what is your goal and height??



  • Im like 5'1 on a good day..I am technically supposed to be 93-130?? Seriously 93? YEAAAAA right lol..I would LOVE TO BE 120 again but I would be happy with 130 (which is where I was when I was 19/20 and was pleased there, so thats where I am headed, (hopefully soon) LOL
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    5' 10", 168.5, which I reached -- ta da! -- today!
    I'm going to see what life's like here for a while and then decide if I want to reasses.

    Congrats!! :drinker:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    I'm about 5'8" and plan to reach 155-160lbs. That's on the higher end of a 'normal' weight range for my height but I'd classify myself in the 'medium / large' boned category. I've got 'piano' hands and size 10 feet, so I'm not 'small' by any means!

    The smallest I ever remember being was at age 15 - 168-174lbs...in a size 14. I was simply doing cardio and no strength training so my middle section was a bit 'soft'. I'd LOVE to be a comfortable size 10-12 when I reach 155-160. Last time I was a size 9 was in middle school! EEK! :noway:
  • SewRue
    SewRue Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'3" and my goal goal is 125lbs. I think anything under that is too much for me.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I'm 5'10" and shooting for 135. Lower end of the healthy range for my height. But who would have thought under all the fat that I use to have that I have a small frame, and who would have thought that was possible for someone that was 5'10". LOL.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal weight is 120-123 (I can maintain that). I am currently at 123 and working to get to 120. I would like to be 115 but that is not easy for me to maintain. I'm also at 17.9% body fat and want to be at 15%.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've never been a healthy weight before, so the last time I was like 130s and 140s was probably when I was like 13 or 14. I'm 5'3" so my goal right now is just to get to 140. I'll have to see how I look at that point and decide if I want to push it into the 130s or lower. I want it to be sustainable, so if I go with 140 or so and I can keep it there, I'll be very happy. I'm 40 pounds away so I have a while to decide what my body is capable of :)
  • bjenegiles
    bjenegiles Posts: 75 Member
    I am 5'6 and my ULTIMATE goal is between a TONED 145 and 150. My biggest motivation is the clothes. It's always easier to find clothes...cute clothes....in and around 9/10 range...LOL
  • tamaramtz
    tamaramtz Posts: 13
    I prefer to have a goal pants size and % body fat rather than a goal wt. It was getting discouraging seeing other women my height and weight wearing pants 2 or 3 sizes smaller than I. If I get down to 125 lbs. (my original goal) and still wear a size 10 jeans I'll be ticked! On the other hand, if I gain another 10 lbs. and go up to 145 and can comfortably wear size 6 jeans, GREAT! I'm currently at 21% body fat (down from around 29% after having baby #6) and would like to get to 18-20% to hit the middle of the normal range for my age and height. I don't care so much about my weight as my looks. I want to look as hot and toned as a mother of 6 possibly can whatever the weight.

    Bone density can play a factor in wt., too. Three years ago I had a bone density scan done and discovered I have osteopenia (a step below osteoporosis). That explained to some extent how it is I can weigh so little and only wear 10's if I wear silky underwear (easier to slide jeans over) and don't move or breathe.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I prefer to have a goal pants size and % body fat rather than a goal wt. It was getting discouraging seeing other women my height and weight wearing pants 2 or 3 sizes smaller than I. If I get down to 125 lbs. (my original goal) and still wear a size 10 jeans I'll be ticked! On the other hand, if I gain another 10 lbs. and go up to 145 and can comfortably wear size 6 jeans, GREAT! I'm currently at 21% body fat (down from around 29% after having baby #6) and would like to get to 18-20% to hit the middle of the normal range for my age and height. I don't care so much about my weight as my looks. I want to look as hot and toned as a mother of 6 possibly can whatever the weight.

    Bone density can play a factor in wt., too. Three years ago I had a bone density scan done and discovered I have osteopenia (a step below osteoporosis). That explained to some extent how it is I can weigh so little and only wear 10's if I wear silky underwear (easier to slide jeans over) and don't move or breathe.

    6 kids! wowee!!! Congrats! And you're down to 21% BF! That's awesome!!
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I'm 5"6.5 and my goal is between 121 and 126. Last time I weighed 121 I was 18. That was 15 years ago. I'm now around 130 and would like to lose the wobbly bits on my arms, hips and thighs!
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my goal is 135. I'm getting close to that and have already started thinking about losing an additional 5 after that. I've been a little obsessed with the numbers ever since I began MFP. lol I consider it a good obsession though!
  • nikos1mom
    nikos1mom Posts: 6
    I'm 5'10'' and my goal is 145. I'm sitting at 156 right now, so it's the last 11 pounds from the baby I'm trying to get rid of. I've seemed to gain a little since running a lot again, but I think it's muscle. I may have to start ingnoring the scale, and pay attention to sizes instead.
  • paulaswrld
    paulaswrld Posts: 49
    I love reading the replies from women who are about my height....5'2. I feel like the range is so big at that height. I reached my first goal of getting to 140. That was a huge success for me and when I started this, at over 160 lbs, I said to myself, if I get to 140, I will look like a supermodel!
    Now that I got there, I re-set my sights and am shooting for 135. I'm comfortably in a size 8petite and and extremely happy with that. I do have a curvier figure and that's just all there is to it. These next 5 lbs are coming off reeeeeally slowly and I'm starting to wonder if this should be it for me. I'd rather stay succesful at 135 than get myself down to a weight I can't maintain and end up gaining it back.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I am 5'6 my goal at this time is 130 ... but i weighed 120 11 years ago .... so we will see when i get to 130 if i will keep going or not:bigsmile:
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    I am 5'4 and my goal is 125-130. I really want to hit 130 on my 25th birthday. That would be so great!

    My lowest weight in high school was around 136. I think I can manage my goal but I need to work on my SNACKING!! :blushing:
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm 5 ' 2.75 and I currently weight 119. My first goal was 130, but was able to keep going. My new goal is 115. I currently wear a size 4P.
  • volks80
    volks80 Posts: 56
    what is your goal weight and height?? Im wondering if I am just tooo obsesed with the numbers!! I have lost 40 lbs and want to at least lose 5 more, but then i keep thinking of losing 10 more after that!! I am 5' 6" maybe 1/2 inch taller, and am 140 lbs... my lowest and goal is 135, but then i think in my head that 125 sounds better??!!??

    I'm 5'10" and now weigh about 163, I'm confortable with where I am. Originally I was aiming for 180ish and then just kept making new goals. I think it is hard b/c you settle into a new weight and begin to feel fat/self concious again. I think you just have to find a place where you feel good about yourself and can maintain w/o having to constantly diet. You also have to consider that people carry their weight diffrent so comparing yourself to others even if they are the same height doesn't really work.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Im 5'2" with a really large frame (i hate it) and my goal is about 115. My "less crazy" goal is 125.
    I was once 95 pounds, but it didnt look good on me at all.
    sorry if the finger is...inappropraite? but this is me at "too skinny"
    check out that finger. its all bone!
    as much as IIIII would like to be there again, i think my bf would stuff cheeseburgers down my throat if i did it
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my current goal is 150.

    I JUST told someone in the elevator (who asked) that I was trying to lose 50 more pounds and I really thought her eyes were going to pop right out of her head. She said 20-30 more, max.

    The last 10 pounds or so have taken a long time to come off and have dropped the inches like crazy If the next 30 pounds go the same, I'll probably love the way I look then. But I'm like a lot of you, and I can see myself just keep going and going until I'm as fit as I can be. IAnd think that's okay as long as you keep it healthy. :smile:
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