Joined gym but having trouble with certain areas.

aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, I finally got my membership to the gym here. I'm familiar with the cadio machines of course and have just been putting in about an hour doing cardio at the gym for the past two days. I want to work in the weights as well though. I'm completely new to that area though. I can't even tell what each machine is used for or how.. Heh..
Anyways, can someone kind of give me a guide as to what I should start out with doing and reps and such?

My brother was supposed to come into town today to show me and get me going with a routine but he ended up having to stay where he was this weekend and I'm not sure when his next opportunity will be to come visit. I really want to go ahead and get started soon instead of putting it off longer and increasing the chance of giving up on the idea...


  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    Didn't your gym give you a complimentary tour of the gym and machines? You should ask them about it. I was in the same boat when I first started out. At my gym the machines all have pictures and directions on what to do and tells you what body parts you are working.
  • treehugger88
    treehugger88 Posts: 22 Member
    What gym is it? There should be someone there to help you and show you how to use the machines. I don't use weights much, I just do cardio... so sorry, I can't help you.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Ususally most gyms also offer a free training session with one of their trainers. That is a must for a new gym goer.
  • ropsnik
    ropsnik Posts: 68 Member
    I just joined a gym as well and I just got back from my first of six free training sessions with a trainer. I learmed alot in that first session. Question your gym, they should provide you some free guidance. Good luck with your goals and program.
  • twoes
    twoes Posts: 30
    I have always found the easiest way to start strength training is to pick three exercises or machines- One arm, one leg, one core, and then rotate 3 sets doing about 12 reps of each exercise. But definitely talk to your gym, or do one session with a personal trainer to get you started.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    You absolutely should have someone show you the machines. Form is every bit as important as doing the exericise itself.

    I was given 3 PT visits when I joined. She set me up with the machines for chest, shoulders, bicep, tricp and then hamstrings, quads, glutes.............I did the arms on one day, legs on the next and skipped a day and then did a combo of both in a lighter version..............then started all over again.

    When the trainer saw I had reached a peak, she showed me simple things to do inbetween line squats, lunges, push ups.............OMG push ups..........arghhhhhhh

    Good for you for joining. Do NOT be afraid to ask them to have someone show you and set up a program (and dont let them sell you a PT set............wait a few weeks for that) you will be so glad you did!!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I don't live in a big town and we only have one small local gym around here. Its in the rehab and physical therapy center. So its a pretty small place and they offer no training sessions. The lady who signed me up only told me I could ask her 16 year old son who works there anything. He didn't seem to care much when he was explaining something to the lady next to me and wasn't even sure of himself...

    I'll definitely ask though when I go back Monday. If nothing else, I can hold off on that for a week or two until my brother comes to help. He's about to graduate with his major in that area, so I'm sure he'll be helpful.
    Thankyou. :)
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