DRINKING water only- thoughts, results, recommendations



  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I'm a water and tea girl. I rarely ever have sodas
  • abanay1984
    abanay1984 Posts: 15 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    all i really drink is water, i don't see the problem.

    No problem. Just trying to break bad habits and wanted to hear any results of people who have cut out all liquids besides water.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I don't understand why drinking beverages other than water is a bad habit. I drink coffee, tea, a small amount of diet soda, lemonade, red wine, an occasional cocktail. All of those drinks add flavor and satisfaction to my life and are not harming me in any way.
  • abanay1984
    abanay1984 Posts: 15 Member
    I drink just water and I go to the bathroom A LOT.

    They say you need 8 cups of water (8oz each), not to be confused with "glasses" which may be more than 8 oz. I always end up drinking more water than the recommended amount because I drink through the work day and drink 1-2 water bottles (3 cups each) during work outs.

    I love water and I don't miss any other drinks!

    Thank you for your comment! I'm finding for some reason I've been thirstier these past few days. I'm hoping for clearer skin and to break the bad habits of weekend soda and alcohol overindulgences!
  • abanay1984
    abanay1984 Posts: 15 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    If you drink coffee without adding calories to it, I'd continue doing that. The newer guidelines coming out are recommending Americans drink more coffee, as surprising as it may sound. Coffee without added calories seems to have positive health outcomes, and for most people, no negative ones for up to 3 cups.

    I read that too! I read to use coffee and caffeine strategically insteally of habitually but that the coffee can help improve a workout
  • abanay1984
    abanay1984 Posts: 15 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    abanay1984 wrote: »
    DevilsFan1 wrote: »
    There is no "recommended" amount of water to drink per day. Drink when you get thirsty. There are no demonstrated health benefits to drinking eight glasses of water per day.

    Typically, DevilsFan... when I was thristy, I would have gone for a tea or a diet soda... if I want to switch this to water and don't particularly like water... this might increase my urge to not drink anything and run the risk of dyhydration. Are you with me? So there is a "recommended" amount of water. In addition, I have read that drinking water improves skin, improves kidney function (I am a social drinker), gives you more energy and energizes the muscles. This is why I wanted to seek other peoples opinions, if you didn't have anything positive to add, why waste your time?

    What's negative about his post? Just curious. What he stated is fact. Stay hydrated. That's it. You can drink 0 water and be just as healthy as someone who drinks a gallon a day.

    Nothing negative to satisfy your curiosity. Nothing positive either. I don't understand why writing a post in an area hoping for positive feedback and support leads to comments that don't bring any value to the conversation. I decided that I won't engage with those posts after this.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I haven't really seen any positive or negative comments in this thread either, just comments that if someone wants to drink only water, that's fine, but that this is not necessary for either losing weight or being healthy.
  • abanay1984
    abanay1984 Posts: 15 Member
    galbracj wrote: »
    I had a nasty Diet Coke habit and have been water only for over a month. To be honest, I thought it would make me feel better than it has. But after going through caffeine withdrawal I think I'm good not doing that any more and it has helped curb some of the carb cravings. In my experience outside of avoiding sugary drinks I don't think its all that beneficial.

    Mine is diet dr.pepper! I could drink 3 in a row!! I'm curious to see if I see any benefits, clearer skin or more energy like I've read with just water. So far I've been exhausted but I have no clue if that's related or not. Thank you for sharing your experience! :smile:
  • abanay1984
    abanay1984 Posts: 15 Member
    jrline wrote: »
    Coffee in the morning, 2-3 gallons of water per day, and then an adult beverage at night has worked great for me


    It's never one adult beverage for me which is why I hold off for the weekend. This month will be challenging because it's such a social thing to do in the summer. Major congrats on your weight loss! It definitely is an inspiration to those of us just starting out!!! Thank you for sharing :)
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I drink about 1-1.5 gallons of water a day, plus tea (1-2) and coffee (2-3). There is no reason to rule out zero or nearly zero calorie beverages, like coffee and tea. Every day a new study comes out about how coffee is good for this and that (lately- men and prostate health). I also really like crystal light lemonade on hot days. I drink diet coke when I'm at the bar and I don't want to burn my calories on alcohol.
  • jadey_lady
    jadey_lady Posts: 32 Member
    I really only drink water or coffee....it has been fantastic for my skin, among other things. I always feel much better when I am well hydrated and can tell when I have been slacking. I easily put down about a gallon of water a day.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    abanay1984 wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    abanay1984 wrote: »
    DevilsFan1 wrote: »
    There is no "recommended" amount of water to drink per day. Drink when you get thirsty. There are no demonstrated health benefits to drinking eight glasses of water per day.

    Typically, DevilsFan... when I was thristy, I would have gone for a tea or a diet soda... if I want to switch this to water and don't particularly like water... this might increase my urge to not drink anything and run the risk of dyhydration. Are you with me? So there is a "recommended" amount of water. In addition, I have read that drinking water improves skin, improves kidney function (I am a social drinker), gives you more energy and energizes the muscles. This is why I wanted to seek other peoples opinions, if you didn't have anything positive to add, why waste your time?

    What's negative about his post? Just curious. What he stated is fact. Stay hydrated. That's it. You can drink 0 water and be just as healthy as someone who drinks a gallon a day.

    Nothing negative to satisfy your curiosity. Nothing positive either. I don't understand why writing a post in an area hoping for positive feedback and support leads to comments that don't bring any value to the conversation. I decided that I won't engage with those posts after this.

    Understood. As a tip, if you only want positive opinions that follow your line of thinking, you might want to not post on the public boards and say things like this in your OP.
    Let me know thoughts/recommendations/opinions. I’d love to hear anything anyone can add. :smile:

    That gives the impression that you are willing to accept everyone's opinion and the facts. His post absolutely did bring something to the conversation, just not something you wanted to hear. What he said is 100% the truth so I would say it's valid especially since this is the "General Diet and Weight Loss" section and not the "Motivation and Support" forum which I am assuming you must have thought you posted in.

    Good luck on your goals moving forward. Bye.gif
  • djf23
    djf23 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm too lazy to make other drinks...water only is easy!
  • georginabain
    georginabain Posts: 20 Member
    I have only had water & green tea every day for 11 days in a row (one day I had a couple of glasses of wine also).

    The peeing slows down once your body is used to it! I have found it suppresses my apatite too!

    I have at least 2 mugs of green tea (2 servings in each) & aim to drink 3 litres of water (not including the tea). I add lemon too because I heard it is good for immunity.

    Happy drinking
  • slotten
    slotten Posts: 8 Member
    I drink lots and lots of water everyday. I do have a problem with low sodium though, so I make sure to add sodium into my diet when I can. Drinking so much water makes for lower sodium too...