I absolutely agree on the protein thing. I was a vegetarian for 12 years, and that's when I was at my biggest, always hungry and always tired. I incorporated seafood into my diet, and once I started tracking my food on here, I started supplementing with protein shakes and bars because it's really hard to get enough. And…
I like plain greek yogurt with frozen blueberries. Helps satisfy my ice cream craving. Homemade hummus is really good. You can dip veggies in it or spread it on pita bread or in a wrap or sandwich. Hard boiled eggs. Tuna on plain rice cakes or stuffed in an avocado. Olives and light cream cheese I could go on. I like…
don't see where a small amount of salt would hurt*** is what that was supposed to say lol
If you don't have high BP, I don't see where a small amount of salt doesn't hurt. Just don't overdo it. Use other spices and use a dash of salt to bring out the flavor. But if you're trying to completely eliminate it, Mrs. Dash is pretty legit.
I'm currently 309. We got this!
Thank you! :)
Feel free to add me! It always helps to have to be accountable
I think the one on the left is the new you.
I wouldn't think tea would count... but I'm not sure... do you put sugar in your tea?
The first time I got off the treadmill after running for 30 minutes, I got really lightheaded and was like "Whoa, dude.... this is kinda cool", haha.
Yeah, I'm always the biggest person every where I go. It's mortifying... but instead of beating yourself up, you just have to use that as motivation to lose it.
There's this band I saw at the Family Values Tour a couple years back, Neurosonic. I bought their cd for like 5 bucks... and I work out to it all the time. It really pumps me up.
This is so inspiring. You look great now! I'm a 300 + woman, but I'm not going to be for much longer... this site has helped me so much, especially awesome stories like yours.
Thanks. Sounds good. I saved the recipe and I'm going to get all the stuff for it the next time I go grocery shopping.
What gym is it? There should be someone there to help you and show you how to use the machines. I don't use weights much, I just do cardio... so sorry, I can't help you.
We all get by with a little help from our friends... I know I need support, and I'd be happy to support you! :P
Heck yeah! Thanks. :)
I'm not a vegan, but I'm a vegetarian... I like cheese too much, haha. That casserole sounds amazing... could you send me the recipe? :P I'm new too, so I'm sorry I can't help you. Props to you though, and good luck!