Pregnancy - December 2010



  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    How do you stay hydrated when you are throwing up so much in the first trimester?

    Thats the issue I am having right now. I am throwing up about 2-3 times a day and having a hard time drinking water.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    We felt the first kicks last night!!! I've been a little worried honestly because I haven't felt anything to this point (or at least didn't know what I was looking to feel...). Last night I was about to go to bed and I felt little jolts. My husband could even feel them and we could see my belly "jumping." It was soooooo awesome!! It makes it all a little more real... :love:

    Have a great day, ladies!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    How do you stay hydrated when you are throwing up so much in the first trimester?

    Thats the issue I am having right now. I am throwing up about 2-3 times a day and having a hard time drinking water.

    Gatorade or pedialyte. These are what my doctor recommended when I had the stomach flu and was throwing up. I loved the Gatorade.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    How do you stay hydrated when you are throwing up so much in the first trimester?

    Thats the issue I am having right now. I am throwing up about 2-3 times a day and having a hard time drinking water.

    Gatorade or pedialyte. These are what my doctor recommended when I had the stomach flu and was throwing up. I loved the Gatorade.

    I lived off of gatorade in my first trimester, you can always count on it making you feel hydrated. I LOVE water and drink about 18 glasses a day but in my first trimester I couldn't stand it or the thought of it. Another thing I drank was gingerale to settle my stomach with a few saltines.
  • How do you stay hydrated when you are throwing up so much in the first trimester?

    Thats the issue I am having right now. I am throwing up about 2-3 times a day and having a hard time drinking water.

    Gatorade or pedialyte. These are what my doctor recommended when I had the stomach flu and was throwing up. I loved the Gatorade.

    I lived off of gatorade in my first trimester, you can always count on it making you feel hydrated. I LOVE water and drink about 18 glasses a day but in my first trimester I couldn't stand it or the thought of it. Another thing I drank was gingerale to settle my stomach with a few saltines.

    I love water too, but in the first trimester I cannot live w/o sparking or mineral water. I do not like any drinks like gatorade so this is perfect for me.
  • We felt the first kicks last night!!! I've been a little worried honestly because I haven't felt anything to this point (or at least didn't know what I was looking to feel...). Last night I was about to go to bed and I felt little jolts. My husband could even feel them and we could see my belly "jumping." It was soooooo awesome!! It makes it all a little more real... :love:

    Have a great day, ladies!

  • Jenn, if you see this post, shhhhh! ;) Nobody who knows me IRL knows about this but Alex and we want to keep it that way until it's obvious. (Wish me luck hiding it from my extensive family of in-laws when we visit over the holidays. I'm sure they'll figure it out. *biting nails*)

    Good morning! This is my 8th pregnancy (hopefully my 7th live baby) but the 1st one when I've attempted to stay fit and eat properly the whole way through. I typically gain 45-50 lbs. with each baby with most of that weight going straight to my butt. I swear my butt gets bigger than my belly, and I do not carry small! The weight always comes off eventually, but it takes well over a year of real, hard effort. This time I would like to keep the weight gain under control, particularly on my rear. It is soooo irritating to not be able to fit into my size XL maternity pants the last 2-3 months just because I can't get them above my knees! I have to have 3 or 4 complete maternity wardrobes because my butt size changes so dramatically, and I have yet to find a store that carries maternity pants big enough to hold my butt and thighs in the last 2 months. (I know there's got to be *somewhere* that sells them. At my heaviest I've gotten to 187 lbs. Surely that isn't the most a pregnant woman has ever weighed, right?? Who makes maternity clothes that normal women can wear?)

    So, my goal this time around is to wear 1 size of maternity clothes only. It's a given that I want to have a healthy baby. I have blood sugar issues when pregnant (I have never test + for gestational diabetes, but have all the signs and symptoms) and have several children with blood sugar issues that I suspect were caused in large part by my (poor) diet while pregnant. Can someone please direct me to good info on how many calories I need to be consuming and when?

    I'm nervous about increasing my calorie intake. In the last 8 months or so, as long as I kept it down to 1200/day (not including exercise calories) I maintained my weight. In order to lose I had to undereat by 100-200 cal. If I went over the 1200 even a couple 100 cal. I gained. So I'm very concerned that eating an additional 800-1000 cal./day is going to make my body balloon to epic proportions. Do developing babies really need 800-1000 cal./day?? Would it be horrible for me to just bump up my intake to 1400 or so?

    So far I've just been severely limiting (or eliminating) sweets and refined foods in favor of packing in as many fruits and veggies as I can hold. For protein I eat lots of whole grains and legumes. My fats come from healthy plant sources and a daily fish oil supplement. (By the way, I don't eat any foods that come from animals except on the rare occasion--for health reasons.) Would it be so bad to only get in about 1400 cal./day if those 1400 cal. came from piles of whole, plant-based foods? Of course, I'm not quite 6 weeks yet, so the m/s and cravings/aversions haven't kicked in yet. It's entirely possible I will end up gagging at the thought of anything healthy and the only thing I'll be able to choke down is cheeseburgers and fries for the next 2 months. LOL! But if I can handle the healthy stuff, do I really need to worry so much about calories?

