Need support please!

I have been logging for about a week and I just can't seem to stay under my daily net caloric goal. I do see a downward trend, but it is just frustrating to see the negative numbers every day! I eat so much that I have to workout or I will be WAY over my allowed calories. Just frustrated!!! :ohwell: :frown:


  • timechange
    I have been logging for about a week and I just can't seem to stay under my daily net caloric goal. I do see a downward trend, but it is just frustrating to see the negative numbers every day! I eat so much that I have to workout or I will be WAY over my allowed calories. Just frustrated!!! :ohwell: :frown:
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    1. Are you measuring correctly?
    2. Are you sure your exercise calories are right?
    3. Are you hungry, or just eating?
    4. Are you drinking your water?
  • timechange
    1. Are you measuring correctly?
    2. Are you sure your exercise calories are right?
    3. Are you hungry, or just eating?
    4. Are you drinking your water?

    1. I am not measuring exactly because it is hard to do with homemade stuff. I think it is about correct though.
    2. I am pretty sure my exercise calories are right. I run 3-5 miles, 4 times a week.
    3. Most of the time I am hungry, sometimes I am not. I will bring lunch to work and eat it at like 10am then be starving later on. I get so mad at myself.
    4. I only drink water and coffee...plenty of both!
  • sblades
    When I'm hungry, (or think i'm hungry), I have 2 glasses of ice cold water.
    Usually that does it. If i'm still hungry 5 mins after the water, I usually go for a little 100g pot of silhouette yogurt with the fruit chunks in it - only 40 cals and has the right combo of protein and carbs for me.

    And, measuring your portions is key.
    Every day a little reduction is better than continuing to eat and eat and eat, and not record.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Hang in there! Downward is good for starting out. If you're not already, I'd suggest trying to have 5 - 6 smaller meals a day instead of 3. If you've got a small snack in between meals, you're less likely to overeat at a 'real' meal. I know its hard...I fell off the snacking wagon last night and ended up way over too.

    Also, really read your food those serving sizes and also on the food diary make sure you're chosing the serving size you're actually having.

    Dont give whatever size package it comes in is still success! Even just a downward trend is a great first step. My friend tells me to remember that I didnt put the weight on in a week and its not all going to come off in a week. Slow and steady progress is the key!

    Good luck!!
  • jazzycarolanne
    That is frustrating.......Are you maximizing your calories? I know that if I eat food that is higher in calories....I get to eat a lot less than if I made some lower calorie choices.....and like you I feel like I need more food. Also are you eating 5-6 smaller meals? Maybe try some lower calorie snacks in between the you can have 2 turkey pepperoni sticks (100cals), 1 cup of berries (80 cals), that sort of thing. Make sure to get a bit of protein/fibre with each meal to keep you feeling fuller. Oh and if you are feeling hungry try drinking an 8oz glass of may be thirst that you are experiencing.

    The thread this morning about what did you have for breakfast is excellent for some good ideas.

    Hang in will get easier
  • mandersen16
    Yeah just make sure you are eating the right type of foods. Proteins will keep you full longer.

    How many meals do you eat per day?
  • timechange
    Yeah just make sure you are eating the right type of foods. Proteins will keep you full longer.

    How many meals do you eat per day?

    It varies. I haven't come up with a schedule yet. I think that's what I need to do. Eat at the same time each day. That will help right? Maybe like 6am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm? What's your food schedule like?

    I guess I need to be better at actual calories consumed...not estimates.

    Thanks everyone for your comments. It is a lot of work to measure out food and decide what to eat and what not to eat!
  • timechange
    My friend tells me to remember that I didnt put the weight on in a week and its not all going to come off in a week.

    :laugh: true - never thought of it that way! haha.
  • hamilton_mom

    My biggest thing is that, well like most of us, I LOVE food!!! So I have to take a few minutes each night to plan my full day's meals. I measure and put them in containers to take with me. Some of the time I even go ahead and plug the numbers in. But I take the time to look and make sure I'm getting the servings I need, the vitamins I need, and all that good stuff too.

