

  • Oprah says he knows, lol...that's how he got big...Oprah's poop! he totally led a part on Oprah about it, and well, he seems to know his stuff, but at the same time, there are conflicts here and there, just like everyone else...did you know that people (other fitness trainers) say Jillian Michaels sucks and that she…
  • some people just lose weight faster than others...metabolism changes and the fact that you're not eating your burned cals is really helping! wtg!
  • one more point: you can totally reconfigure the times to fit your's just that yours will be starting at a different time...Dr. Oz is assuming you're up close to 6 or 6:30...your sched is 3rd shift - convert the hours so the sched works for you... ALSO: the fiber supplement 15 minutes before your dinner…
  • i totally understand, and i really didn't think you were being's amazing how some people read one word and take it 8 different ways
  • it's so hard to tell if people are being mean or not, but i definitely wasn't...just thought it was funny how some take things so literally and don't really think about the whole picture...and i was only posting the times, not the entire ideas behind the times...they say work out early so you're burning fat and not the…
  • geez...oh well, just posting for those who missed the show...i'm not just a SAHM, i'm also a med student...and dang, of course it's not for everyone, we don't all work third shift or 2nd shift...some people help me to laugh more : )
  • 10 am was sayin' only if you need to shop...not do it
  • i've heard of the in-in, out-out as well...i've tried it and it's all about remembering and getting conditioned to do it...also, there may be a thing w/your health...have you considered bronchial problems, like asthmatic issues because of exercise? some people only have breathing problems when they're working out, and…
  • <this girl LOVES tats...but am waiting until I am happy w/my weight...those will be my rewards, well, those and some clothes...maybe a fab new do, but nothing 'til i lose more!
  • and there's about 12-15 enell's on ebay as I type these words : ) there ya go : ) 15 exactly...didn't check the sizes, sorry
  • hey to one of my fav cute mommy's that i almost never have time to say hi to...anyhow, you guys totally make me think of that commercial for slim quick or, she's struggling, striving to lose weight and the man loses it all... good luck, gorgeous! someday...maybe you're packin' on some muscle...that's usually…
  • I just watched the second episode Thursday night while I was running at the gym...I really like it and it's so much more positive than Teen Moms, though I'm pretty into that too, LOL...
  • mmm! egg whites with your favorite fixin's put into little muffin tins, voila! so fabulous! one of my MFP friends had some great egg white snack recipes...egg whites: pure protein for muscle : ) and they're delish when you add in your other stuff...about 20-30 cals each egg "muffin"
  • sounds fabulous! i've thought about it and i participate in things for so long, but i am really going to do this! i am so following you, lol...twitterlike fashion, minus the twitter - good luck ginasmash!
  • i've tried it and never have the time to go's pretty sweet and makes up for my boredom with the sims 3 here and there...good luck on weight loss!
  • you'll love it...i use it more and more every day...also: you can add what's on the packaging to get correct info if there's a food just not in the database...and, you can click recipes to put in your recipe and calculate everything...i love MFP
  • generally an hour...depending on the kids...sometime's time "screws" me and only permits 30 to 45...and if i can, i definitely add in more...i'm into the Nike+ shoes and app's for iPod and it's really great...counts my steps and everything...i'm into workout dvd's, running, jogging, walking, snow activities, wii (wiifit…
  • I have tried's intense, gives you aches, but overall, it's not lift-ish...still a good workout to burn through though...
  • chocolate...i am so not interested...i'll have it, but yeah...not my bag - i never liked it before i had my children...pregnancy changed that a smidge
  • Hey - just a thought - check out the new diet book "The Big Breakfast Diet." People like Eva Mendes are cool w/it and my husband and I are getting on that train. It's not really a diet-diet, if you know what I mean...but it's great and might solve some issues with cravings and feeling more hungry during the…
  • whoo! paperboy and the ditty, yes! how about some black street - no diggity...
  • i am in...i keep starting the 30 day shred, ugh! right?! lol...anyhow, i've made it through before and loved it, but i definitely need to get back on track w/it... i'm in iowa as well!
  • congratulations! I've been there as well and know the I can't wait to run!
  • I just started using my Nike+ kit the other day and I'd have to agree with you that the distance is quite accurate, but the calories do tend to be off. I am guessing that it has to do with positioning and the fact that everyones heart rates could differ from the average 150 pound person (whatever weight, ya know...)…
  • I love you guys! I don't know what the whole deal is w/chocolate anyhow...I've never been partial, but my family acts as if they can't exist w/out it and it's almost like a girlfriend on the don't take it away from them, I just don't serve it to myself...granted, there are recipes that call for the decadence…
  • i started just 4 below you and have taken off 10 pounds...i would love to be "pals"! i'm pretty much a newcomer being that i barely logged in ever...anyhow, forever it seemed that i wasn't taking off the weight, but yet my BMI was was weird...i've been into a lot of jillian michael's, the biggest loser…
  • alright, well i can't tell if there's really another page to this question, but i'd like to share a real answer...the weigh in's are accurate, all measurements are very, very accurate...minus the fact that yes, it can't tell how hard you really are could simply tap if you wanted to but where would that get…
  • I am starting the 30 Day Slimdown and can't wait. I have all the Jillian Michael's DVD's and the Biggest Loser Workouts as well...I need to start entering my food daily and updating my fitness and weight...I can't believe I ever strayed from this site...let me know if you'd like to keep in touch! I still have lots to…