    Also, I exercise pretty rigorously. I do about an hour/day in the gym (alternate days biking/running with resistance training) plus 1 hour/day of tae kwon do about 3 times/week. I'm going to have to drop the TKD when I reach 14 weeks or so because the belly throws off my balance and I'm likely to injure myself. Not to mention it probably isn't safe to have people kicking at targets held over my belly. ;) But until then I plan to keep it up. Is it all right to continue the vigorous exercise as long as it isn't causing pain or bleeding? Thanks in advance!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Babies only require an additional 300 calories a day, you should speak with your doctor about how many calories to eat as we have all learned here that each doctor has a different opinion.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    You don't need any extra calories yet if you are only 6 weeks. Another 2 months or so until you need anything extra and then only a little. But, don't eat at a deficit. There's a good chance that 1200 calories is too few for you and your body is craving extra nutrition, so when you eat over at all you will gain because your body thinks it needs to store all the fat you can because there is not enough food, but that would be temporary until it realizes that you are not in a famine and food is consistently coming. You would have to be pretty tiny for 1200 to be your maintenance calories - like 5' and 100 lbs. It may just be really bad timing to be coming out of a starvation mode during pregnancy, because if this is the case, there is little way to not gain that weight as your body adjusts. Typically you would gain it then burn it back off, but that may or may not be possible when preg.

    You might consider getting a professional base rate calculation to find out what your true maintenance count is. Or you can get a BODYMEDIA Fit which tracks exactly how much you burn each day, including resting, sleeping, and exercising. They're a little pricey and require a subscription between $6-10 a month, but maybe with Cmas coming up you can get the unit from someone, or a couple people and then justify the monitoring price during your preg.

    As for working out - if you are already used to working out and vigors exercise - keep it up! I'd say that you can keep your your TKD also - but you'd probably have to modify it a bit (you don't have to kick to the ceiling to get a workout!) and maybe skip the partner and use just the bag so you don't get kicked. But no reason to give you your exercising. Your body will let you know how much you can do. I plan to keep going to my cardio, weights, toning, and zumba classes the whole time. I just have learned that i need to keep my heart rate about 15-20 points lower than I usually would to not feel overwhelmed. So I just modify a little - like skip the jumping jacks and march instead. People may say, keep your HR under 130 (it's a # that Drs sometimes throw out as a general #) but it's different for everyone. I try to keep mine between 120 and 150 right now. Usually I would keep it between 160 and 175. 130 max for me would be like... nothing.... so I know that # doesn't apply to me but if I were more out of shape it might be a good target HR. Plus - the extra 400-500 cals 4 days a week is pretty important to me to earn so I can eat it! :laugh:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    We felt the first kicks last night!!! I've been a little worried honestly because I haven't felt anything to this point (or at least didn't know what I was looking to feel...). Last night I was about to go to bed and I felt little jolts. My husband could even feel them and we could see my belly "jumping." It was soooooo awesome!! It makes it all a little more real... :love:

    Have a great day, ladies!

    Congratulations :flowerforyou: , I'll bet that is soooo exciting!!!

    Yesterday my husband's aunt gave us one of those "hear your baby's heartbeat" machines. It is definitely not a high-tech or expensive one, and I'm pretty sure all I heard was gas :laugh: but I'm excited to hopefully hear the baby's heartbeat when I'm a little further along. I can't wait to feel the baby move!
  • Jenn, if you see this post, shhhhh! ;) Nobody who knows me IRL knows about this but Alex and we want to keep it that way until it's obvious. (Wish me luck hiding it from my extensive family of in-laws when we visit over the holidays. I'm sure they'll figure it out. *biting nails*)

    Good morning! This is my 8th pregnancy (hopefully my 7th live baby) but the 1st one when I've attempted to stay fit and eat properly the whole way through. I typically gain 45-50 lbs. with each baby with most of that weight going straight to my butt. I swear my butt gets bigger than my belly, and I do not carry small! The weight always comes off eventually, but it takes well over a year of real, hard effort. This time I would like to keep the weight gain under control, particularly on my rear. It is soooo irritating to not be able to fit into my size XL maternity pants the last 2-3 months just because I can't get them above my knees! I have to have 3 or 4 complete maternity wardrobes because my butt size changes so dramatically, and I have yet to find a store that carries maternity pants big enough to hold my butt and thighs in the last 2 months. (I know there's got to be *somewhere* that sells them. At my heaviest I've gotten to 187 lbs. Surely that isn't the most a pregnant woman has ever weighed, right?? Who makes maternity clothes that normal women can wear?)