    Then I eat about 5 small mini- "meals" a day. But they aren't really meals. I eat my breakfast around 7, then somewhere close to 10 I eat a serving of fruit, lunch happens about 11, around 2 I typically eat another snack (serving of veggies or maybe some whole grain low fat wheat thins), and then I eat dinner with my family around 5:30. If I don't feel full at any time I've eatten I drink a glass of water and then wait 20 minutes. If after that time I'm still feeling hungry I know I'm still hungry and I fit something in.

    It's a challenge every day and real life makes it very tricky to stay on track. Especially for me who typically eats emotionally and such!
  • jazzycarolanne
    Using the food logs is gold.....particularly when you do it in advance.

    I agree with you regular eating is critical. This keeps your blood sugar stable and helps you avoid those hungry times. You can look up just about every food imaginable on the food log so you will be able to keep track of things. I lost my first 50 pounds going to a doctor who specializes in metabolism....he was absolutely adamant about the regular meal thing. He claimed that 15% of your metabolic rate is from eating and processing the food you consume. I was hooked up to a machine that measured my metabolism. I was literally starving my self fat. when I arrived. I started eating regular meals (6 per day) and sure enough my metabolism (as measured by the machine) increased dramatically, making it way easier to lose the weight.

    You are on the right track.....
  • timechange
    Okay, so today, here is my plan...

    6am - Fiber One cereal & banana
    10am - dannon light & fit yogurt
    12pm - leftover beef stroganoff (not sure calories!!)
    4pm - 100 calorie pack oreo candy bites
    7pm - eggplant parm (not sure calories!!!)
    8pm - 100 calorie pack oreo caksters

    As you can see...I need my chocolate snacks, but I will stick to the 100 cal packs!

    Using the beef stroganoff and eggplant parm already in the food database...this is a 1485 calorie day. I am only supposed to have 1200. Here lies the problem...
  • mandersen16
    You might need to take a look at the portion sizes you are eating too. A portion of protein is the size of the palm of your hand.

    If you are exercising too, that may not be a bad calorie count.

    And I hate to say it, but you might need to do without one of your calorie packs. While you might stay within your calorie limits, the oreos are nothing but carbs and fat.......
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    If you're exercising you're not supposed to stay at 1200 calories.....and unfortunately the Oreos are dragging you down.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Okay, so today, here is my plan...

    6am - Fiber One cereal & banana
    10am - dannon light & fit yogurt
    12pm - leftover beef stroganoff (not sure calories!!)
    4pm - 100 calorie pack oreo candy bites
    7pm - eggplant parm (not sure calories!!!)
    8pm - 100 calorie pack oreo caksters

    As you can see...I need my chocolate snacks, but I will stick to the 100 cal packs!

    Using the beef stroganoff and eggplant parm already in the food database...this is a 1485 calorie day. I am only supposed to have 1200. Here lies the problem...

    That is really not a bad day for food itself, but knowing the caloric content of what you eat is key to losing weight.

    For example. I make eggplant parm myself. I have 3 oz sliced eggplant, 2 tbls bread crumbs, 1 tbls olive oil. If I dont make sauce then I have the cals on the jar and I measure the sauce too!

    With pasta I have moved to healthier types and measure 1 cup for each serving.
  • timechange
    Thanks. I will work on that. :smile:
  • timechange
    Update: I am not over on my calories and it is already 4:03pm! YAY!!

    (TRLTAMPA - I got rid of the Chocolates :wink: )

    Breakfast - Banana & Vanilla Milk
    Snack - Fruit Cup
    Lunch - Jelly on Wheat Bread & Yogurt
    Snack - Vanilla Milk
    Dinner - Subway BLT

    I also exercised today! So happy!!!! :happy: :bigsmile: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • hamilton_mom

    Keep it up!

    Ya know I've learned recently that when you have lots of artificial sweetners in your diet (like in soda and some low fat/light foods) it actually makes you crave sweets MORE! Thus you are hungry more often.

    Do you like any fresh fruits and veggies??? You can typically eat a bunch of those (other than bananas at 100 cal each) with out many calories.

    That's how I am tackling my hunger "monster".
  • timechange
    Thanks for the advice! I take a multi-vitamin in the morning and when I don't eat something filling with it, I feel sooo sick! That's the reason for the banana!

    I do need to fit some more fruits and veggies. I brought some celery in to work today! :happy: