djf23 Member


  • always happy for some new people
  • a week lol but just started shouldnt be stuck already :/ yer everything is measured out exactly only think is sometimes i use a bit of olive oil for cooking n dont log it how much to eat back i dont know :/
  • csgo, skyrim ,bf3 ....alllday long
  • Turkey Burger with Grain Roll a Slice of Cheese Cos Lettuce and some Perinaise sauce :)
  • I love chocolate and cranberries!..... I get dark chocolate and a little box of dried cranberries but save it for after dinner...think it's easier if you just keep it too one time that you have sweets or whatever gives you something to look forward too
  • I'm too lazy to make other drinks...water only is easy!
  • i give eyerolls to the douche bags that use the squat rack for bloody bicep curls...or like yesterday this dude put the bar at the bottom to use as a pull up bar... gym i go to most people dont care if you man or women doing weights...unless you annoy people then they get beaten with giant barbells
  • yer i was kind of gonna do it more for the muscle gain not really strength...if you get what i mean, at the moment i can do 300pounds for 5 reps and max one rep was i think 370 or something...but most plans say to drop down like 95 pounds so that you can build back up to your 10 rep max but be able to do it for the 20 will…
  • haha ....the original plan called for a gallon of milk, that was like serious old school stuff before they had protien powder and other im in no way gonna drink like 4 litres of milk
  • yer, ones of my mates goes to jetts, but he lives like far east so its pretty far...i think there is one near ikea though ill check it out thanks
    in perth gyms Comment by djf23 June 2012
  • yer i have a feeling its water weight, as the original 129 weight was at a medical for work about 2 months ago, and i know i wouldnt have put on weight since, still kinda sucks i hear all these people say best thing about low carb is that you drop like 10 pounds in the first week (i know its only water mostly but still…
  • yeh im not to sure about the scale... im feeling stronger, today i was able to lift close to my max from last time i was lifting continous so i might put on some muscle again... but in a week im not to sure if 3 kg of muscle is even possible to put on but i dunno ill wait a week then weigh myself....ive gotten stricter on…
  • i havent actually bought anything yet off this site but it has good reviews for price and speed of delivery buying more protien powder on friday off this site also optimum nutrition is probably the best alrounder, its high quality and very well priced but "elemental nutrition" seems to be far…
  • oh thanks..the days i went alot over like 2000 etc i was called in for a breakdown and it was like 10 hr a days of fairly physical work so those days i needed the extra also im trying to keep the protien high as im doing heavy weight sessions every monday wednesday friday, and i really dont want to lose muscle mass cause…
  • i think i read some where for "athletes" you can eat much more carbs and still be in keto state...but 4 hours of training would probably go through all those carbs...the bodybuilder usually do like on weekends just load on the carbs to retain muscles while still losing only fat alot of sites and articles say people can be…
  • sorry it was locked...but i made it public
  • hey man ive kinda uped the calories cause started working again so naturally eating quite bit more im gonna put it up a bit more, well see how it goes i registed for another month at gym , gotta hit the heavy weights haha with all that protein going in might as well put it to use ill check out that site, they always have…
  • i get it now, yer ive seen that, havent bought one in years
  • this seem like good idea, i used to make those mug cakes, this is kinda same will definately give it a try
  • this seems nice, i shall try, might freeze balls of peanut butter first make it easier thanks
  • thanks, i will stick to erythitol from now on sad most of the "sugar free" lollies contain malitol, thats kind of annoying
  • i heard of this one before, havent seen it in perth before though will look out for it
  • i had read somewhere that red wine is fine to drink, white wine i havent a clue but either way, i hate wine, tastes like off grape juice lol
  • im not to sure about the beer, usually if i drink beer i dont drink to get drunk haha and its usually at mine camp so have to stay under alcohol limit so i dont blow over, so i dont usually feel hungry, but omfg if i drink like liquor or spirits i eat so much, last time i drank i had a bottle of bundaberg and then ate like…
  • too lose must eat lots of it haha just because im stubborn i will stick to my current diet for another week and see how it goes, after that then i shall take on this high fat ratio btw 13 pounds in a month is awesome
  • cool thanks...bit scared, people say they put back all the weight they lost n stuff ..that would suck few pounds i dont first weeks of low carb you drop lot of water weight so ill see that eextra water held as neutral thanks :)
  • im not to sure what you mean by insulence resistantce....if you mean like diabetes then i dont think/hope i have diabetes....if i had continued the way i was no doubt i would have gotten diabetes sooner or later ( i hope it wasnt to late of a change) i was just a bit woried about people sayign they have a yoyo effect when…
  • on mondays and wednesdays the gym is the fullest, i go at 7.30 in the night every time there will be like 80% people doing there own thing and working out properly and minding own business but then there all ways the groups of guys about my age and they will take over like a piece of equipment and then ****ign talk for…
  • the first few days were a little snappy at people but after a week i think im happeir than i was before...and you dont feel sick or anytyhing its awesome btw if you have choc cravings you can buy sugar free chocolate...the quality stuff taste soo good try well naturally dark choc if you can get it