Pregnancy - December 2010



  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    How do you guys get exercise in? I have been feeling really guilty lately. I ran a half marathon oct. 17th and was in the best shape of my life. The last month I have really stopping running though. I work out on weekends but during the week I am so busy. I really want to work out again but I am so tired... any tips? I teach high school so I get to work at 6:30 am.... and I coached girls soccer all spring and now am the JV girls basketball coach and the varsity asst. coach. Good days I get home at 5:30 pm and bad days I get home at 9:00. I'm too tired... Maybe I will just aim to work out the practice days I am done a 5:30.

    Any tips for short work outs you get in?
    Check the website "squeeze it in" - they have exercises based around what you already do. Ie, squats while blow drying your hair, butt / leg lifts while cooking, etc. Sometimes my husband makes fun of me because I do squats when I am waiting for the microwave :laugh: but a minute of extra squats a day even ads up compared to nothing! :)

    Regarding working out - it would take a ton of effort, I get up at 6:30 to go to the gym, not get to work then, but can you work out in the school weight room or run on the track either in the morning before work and then get ready in the locker room, or after work and head home. I know you are coaching, but do you run laps with the ladies etc? Even if you only end up with 20 mins in...
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    We felt the first kicks last night!!! I've been a little worried honestly because I haven't felt anything to this point (or at least didn't know what I was looking to feel...). Last night I was about to go to bed and I felt little jolts. My husband could even feel them and we could see my belly "jumping." It was soooooo awesome!! It makes it all a little more real... :love:

    Have a great day, ladies!

    Congratulations :flowerforyou: , I'll bet that is soooo exciting!!!

    Yesterday my husband's aunt gave us one of those "hear your baby's heartbeat" machines. It is definitely not a high-tech or expensive one, and I'm pretty sure all I heard was gas :laugh: but I'm excited to hopefully hear the baby's heartbeat when I'm a little further along. I can't wait to feel the baby move!

    at 20 weeks you can use a stethascope to hear it. I started feeling baby move at 16 weeks with flutters then it got to be more and more. Watch for it after eating within 30 mins to an hour and sometimes when laying down at night.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member

    at 20 weeks you can use a stethascope to hear it. I started feeling baby move at 16 weeks with flutters then it got to be more and more. Watch for it after eating within 30 mins to an hour and sometimes when laying down at night.

    My baby seems to be most active at bed time, I hope it is not a sign of what is to come, lol! The movements are so amazing, it was hard to track any calories in the first trimester when u take a bite of something, dont want it, ect. I got lazy and as a result I am up almost 13 lbs at almost 22 weeks. I have set my calories to maintenance this week and am sticking to it. I have also decided to stop weighing in at home. My scale and the doctor scale are different so I am just going to go with theirs. It always has the highest #s anyways. :laugh: I really didn't want to gain more than 15-20 lbs which is not seeming realistic at this point. Since I am obese that is all I am supposed to gain but from past experience I know that when I give birth I loose atleast 30lbs. So I guess now I can only focus on trying to eat well and fit my cravings as horrible as they can be into my calories. Weekends however I give my self a free meal with the famly
  • How do you guys get exercise in? I have been feeling really guilty lately. I ran a half marathon oct. 17th and was in the best shape of my life. The last month I have really stopping running though. I work out on weekends but during the week I am so busy. I really want to work out again but I am so tired... any tips? I teach high school so I get to work at 6:30 am.... and I coached girls soccer all spring and now am the JV girls basketball coach and the varsity asst. coach. Good days I get home at 5:30 pm and bad days I get home at 9:00. I'm too tired... Maybe I will just aim to work out the practice days I am done a 5:30.

    Any tips for short work outs you get in?

    My understanding is that ten or 15 minutes of cardio here and there adding up to an hour a day is just as good as working out for an hour straight. (It actually might even be better because working out that way is a type of interval training.) I don't know how true that is for the general population, but it helps keep my next-door neighbor very slender. He takes a brisk 10-minute walk with his dog upwards of 6 times/day and never goes to a gym to work out, as far as I know.

    If you want to do strength training (along with the cardio to get an hour total in each day), spend maybe 20 min./day working a few muscle groups and alternate the days you work each muscle group so that you aren't doing the same muscle group 2 days in a row. Gradually increase the weights with each rotation while decreasing the # of reps and then reverse and decrease the weights while increasing the # of reps. Ex: Do 3 sets of 15 reps with fairly light weights working your biceps, triceps, and back on Mon. On Tues., do the same # of sets and reps with light weights working your shoulders, chest, and abs. (As your belly gets bigger you'll need to modify the abs exercises so you don't strain yourself or cut off the baby's oxygen supply.) On Wed., do the same # of sets and reps with light weights working your inner thighs, outer thighs, and glutes (butt). On Thurs., do the same # of sets and reps with light weights working your quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. That would comprise 1 full rotation of all the muscle groups. On Fri., go back to the biceps, triceps, and back and that time do 3 sets of 12 reps with heavier weights. On Sat. do the 3 sets of 12 with heavier weights on your shoulders, chest, and abs. Rest on Sunday (important!). On Mon. do the 3 sets of 12 with heavier weights on your inner and outer thighs ad glutes. On Tues., same thing with quads, hams, and calves. There's your 2nd rotation. For the 3rd rotation do 3 sets of 10 reps using even heavier weights. Then go through the 3 rotations in reverse starting with the heavy weights and 10 reps and working back down to the light weights and 15 reps.

    That is my workout (as prescribed by my trainer), only I spend 40-50 minutes every other day working all the muscle groups at once. I warm up with 20 minutes of cardio and then start lifting. I typically burn 400-500 calories with the cardio and weights combined, so this method of lifting provides a good cardio workout, too. I might have to do it in small chunks like I just described if I end up getting as dizzy and nauseous as I usually do in the 1st trimester. I've got dumbells and a bench, a ball, and resistance bands at home that I use on days when I can't get to the gym for whatever reason (sick kids, sick myself, no big chunk of time, etc.) and get a really good workout with just those. HTH
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    thanks for some of the ideas ladies. Unfortunatly lunch isn't an option because we only get 25 minutes and usually i have 10 kids in my room getting help. My high school is an urban title one school (poor) so we don't really have an effective weight room... I could lift weights but there isn't a treadmill or anything else. I used to run with my soccer team (almost 3 miles a practice) and run after. my basketball players run a lot of sprints but we time them/ make sure they touch every line so i can't do it with them. I have many times thought I would run or walk right after but I never end up doing it. I am always just tired by that point in the day... I have been coming home and walking my dogs though (about 40 minutes total) but I used to do much more exercise.

    I like the ideas of squeezing it into different times. I have 1 show a night I try to watch so maybe on commercials I can find an at home workout to add in!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I like the ideas of squeezing it into different times. I have 1 show a night I try to watch so maybe on commercials I can find an at home workout to add in!

    You can do calf raises and things while you are timing the ladies or mini lounges etc. Even just shifting your weight a lot between your legs or walking in place... you can burn a couple extra hundred a day.

    And yes for working out during TV - there are a lot of things you can do during the rest of it too. Especially things like squats or dips on a chair or lounges where you don't keep moving your feet but just go up and down and use your things and calves. I used to watch TV while I did P90X because the repetitions of the same videos over and over would bore me. Not saying go all out like that, but even just sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning back a little, and lifting and lowering your straight legs to get in some abs. Won't even disrupt your TV watching at all.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    DH and I are now officially TTC.....hopefully I will be joining you ladies soon!

    Did anyone change their workout routine while TTC? I'm still 5 pounds away from my goal weight and as much as I'd like to get there before I get pregnant, I'm a little nervous about continuing what I'm doing while TTC. Right now I use a combination of 3 Jillian Michel's DVD's, go to a Zumba class once a week and I run. Any suggestions?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    DH and I are now officially TTC.....hopefully I will be joining you ladies soon!

    Did anyone change their workout routine while TTC? I'm still 5 pounds away from my goal weight and as much as I'd like to get there before I get pregnant, I'm a little nervous about continuing what I'm doing while TTC. Right now I use a combination of 3 Jillian Michel's DVD's, go to a Zumba class once a week and I run. Any suggestions?

    Yes. Don't change anything. Exercise has no adverse effects (providing you are not training to the point of losing your period etc). Once you're preg don't quit exercising either. You can keep it up as you feel comfortable to whatever level you are used to. It does not raise any risk of miscarriage etc.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    DH and I are now officially TTC.....hopefully I will be joining you ladies soon!

    Did anyone change their workout routine while TTC? I'm still 5 pounds away from my goal weight and as much as I'd like to get there before I get pregnant, I'm a little nervous about continuing what I'm doing while TTC. Right now I use a combination of 3 Jillian Michel's DVD's, go to a Zumba class once a week and I run. Any suggestions?

    Congrats! I will be thinking of you!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Last night I went to lay down and felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't breath or catch my breath until I stood up and then it was hard. I could feel the baby's head right under my breast bone and he was kicking downwards. I was so uncomfortable for about an hour.

    Then when I couldn't breath I got panicky....He is really starting to show belly wise. It is really getting very real. AGH
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Has anyone tried any gender prediction tests? My husband was at his friends and got all excited about them. I don't really believe any of them work but he is all into it :D
  • DH and I are now officially TTC.....hopefully I will be joining you ladies soon!

    Did anyone change their workout routine while TTC? I'm still 5 pounds away from my goal weight and as much as I'd like to get there before I get pregnant, I'm a little nervous about continuing what I'm doing while TTC. Right now I use a combination of 3 Jillian Michel's DVD's, go to a Zumba class once a week and I run. Any suggestions?

    Yes. Don't change anything. Exercise has no adverse effects (providing you are not training to the point of losing your period etc). Once you're preg don't quit exercising either. You can keep it up as you feel comfortable to whatever level you are used to. It does not raise any risk of miscarriage etc.

