
  • LOL..... im sitting here bored out of my mind at work and everybody here just went out to the local sports bar and got a ton of wings and fries and other deliciously horrible stuff. And I'm crunching on my carrots.
  • This happened to me. I was addicted to soda. About 3 weeks after coming off the stuff, I tried to drink one at work and it was very nasty. I also noticed that during the Super Bowl party I couldn't eat the cookie that was given to me. It tasted too sweet.
  • My 12 yr old gets on everybody's nerves. He's going full speed from the second he wakes up til way past when I go to bed. My husband is out of work, again. I'm more used to him not having a job than I am when he does have one. I get pissed when I come home to a dirty house after he's been home all day. All he does is start…
  • I don't think I rested enough after my jog. I don't even want to think about the next set.
  • I did my jog last night in the rain and cool ( i won't say cold cuz im in FL) but I wore a windbreaker. I felt like superwoman when i was jogging good enough to blow the hood off my head. (dont tell me it was the wind...let me dream) Within a few minutes I was all warmed up and put the jacket around my waist.
  • I've always been that way. Before I had kids I was 115, and I wasn't happy. I look ay pictures of myself from back then and I wish I could be that way again. I wouldn't take it for granted! (i hope) Mine wouldn't dare tell me he's not happy with the way I look now, but I know he thinks it. That's why his xbox is more…
  • I always buy in bulk....but with so many people to feed, it doesn't stretch as far as I would like. I get so aggravated when they throw food away or drink half a cup of milk.....
  • I already planned my "unemployment budget" when everything started hitting the fan. My husband was laid off at Christmas, but I'm used to him being out of work. He's been staying home with the kids since the youngest was a baby. But now things are getting worse and it looks like there may be layoffs here. So I budgeted…
  • I've never been in snow but I would imagine it's the same as walking on some of the sandy beaches here in Florida. It's very good exercise. It would take a walk to a brisk walk easily.
  • If you're exercising you're not supposed to stay at 1200 calories.....and unfortunately the Oreos are dragging you down.
  • I have my whey protein shake but I haven't been doing the carbs as well. Good lookin out Banks.
  • I'm in my prime. Mamma needs some loving! What's really gonna piss me off is if he starts getting interested AFTER I lose all the weight. I'll cut him off real quick! I put up with his beer belly!!! I had 4 kids....I can have a pooch if I want one (which I dont want one!)
  • We thought about it but we just had a similar fiasco with Taco Bell on Inauguration Day and we learned our lesson. Besides.....all that grease and syrup....mmmm....I mean boooo
  • I always do my jog before I eat.....kinda working up an appetite
  • I'm fighting mine with drinking and smoking. RIght now he's really being an @$$hole to everybody, blaming it on trying to quit. Nuh-uh! I quit chocolate, coffee, and soda and I'm not a b*tch! (more than And as for getting attention now......HA! I'm lucky if he even glances in my direction. I was behind him on…
  • I was just thinking Poor Wolfena..... lol OK, you can have your thread back. Living in Florida we have access to a ton of fruit, so that's always been a staple in our diets. I remeber climbing the orange trees as a kid. My kids love oranges and tangerines. They eat them all the time, even the chocoholics like myself.
  • My cousin didn't start til she was 16. Broke her heart. Didn't get boobs til after that.
  • I have that fight with mine all the time. The older kids are able to do for themselves, but not the 4 yr old. He was making himself a sandwich because he was hungry but it didn't occur to him that she may be hungry too! MEN! Now that he's not gonna jump on this bandwagon I tell him all the time that I'm gonna get too hot…
  • I started on my 10th bday....My aunt and uncle took me to Steak and Shake. I was drinking a chocolate shake and my stomach was killing me. When I got home, there it was. For many years after that I wouldn't eat at Steak and Shake because I associated the stomach ache with the shake and not the period. I also have another…
  • I swear I could be ranting everything you just said. I get so fed up when I'm trying to workout and my 4yr old comes running in the room wanting me to open something or help her zip her pants. He's sitting right there on the freakin couch, doing absolutely nothing, and I have to stop my workout to do it! Now he's telling…
  • She's 11 and her attitude problems started around 10. She even 'started' sorta right before she turned 11. She's definitely getting a cylce, even if there's no real flow yet. I can tell when to leave her alone....and so can my son!
  • As long as it's working...... who cares! I play oldies songs on my mp3 sometimes and my husband always jokes that he's gonna get me those Richard Simmons videos. After a while you may need to rotate if your body starts to plateau or they just don't seem challenging enough anymore. But come back to them after a week or so…
  • It was raining all day here. Today is much better. I did my 3rd set of the sit ups challenge and the kids joined in. They really like pushing themselves. It's a great family thing to do together. The hubby would have no part of it! Him and exercise don't mix, even though he sees my progress and says he wishes he could do…
  • My son is the same way. He doesn't like chocolate or most sweets. He'll eat a bag of oranges in one sitting if I let him. He hates fat on anything and won't touch his food if the fat is still on it. On the other hand.....I have one that loves to eat all the bad stuff. She definitely has a sweet tooth. She eats my son's…
  • I ran outside last night and almost died. I thought my chest was gonna burst into flames! When I got up to ride the bike this morning, I was dragging. But I had those pants set out that I really wanted to fit into today, so I pushed. And they fit! I know that just working out today isn't what made them fit, but it's an…
  • 1. Are you measuring correctly? 2. Are you sure your exercise calories are right? 3. Are you hungry, or just eating? 4. Are you drinking your water?
  • I sleep in my workout clothes on the days I know I'm gonna have trouble waking up. When I'm jogging I give myself little pep talks on the last leg. Always have my mp3 player handy. The best motivation is those mornings when I can slip on a pair of pants that didn't fit me the last time I tried to squeeze into them.
  • I agree with the gym, she's just a $.
  • Me too. And I also know exactly what all the warnings are talking about too, because I've done just about every one of them.
  • I heard that you stretch before and after. When I first started my knees were hurting so bad. I took a rest day and then I felt much better. Now I love the feeling of the sore muscle. That's how I know it's working.