neekz0r Member


  • Welcome aboard! :)
  • Good lord. I can picture it now: the evil grain infiltrating your intestines stealing from the poor, helpless meats and vegetables all their nutrients.
  • Ouch... Evening: Cottage cheese (200g) mixed with Almonds (1 serving) and blue berries (100g). Should be around 400C. You can adjust the grams as needed to fit in with your macro goals.
  • Mix and match, on day one you do turbo fire, day two you do wii, day three you run, so on and so forth.
  • Kickboxing: If it's one of those ridiculous turbo kickboxing classes or whatever, you should probably just do an actual martial art or a muay thai class. I hate that they call it "kickboxing", they should just call it 'aerobics' class. Kettle Bells: They are just a different shaped dumb bell. You can do some exercises with…
  • Both? If you have more calories then your body needs, your body will gain weight. If you eat crap, but at about what your body needs, you won't gain weight but you'll be more or less malnourished. You really need to look at and focus on both. Also, grains aren't all that great. "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." I've…
  • She hid it from the ref and even from her corners. Sneaksy girl.
  • BJJ -- the gift that keeps on giving.
    in BJJ Comment by neekz0r March 2012
  • MMA girls are tough as nails. One of my athletes had her second MMA fight. She had her arm broken in the first round. She continued the fight til the third -- went all the way. She lost by judges decision -- and it wasn't unanimous. She literally fought with a broken arm for two and a half rounds and still won some rounds.…
  • Yep. From about six months ago.
  • This is not "boys will be boys" and you do my gender a disservice in even suggesting it's so. That being said, landlord first, confrontation with pepper spray back up second.
  • I cast.. Magic Missile! .. oh. Not that kind of role playing. :( Carry on.
  • Huh. Well, here would be what I'd tell your instructor: 1) What is that supposed to even mean? Boxers don't wear gloves to protect them against getting knocked out, they wear gloves to protect their knuckles and wrist from getting broken due to the power of their punches. 2) It is a sport, no doubt there. However, early…
  • Amateur MMA events are quirky beasts. It's not unheard for some of the more .. unscrupulous ones to grab people off the street and ask them if they want to fight. They usually do this to fill up the fight card, because most amateur fighters cancel out a few days prior. It's also very common to see guys who think they are…
  • Not for me, but it's called "the freegan diet". It's popular up here in Portland.
  • First of all, you aren't weak willed. A weak-willed person would of quit by now and simply shrugged their shoulders and said "it's my destiny to be this way". Secondly, you are battling millions of years of evolutionary inclination. Thirdly, you are battling American culture. "Why yes, I will supersize it!" "Wow, what a…
  • This video ALWAYS motivates me:
  • Mine is fairly simple; not wanting to get strangled or have my arm hyper-extended. Pretty good motivation.
  • I don't mean to pick on you, but that's like saying "If I wanted to do brain surgery, I'd just ask a nurse at a hospital to demonstrate it for me" I mean, if your only goal is to run around, then yes, you don't have to have a personal trainer. A decent personal trainer will show you how to do proper form so you don't…
  • Well, as a precaution, I'd say 5 sessions is too little to learn proper form -- think a year or so. That being said, if a personal trainer doesn't talk about: What your goals are What your nutrition is like You should probably next him/her. Also, ask him or her if he uses BMI as a method for gauging success. If the answer…
  • boxer-briefs!
  • What's your goal? Investing in a personal trainer to get your momentum going and to make sure you are doing proper form is a good idea. After that, you may feel you don't need one.
  • Try eating at maintenance for a week or two, then drop back down to 1275 a day.
  • This, with the caveat that you NEED a personal trainer to observe your form to make sure you've "got it". If you do these exercises with improper form, you have a high chance of injuring yourself.
  • I deliberately avoided mentioning EC. There's a valid reason why it was banned.
  • There is more to body weight than just fat. There is bone mass, which is fairly difficult to increase or decrease, there is organ weight, again fairly difficult to increase or decrease, water weight, which is very easy to increase and decrease, and muscle weight which is easy to decrease and hard to increase. Just because…
  • Heh. I wouldn't ask anyone floating around the gym. After a while and once you get educated, you'll notice that most of them half crappy form with no idea what they are doing. No replacement for a knowledgeable personal trainer. I also disagree that reading a book will help you. There's a HUGE difference between knowing…
  • Most legal fat burners are wastes of money.
  • No. Not really. There's a saying you should take to heart: "Abs are made in the kitchen." The only real way to get abs is to get lean enough that they show through the layer of fat. Also, sit ups are probably the worlds worst exercise for exercising the abs. First, make sure your nutrition and calorie intake is in order.…