    So, my goal this time around is to wear 1 size of maternity clothes only. It's a given that I want to have a healthy baby. I have blood sugar issues when pregnant (I have never test + for gestational diabetes, but have all the signs and symptoms) and have several children with blood sugar issues that I suspect were caused in large part by my (poor) diet while pregnant. Can someone please direct me to good info on how many calories I need to be consuming and when?

    I'm nervous about increasing my calorie intake. In the last 8 months or so, as long as I kept it down to 1200/day (not including exercise calories) I maintained my weight. In order to lose I had to undereat by 100-200 cal. If I went over the 1200 even a couple 100 cal. I gained. So I'm very concerned that eating an additional 800-1000 cal./day is going to make my body balloon to epic proportions. Do developing babies really need 800-1000 cal./day?? Would it be horrible for me to just bump up my intake to 1400 or so?

    So far I've just been severely limiting (or eliminating) sweets and refined foods in favor of packing in as many fruits and veggies as I can hold. For protein I eat lots of whole grains and legumes. My fats come from healthy plant sources and a daily fish oil supplement. (By the way, I don't eat any foods that come from animals except on the rare occasion--for health reasons.) Would it be so bad to only get in about 1400 cal./day if those 1400 cal. came from piles of whole, plant-based foods? Of course, I'm not quite 6 weeks yet, so the m/s and cravings/aversions haven't kicked in yet. It's entirely possible I will end up gagging at the thought of anything healthy and the only thing I'll be able to choke down is cheeseburgers and fries for the next 2 months. LOL! But if I can handle the healthy stuff, do I really need to worry so much about calories?

    Also, I exercise pretty rigorously. I do about an hour/day in the gym (alternate days biking/running with resistance training) plus 1 hour/day of tae kwon do about 3 times/week. I'm going to have to drop the TKD when I reach 14 weeks or so because the belly throws off my balance and I'm likely to injure myself. Not to mention it probably isn't safe to have people kicking at targets held over my belly. ;) But until then I plan to keep it up. Is it all right to continue the vigorous exercise as long as it isn't causing pain or bleeding? Thanks in advance!

    How far along are you? I didn't switch to maintenance calories for my weight until 11 weeks. I stayed around 1300-1400 w/ exercise calories figure in. I thought once I switched over I would gain, but I haven't and like you if I went over 1200ish w/ figuring exercise calories I gained too or lost nothing. I got a huge butt last night, never happened before, but I gained a lot more than I usually do w/ him. I wore dresses, much more comfy, especially since I love dresses anyway. I have kept up vigorous exercise and at 12 weeks still running, doing jumping jacks, etc. If I come to a point where it feels too much I'd modify a bit. I am doing kickboxing stuff too and my balance if fine so far. As much as you want to keep weight down it may just be your way to gain. Just count your calories, don't over do it, and exercise.
  • I was eating at a deficit before I got preg. to shrink 1 more pants size to get to the prepreg. size from my last pregnancy (2+ years ago). In order to actually lose anything I had to undereat by about 100-200 cal. If I stuck strictly to the 1200 (plus exercise cals., which amounts to 400-700/day depending on whether I go to TKD) I maintained. Overeating by a couple 100 cals. led to gain, albeit slow. Is that weird or what?? And really, I don't much care what I weigh; size is what matters to me. I've been a size 6 at 138 lbs. (back when I was in college and very fit) and a size 12 at 138 lbs. (when I was at 1 year postpartum, eating mostly refined carbs, and rarely exercising), so I know that weight is not necessarily an accurate reflection of health and fitness level.

    I'm just a little freaked that if I go to my maintenance 1700 cals. my size is going to skyrocket in short order, since I was maintaining at my deficit. Make sense? Someone reassure me! ;)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I went from 1300ish pre-exercise calories to about 1800 calories when I found out I was preggers at 5weeks. I have still actually lost weight. But I have major naseua and have been throwing up quite a bit lately. I write down what I eat (sometimes) and then yack it back up. This coming week I am going to tighten down on my diet a little (if my stomach will let me but I am really at its mercy still).