    Ditto! I do Jullian Michaels too, jumping jacks, jumps and all at 12 weeks and have been the whole time.
  • Last night I went to lay down and felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't breath or catch my breath until I stood up and then it was hard. I could feel the baby's head right under my breast bone and he was kicking downwards. I was so uncomfortable for about an hour.

    Then when I couldn't breath I got panicky....He is really starting to show belly wise. It is really getting very real. AGH

    I hate that. I always have a bout or two of that in each pregnancy. Thankfully it passes soon.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just checking in. My starting pregnancy weight was 167 and I weighed in this morning at 166.2. Last week I checked in at 167.4. Should I be worried that I am not gaining enough? I feel like I have been eating a TON! Then again I had been used to eating 1200 calories for many months. I consistently eat over 2000 calories and fit in lots of dairy and protein and the required fruits and veggies. I do know that I have reduced my exercise intensity. Maybe I'm just losing muscle? I know it's really early and you only need to gain a few pounds the first trimester. I just didn't think I should see any weight loss this far along.

    P.S. I'm really glad you had the maternity clothes conversation. I'm definitely going to be using that advice when it comes time for me to go shopping :)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just checking in. My starting pregnancy weight was 167 and I weighed in this morning at 166.2. Last week I checked in at 167.4. Should I be worried that I am not gaining enough? I feel like I have been eating a TON! Then again I had been used to eating 1200 calories for many months. I consistently eat over 2000 calories and fit in lots of dairy and protein and the required fruits and veggies. I do know that I have reduced my exercise intensity. Maybe I'm just losing muscle? I know it's really early and you only need to gain a few pounds the first trimester. I just didn't think I should see any weight loss this far along.

    P.S. I'm really glad you had the maternity clothes conversation. I'm definitely going to be using that advice when it comes time for me to go shopping :)

    No, I sure would not be worrying about not gaining anything at this point.

    I just started gaining the past couple weeks and I am 21 weeks.
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Has anyone tried any gender prediction tests? My husband was at his friends and got all excited about them. I don't really believe any of them work but he is all into it :D

    I tried one for the fun of it with my third and it was right. I don' t believe they are an accurate tool though. Just more for the fun of it.

    I had one of the Chinese gender charts predict all of my kids right (this time it says boy, guess I will find out when I have the baby if it was right for all four). However, depends on which chart you look at because others are different and were wrong with a couple and right with one or wrong with them all. But it sure is fun isn't it?
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Has anyone tried any gender prediction tests? My husband was at his friends and got all excited about them. I don't really believe any of them work but he is all into it :D

    I thought about trying it too, but didn't. I googled it and watched some on youtube it seems to have mixed results.

    I did the chinese charts, etc, and they all said girl. But I am having a boy. I just waited until 17 weeks and went to a private 2d u/s at one of those 3d/4d places, glad I did, cause they couldn't see anything 3 weeks later at the doctor's u/s.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Has anyone tried any gender prediction tests? My husband was at his friends and got all excited about them. I don't really believe any of them work but he is all into it :D

    I thought about trying it too, but didn't. I googled it and watched some on youtube it seems to have mixed results.

    I did the chinese charts, etc, and they all said girl. But I am having a boy. I just waited until 17 weeks and went to a private 2d u/s at one of those 3d/4d places, glad I did, cause they couldn't see anything 3 weeks later at the doctor's u/s.

    My chinese chart was wrong this time too, mine says boy but it is a girl. It was right with the other two. I googled the gender test too and it seems like it would be no different than flipping a coin so I decided not to spend the $30+ bucks. If you are thinking about it I would save that money and put it towards an u/s if u want to find out quicker. They do not cost a whole lot. Anyone have any tricks to help with swollen tonsils? They are killing me and I don't think there is anything I can take for it, just been drinking chamomile tea.
  • Has anyone tried any gender prediction tests? My husband was at his friends and got all excited about them. I don't really believe any of them work but he is all into it :D

    I never have, but I always instinctively have known by 20ish weeks what I am having.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Has anyone tried any gender prediction tests? My husband was at his friends and got all excited about them. I don't really believe any of them work but he is all into it :D

    I thought about trying it too, but didn't. I googled it and watched some on youtube it seems to have mixed results.

    I did the chinese charts, etc, and they all said girl. But I am having a boy. I just waited until 17 weeks and went to a private 2d u/s at one of those 3d/4d places, glad I did, cause they couldn't see anything 3 weeks later at the doctor's u/s.

    My chinese chart was wrong this time too, mine says boy but it is a girl. It was right with the other two. I googled the gender test too and it seems like it would be no different than flipping a coin so I decided not to spend the $30+ bucks. If you are thinking about it I would save that money and put it towards an u/s if u want to find out quicker. They do not cost a whole lot. Anyone have any tricks to help with swollen tonsils? They are killing me and I don't think there is anything I can take for it, just been drinking chamomile tea.

    Gargle with warm salt water 3-4 times a day. Not scalding just warm. My tonsils flare up, and this usually does the trick. Well what's left of them.
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