Dr. Oz weight loss/fat burning times from 1/31/10



  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    this would work if I could get myself outta bed at that time.. I mean i can't get up till 7ish.. no earlier.... but it sounds like a good plan... if I also wasn't going back to school in March..

    Totally with ya here....if the suns not up I'm not up, same thing almost goes for bed time...soon after its down I'm hitting the hay!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Interesting, wake up and excercise on an empty stomach. I don't do that. Maybe that is important. I was always under the impression u should eat within the first hour of waking up also. What do u guys think? I've also heard about the ice water thing.

    I don't eat before my a.m. exercise. However I eat a lean protein within a hour of exercising. If you are a person who experiences a weak stomach or dizziness after exercising then I would suggest you eat something lite before.
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    People, I didnt watch the show and I know what she meant and Dr. Oz. Basically, exercise first thing in the morning. Have breakfast afterwards, don't forget to eat lunch and have dinner. Its just an outline. Personally, I am tired of all these excuses. I work 12 1/2 hours and day and STILL find the time to work out and eat. If you can't get out of bed an hour early or even 20 mins to work out, then what are you doing to lose weight??

    Geez with a community a great people their always has to be an a** in the room. What I'm doing to lose weight is take 2 classes at the Y, Zumba and Total body recall if ya must know.
  • it's so hard to tell if people are being mean or not, but i definitely wasn't...just thought it was funny how some take things so literally and don't really think about the whole picture...and i was only posting the times, not the entire ideas behind the times...they say work out early so you're burning fat and not the food before the fat that you need for your whole day...
  • i totally understand, and i really didn't think you were being mean...it's amazing how some people read one word and take it 8 different ways
  • one more point: you can totally reconfigure the times to fit your schedule...it's just that yours will be starting at a different time...Dr. Oz is assuming you're up close to 6 or 6:30...your sched is 3rd shift - convert the hours so the sched works for you...

    ALSO: the fiber supplement 15 minutes before your dinner supposedly really "knocks" out some of your appetite and it's easier to eat like that then...
  • dux1fan
    dux1fan Posts: 65 Member
    Hi there..I guess Im the a** but Im not really! Just calling it like it see it. This is a great community and I love MFP...but some need to own up to their actions. Back to work!
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