    I am ready to get back to the gym but I have been holding off since I still have bronchitis. I expect to be back to running and getting back to my training programs next week.
  • @ Annabelle: Thanks for the tips and advice. I'm 5w5d and already up 2 lbs. and a pants size around my hips. Granted, I kind of let myself go over Thanksgiving weekend, so . . . I can't stand dresses usually, but even a dress/skirt has got to be better than pants I can't move in , squeeze my belly uncomfortably, or roll down and ride the top of my crack when I sit or squat. Good idea. DH will like that; he loves the way I look in dresses. ;) Congratulations on the impending arrival of #10! You are truly blessed. I would love to have 10 kids, but poor DH would probably die of stress if we made it as far as 8. He already thinks we already have 1 more than he can handle. I feel like we already have 6 more than *I* can handle, but if had been up to me to decide what I could or could not handle, I would be missing out on all the best things in life. :)
  • @ Annabelle: Thanks for the tips and advice. I'm 5w5d and already up 2 lbs. and a pants size around my hips. Granted, I kind of let myself go over Thanksgiving weekend, so . . . I can't stand dresses usually, but even a dress/skirt has got to be better than pants I can't move in , squeeze my belly uncomfortably, or roll down and ride the top of my crack when I sit or squat. Good idea. DH will like that; he loves the way I look in dresses. ;) Congratulations on the impending arrival of #10! You are truly blessed. I would love to have 10 kids, but poor DH would probably die of stress if we made it as far as 8. He already thinks we already have 1 more than he can handle. I feel like we already have 6 more than *I* can handle, but if had been up to me to decide what I could or could not handle, I would be missing out on all the best things in life. :)

    Are you truly up 2lbs? It could be temporary. I gained right away, we went on a trip when I was 5 weeks to New Orleans and overate. I haven't gained anything in many weeks despite adding more calories. I couldn't stand the falling down or choking of my belly w/ pants so dresses are great for that. It is cold here now and I run so cold I miss my skirts and dresses. I wear them to Church, but can't in my cold house.

    I am actually expecting our 11th :) It is easy to miscount, LOL. Some days I feel like I can handle nothing, thankfully God gives me all the grace I need to manage.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    How do you guys get exercise in? I have been feeling really guilty lately. I ran a half marathon oct. 17th and was in the best shape of my life. The last month I have really stopping running though. I work out on weekends but during the week I am so busy. I really want to work out again but I am so tired... any tips? I teach high school so I get to work at 6:30 am.... and I coached girls soccer all spring and now am the JV girls basketball coach and the varsity asst. coach. Good days I get home at 5:30 pm and bad days I get home at 9:00. I'm too tired... Maybe I will just aim to work out the practice days I am done a 5:30.

    Any tips for short work outs you get in?
  • How do you guys get exercise in? I have been feeling really guilty lately. I ran a half marathon oct. 17th and was in the best shape of my life. The last month I have really stopping running though. I work out on weekends but during the week I am so busy. I really want to work out again but I am so tired... any tips? I teach high school so I get to work at 6:30 am.... and I coached girls soccer all spring and now am the JV girls basketball coach and the varsity asst. coach. Good days I get home at 5:30 pm and bad days I get home at 9:00. I'm too tired... Maybe I will just aim to work out the practice days I am done a 5:30.

    Any tips for short work outs you get in?

    That is a toughie. I have a completely different schedule, I work out in the morning. Can you walk around the track during lunch?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm just a little freaked that if I go to my maintenance 1700 cals. my size is going to skyrocket in short order, since I was maintaining at my deficit. Make sense? Someone reassure me! ;)

    Possibly a sunny side to look at is, if you go to maintenance, you might gain the weight now, but your body also will probably adjust to having food and in the future not gain when you are at a deficit. I would think that you gain if going over 1200 because it's too little and you are in starvation mode to some degree and your body is clinging to calories. If that is so, your body can gain weight (or fat) even if you are eating at a deficit. But, if you eat smart through the preg at or just below your maintenance, when you are done, I would suggest not going back down so low to 1200 to lose again, but try losing the baby weight at something more like 1400. See if it works. It might let you lose it (possibly slower) w/out putting it back on when you go back to maintenance when you reach your goal. Just a thought.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    How do you guys get exercise in? I have been feeling really guilty lately. I ran a half marathon oct. 17th and was in the best shape of my life. The last month I have really stopping running though. I work out on weekends but during the week I am so busy. I really want to work out again but I am so tired... any tips? I teach high school so I get to work at 6:30 am.... and I coached girls soccer all spring and now am the JV girls basketball coach and the varsity asst. coach. Good days I get home at 5:30 pm and bad days I get home at 9:00. I'm too tired... Maybe I will just aim to work out the practice days I am done a 5:30.

    Any tips for short work outs you get in?

    I know this sounds stupid, but a friend has been doing it too....I put my HRM and I pod on and dance to some type of upbeat pop music for 10 minutes, you know making up my on little mini aerobics moves, LOL. At my weight I burn approx. 120-130 calories. That is just 10 minutes. But I do feel goofy sometimes. But it helps.

    I also have been walking, quite a bit, not as much as others, but I've found it is the exercise that has helped my joints and muscles the most feel better while pregnant.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Babies only require an additional 300 calories a day, you should speak with your doctor about how many calories to eat as we have all learned here that each doctor has a different opinion.

    And I've read you don't do that until you start the 2nd trimester. So many confusing thing.s
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