

  • Before!!! At least, it was for me. I am one of those people who can't lose a darn thing while breastfeeding, and you never know if you are going to be *that* person until you get there. Don't count on the baby sucking those lbs. off; it doesn't always work that way. I know a lot of women who have had babies and only a few…
  • My understanding is that ten or 15 minutes of cardio here and there adding up to an hour a day is just as good as working out for an hour straight. (It actually might even be better because working out that way is a type of interval training.) I don't know how true that is for the general population, but it helps keep my…
  • @ Annabelle: Thanks for the tips and advice. I'm 5w5d and already up 2 lbs. and a pants size around my hips. Granted, I kind of let myself go over Thanksgiving weekend, so . . . I can't stand dresses usually, but even a dress/skirt has got to be better than pants I can't move in , squeeze my belly uncomfortably, or roll…
  • I was eating at a deficit before I got preg. to shrink 1 more pants size to get to the prepreg. size from my last pregnancy (2+ years ago). In order to actually lose anything I had to undereat by about 100-200 cal. If I stuck strictly to the 1200 (plus exercise cals., which amounts to 400-700/day depending on whether I go…
  • Jenn, if you see this post, shhhhh! ;) Nobody who knows me IRL knows about this but Alex and we want to keep it that way until it's obvious. (Wish me luck hiding it from my extensive family of in-laws when we visit over the holidays. I'm sure they'll figure it out. *biting nails*) Good morning! This is my 8th pregnancy…
  • I'm in, too! For various health reasons, I have to eat a little something after dinner, but it doesn't have to be pie or ice cream or eggnog. For me, I will eat dinner before 7:00 p.m. and snack only on fruits or veggies thereafter. If I'm going to be out after that, I will plan ahead and bring my own snacks just in case…
  • I have the same problem. Distraction works sometimes, but I'm so orally fixated I HAVE to have something to gnaw on at all times. I keep a bunch of sugar free (xylitol) gum on hand and that helps a lot. Sometimes I wonder if I have some kind of nutrient deficiency causing this. I get this way when I'm in the latter months…
  • Is there any way you can bring your own food? I've taken a big cooler of my own food to camp with me just in case the healthy food pickings were slim. If you are a meat eater you can take lean deli meats, cheese, boiled eggs, and yogurt. You can also take raw veggies cut up and ready to grab and eat, freeze-dried fruits,…
  • I prefer to have a goal pants size and % body fat rather than a goal wt. It was getting discouraging seeing other women my height and weight wearing pants 2 or 3 sizes smaller than I. If I get down to 125 lbs. (my original goal) and still wear a size 10 jeans I'll be ticked! On the other hand, if I gain another 10 lbs. and…