacrosse, maybe? And yes, the airfares here are sometimes rather discouraging!:frown:

    Someone once told me that exercising on an empty stomach is like running a car on an empty tank. I do agree that a large meal before a workout is not very advisable, but I do try to have a bite before a morning workout - it has been a lot of hours since the last food intake! and of course, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate:drinker:

    And that Jacob's ladder contraption looks like an accident waiting to happen in my world!:noway: What does it do? - guessing it involves some coordination, which is in short supply here....

    I was off to the pool this morning and then picked up the two grands (momma had a migraine) They both have birthdays this month - 4 and 6 years - and I had heardof a food bank program that provides birthday bundles - cake mix, icing, balloons, candles etc- to needy famlilies. So for a birthday activity, we shopped and packed two bags and delivered them to the food bank. A treat at Tim's and a visit to great grandma rounded out the afternoon - and here it is time to get supper on!! This grandma needs a rest:tongue:

    Have a good evening ladies.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So I got the complaint filed with Ethics and now I wait and see if anything happens. DH had a fever last night so we are both stil just taking it easy. The good news is that I am not gaining so that is okay.

    I hope you are al well.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter.
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Hi there everybody !
    Just a quick note tonight. I wish I had time to post to everyone individually, but by the time log my diary and catch up with the posts, I run out of time to write. Oh and I try to post on the main board too. Anyways…

    Debbie0828 I’m so happy that you are pain free! Welcome to the group! You will love it!

    Jackie You Look Marvelous!!! LOVE the dress and shoes!

    Meg I bet that was a scary sight for you. You are his angel and I pray he is doing well.
    In answer to your question, yes we are still getting the white stuff! We are supposed to get snow all this week along with cold temps, which will not get out of the 30’s. The Canadian Geese have been flying over for the past few weeks so that is a sure sign of spring. I believe them more then that lil’ rodent Punxsutawney Phil…heehee!

    Glenda I hope you are feeling better today.

    Wizzywig I base it on how I feel, but I keep it light or I do not eat anything. Everyone is different; I do drink water to stay hydrated. I try to fit the exercise in whenever I can. On Work days it seems to fit in better in the evenings after dinner, and on days off I prefer mornings.

    Grandmallie same here with the snow and cold, but chin up it’s almost over and you will get pumped again!

    LuAnn wow, love the way you have it all together! You are setting a wonderful example for the DD!

    Jackie I love your post about us all striving to be the best we can. How true!

    Jane (( HUGS)) back at ya !

    Wessecg Love this picture of you and your handsome son ! I’m so happy to hear the progress on Jackson. Continued prayers for all of you !

    Kathy I also have knee troubles, feeling’ your pain

    Jolene I’m rooting for you!

    Phyllis Mammo’s are the pits, but worth the pinch! Good luck with everything else

    Barbie Can’t Thank you enough for starting this group and your constant support to all! You are a blessing!

    Glenda How thoughtful of you! I have not heard of that at the food banks, I will have to check out my area for one!

    Have to go complete the ol diary, Leaving you with this one last thought…

    “My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the heck she is.”
    ― Ellen DeGeneres
    Bump 16
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Doesn't the Jacob's ladder just keep going, kind of on a belt -- so you n-e-v-e-r run out of ladder rungs to climb? I've seen it on The Biggest Loser show.

    Severe weather here in GA today -- crazy rain, hail, storms, etc. When I came out of the gym tho' it was clearing up a bit, so that is good.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Glenda that is so thoughtful to take your GK to assist in that. They may remember that forever and keep on giving.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Well today was a total waste at work.:explode: I did 3 hours of on line training and 2 hours of classroom training for an update to the computer charting at our main hospital that I will use a total of 5 days in October! It was just such a waste of time. I got nothing else done. We did have the celebration for the outgoing accelerated students, so that was nice and I avoided the cake. I was amazed at how high calorie my lunch was today…I thought I was doing pretty well. OK so over by 75 calories, I can get rid of that later this week, but still!!!!!

    We are starting a new fitness competition at work. You get points: 1 point for each serving of fruit or veg, 1 point for each 15 minutes of activity, 1 point for 30 minutes of a spiritual activity or volunteering (we are big on mind-spirit-body). Today I got 7 points. When you get to 100, you get a prize. There will be some big prize at the end.:smile:

    My student was in class today and was feeling much better. He went home on Sunday.:smile:

    Viv: hope your headache is better soon. I am not sure about your question re exercising on an empty stomach. I get hypoglycemic, so I don’t, but I don’t exercise right after eating either

    Lila: I like your idea of two weigh ins a week for weekend accountability. That’s where I lose it too! Good news on the weight loss!

    Barbie: your trail sounds lovely. I saw my first bald eagles a couple of weeks ago when we went to the wildlife preserve for family day.

    MA: what is the 6 nation win?

    Glenda: hope you are feeling better soon. Sore throat, headache, be gone!:flowerforyou:

    Jodios: great news about the condo!

    Brooke: I didn’t get to try the ladder after all because the garage floor, which had been painted, was still wet. But I’m looking forward to it! They are out there now, starting on the shelves.

    Gail: shopping and new clothes! Out with the old! Out with the too-big! Your clothes sound beautiful

    Debbie: my trick for keeping up is to open both myfitnesspal and word and respond after I read each (or nearly each) post.

    Michele: when you are an ER nurse, you never know what you are going to see when you get to work LOL

    Grandmallie: you were at the gym at 4;30??? Wow that is dedication!

    Luann; have a great trip and visit. Good for you to pack your own food….now that is some dedication!

    Jackie: woo hoo! I love what you said…play it up

    Carol: great picture! So glad your BIL’s nephew seems to be making some progress. More prayers are on the way.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: sounds like we both had a bad computer day today!

    Kathy: so sorry your knees are so bothersome. Both of mine are bone on bone too, but amazingly I have no pain and didn’t even know it until I had a knee injury at work and got knee films. The guy walks in and says “You’ll be buying some new knees soon.” I had no idea what he was talking about! That was nearly 2 years ago!

    Jolene: I have no idea what the Jacob’s ladder is, but it sounds scary! :noway: Good for you..you quadrupled your time! YIKES I just saw the picture and it IS scary! What do you do with it? Later: now I see Katla’s comment that it looks scary too, so I guess it’s the official opinion!:laugh:

    Phyllis: ooooooh I ‘d love that soup recipe!

    Jane: dang about the daVinci code ! My SIL is giving me her kindle when she comes in April!

    Katla: best wishes for hubby to feel better soon! A pox upon your raccoons and the feeder lady! I love wildlife, but not under my house!

    Ohiomom: a pat on the back from me to you too! Great job!

    Robin: hope your complaint gets resolved to your satisfaction and that hubby feels better soon!

    Cookie: we saw tons of Canadian and snow geese at the wildlife sanctuary..how beautiful!

    Well fabulous friends, I need to take a shower. I got on the site at 7 and now it’s nearly 8:30 and I have gotten no work done at all! *heavy sigh…oh well I needed my daily dose of vitamin F! Take care all, Meg:drinker: