Cobb_66 Member


  • I drink tea!! This sounds silly but it actually works wonders for me. I feel like after I hit 8 o'clock something inside me just switches on an intense sweet tooth. I started drinking loose leaf tea that has naturally sweet flavours to it. It isn't a replacement for the real thing, but I find the mix of having something…
  • I've gone to gym err... twice? And I've lost double what my ticker says (or at least... I've lost it twice.. but that had nothing to do with a gym and all to do with unhealthy mindsets). You can absolutely lose the weight with a treadmill and healthy eating. As for toning, I disagree with many people that that absolutely…
  • I'm hoping this is the absolute truth. Regardless of the cheating thing....what she's eating... while PREGNANT. (The child development and disorders knowledge inside me is screaming right now) ETA: just saw it's apparently a guy. Pfew.
  • Hey!! If you're looking for some new AMAZING "clean" recipes... Take a look at the recipes at My personal favourites are the cauliflower pizza bites.. yum. I love her recipes (not so much with the baking haha), and I often change up some things and experiment myself with them (I made some to-die-for CLEAN…
  • Hey!! There was a topic on this earlier today, here is the link: I'd have copy and pasted my answer, or written you an entirely different one but other people on there had some other great advice about it!! Ultimately it's a personal struggle and it certainly…
  • Hi!! First of all, good for you for not only deciding to make a change, but for being honest with yourself. I find honesty is a huge first step that many people struggle to take. I too am an emotional eater, and I have been for 5 years. Now I can't 100% tell you that one day your super strong cravings when you're upset…
  • I know two people above already said it... but PLEASE go to a doctor. NOW. Don't stretch, don't use the massager, don't do anything except what you have to to get around. You may risk aggravating it or making it significantly worse, as what it sounds like is that you injured yourself already, and without getting treated…
  • I too am doing 30DS!! I've started and stopped twice in the past: once I got to day 21 trying to get in shape for a trip to Las Vegas and had a fun surprise injury, so I was forced to stop. And a time before that I ran into the Christmas holidays and found I literally didn't have time with all the travel. After the Las…
  • Thank you!! Sounds amazing!! What's the estimated calorie count per serving??
  • I took a quick peek at you diary and it looks like you are on the type of diet/ training regime that body builders or bikini competitors are on when training for a competition. The short answer to your question then, is that what you're doing is not healthy in the long run. You said that this is temporary. And that is…
  • I haven't even gotten past the first few paragraphs and I had to stop and roll my eyes at "There truly is only one reason to exercise: To increase your metabolism in order to burn more calories 24 hours a day, seven days a week". Wait, I'm sorry, high metabolisms don't stop cardiovascular disease from lack of cardio.…
  • Hi there!! While I suppose it's worth a try, it truly depends on what you're planning to do with the rest of your diet. If you are simply planning on cutting out wheat products entirely, it may help. However if you're planning on substituting the wheat products in your diet with gluten-free products, I would not suggest…
  • Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!!! :D
  • Thank you so much! I didn't find one directly from windows but upon searching around for them I found one I could download (:
  • Oh that would be just as good haha. I'd just like a ticker in general. Where did you find these?
  • I don't necessarily want my boobs to shrink, but I certainly wouldn't mind haha. I just like looking proportional. Plus they're easier to manage!!
  • Thanks all! I wasn't sure and was rather frustrated haha
  • Oh my goodness is it bad that that made me tear up a bit? I don't know you or your husband, but you have certainly found an amazing man. It's so nice to hear when the male in the relationship is supportive like this. We all know how most men are visual creatures, so when they put that aside because they truly love us, it…
  • Ahh movies are a ridiculous obsession of mine... SO hard to choose quotes! "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." - Tyler Durden "If your life had a face I would punch it." - Kim Pine "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your…
  • Oh oh me too!! MFP Name: Cobb_66 Real Name: Cassandra (Though for this year as a frosh leader, it really is Cobb) Goal Weight for 03/31/12: 147!! Weigh In Dates: Friday 3/2 - 152.8 Sunday 3/11 - Sunday 3/18 - Sunday 3/25 - Saturday 3/31 -
  • Thanks everyone!! This made me feel LOADS better haha (:
  • Niki130 - In some of your pictures especially, Alyson Hannigan - so pretty!!
  • jackpotclown - I'm seeing some Matthew Davis in you haha
  • Hahahaha!! I've been super stressed with an exam yesterday, one today, one tomorrow, and one Friday. Just popped in on a study break and this made my day!! Thank you!
  • Wait so how much sprite zero do you mix into the entire cake mix?? Could you also use this to make just a general cake?
  • Hi y'all!! I'm currently 155 I'd like to be 125 (what I was in grade 10... *sigh*) I was at 131 in the summer, down from 150, then exam stress came and made me eat my life away again ): Oh well! Back on the horse I go!
  • I too would love to know! You look fantastic! So what's your secret? haha Also, how tall are you?
  • Wow!! It is safe to say after seeing your finished results that I am intensely jealous of you!!! (In a good way haha!) Thank you so much for the amazing inspiration!!
  • Holy Cow!! You look amazing!! Here's hoping to similar results for me, and for everyone!! Do you know how much you lost (weight and inches?)