Horskrzy Member


  • +50 = 1701
  • My philosophy is that as all cars and trucks are "man" made so it's all a crap shoot if you get a great one or a lemon. One year brand X may be more reliable, the following it may be less. If you think about it, it all boils down to what we currently like and/or are looking for in a truck or car and all the rest is good…
  • 6' 4", lost about 49 lbs and am either 7 pounds short of my goal weight or my body might be telling me otherwise as I've been sitting at 203-204 for 3 weeks now with fairly consistent daily exercise. No worries, I'm fine with what I've achieved and I feel sooooo much better! Next step is getting the old muscles back in to…
    in Big Men Comment by Horskrzy April 2012
  • Hang in there. While it may take time I promise the results will be worth it. Better health & you'll be setting an example for your kids that WILL affect them for the rest of their lives. DO NOT GIVE UP! For every person on here struggling there are dozens of success stories to keep them going. Use our success to motivate…
  • Awesome attitude Minnie Mouse!
  • Awesome transformation! Keep it up!
  • My primary exercise is on my treadmill so I've a small flat screen TV set up to watch TV shows or Netflix. Takes my mind off of the monotony and I figure if I'm going to dull my brain watching TV I might as well burn off some fat at the same time (vs. being a couch potato!).:drinker:
  • My user name is quite easy if you sound it out. Nuf said.
  • It seems like there's a lot of shy MFP guys! :noway:
  • They're not? :laugh: Great job on your weight loss and meeting your goal!
  • All of the above sound pretty good to me! :laugh: The end results aren't worth it though. :sick: Not even tempted. :yawn:
  • Married my favorite nut. :bigsmile: Quite frankly, I haven't met a nut I didn't like (two legged or the edible type) but I tend to pick out cashews if offered a mix. But then there's those yummy smoked almonds.... Oooh, and then there's those really yummy macadamia nuts! Oh I'm just cracking up over my responses (sometime…
  • I seem to recall that she told me.:laugh: Seriously, we both worked at the same restaurant together in high school. I was quite a flirt with all the girls so she had to let me know via my brother (who also worked there) that she was interested in more than just flirting. I naturally had noticed her but thought she was way…
  • I'll readily admit candy doesn't tempt me like it used to but I do get a hankerin' for a Resse's on occasion until I read the "nutrition" label. One of these days I'll reward myself with ONE (and probably find out it's not a great as I remember! :laugh: ). Nice bike in your picture by the way. My ride is a 2008 Honda…
  • Do you ever read an advice column where you wonder how the person writing in could be so dense? The very FACT that you find Marge to still be attractive AND have had sexual relations is a recipe for disaster. If you insist on being "just friends" your fiance needs to show you the door. You JOB is to MAKE SURE your fiance…
  • I think this is safe to say REGARDLESS of our gender. As to the 1500 calories per day goal, it DOES depend on one's lifestyle. My job is to sit at a desk all day and at 6' 4" with a starting weight of 252 MFP started me out just over 1200 calories per day with a 2 pound per week loss as a goal. Now that I'm down to 217…
  • I just can't pass this one up! My wife & I will hit the 35 year mark this coming May. I can honestly say we are still best friends and based on 35 years of experience, we'll continue on for another 50 or so the same way. Do we do stupid things that irritate each other, sometimes knowingly? You bet! Do we argue about stupid…
  • Good ol fashion lifestyle changes, changing what we eat and how much of it and exercise every day is working for me. Averaging 2.6 pounds per week loss and I even had pizza yesterday! Woot woot! :drinker:
  • It's people like you who inspire all of us as well as all the weight loss "Wantabees". I have several friends whom I'm trying to encourage (through example, not saying they need to lose) that have shown curiosity as to how I'm doing this. I try to steer them to MFP and success stories like this. When someone who says "I…
  • You deserve a MFP Oscar nomination!
  • Just went through this yesterday! I've lost 34 of my 57 pound goal and have dropped from atight 38 waist pants to a comfortable 34 and yet, my waist size went from 40 to 37. If these morons would just follow a standard then I could safely order pants with a specific waist size and length and call it good. Stores carry up…
  • I like to associate the word "favorite" to things that I realy like vs. things I need and/or want to do so my answer is never! :grumble: If you ask what's working for me I would say 5:30 am and 4:30 pm M-F, then once on Sat & Sun in the morning sometime.
  • Short of eating Crisco for meals don't worry about the rest. I think you'll find the vast majority of us count the calories and leave the rest up to our bodies to "figure out". Now if you "have" to go on a low sodium or fat diet for health ISSUES, then it gets a bit harder.
  • There's absolutely no rule that applies "across the board" on this one! For example. I've burned 4289 calories in the past 5 days and lost 4.5 pounds which works out to 953 calories per pound lost. Now the previous 5 days I burned 3611 calories and lost just 1.9 pounds, or 1900 calories per pound lost. The total calorie…
  • As my wife often tells me she's never wrong I'll have to go with a 10. Not worth arguing with her good taste plus she's the only one that matters in the "How do I look category?". :smooched: Am I the first 10? :laugh:
  • Lefty, Not sure where you're having your issues or how long it's taken to lose the 15 lbs so I'll toss out a few things that have worked for me that may help. 1. Get all junk food out of the house and if you have desk at work, there as well. 2. Plan your meals in advance and post them the night before or first thing in the…
  • I couldn't agree more to the above quote. In addition, I've noticed that the one's who insisted that I looked real good after losing just 20 pounds of the target of 57, also implied or outright said I should stop....... were also overweight. Insecure? Guilty over their lack of progress or action? Not sure, but it was…
  • I weigh myself everyday to not only see if I lost but to also educate myself in regards to how what I eat affects me. I've found that this heightened awareness (or illusion of an awareness :tongue: ) has helped me getter a better grasp of what my body wants/needs and I adjust accordingly. What that has done for me is I now…
  • This comment really hit home! While I could list all of the things I used to eat this was a real eye opener for me. Since starting MFP back in October I've found that even going just slightly overboard on sugary and/or fatty foods makes me feel yucky later or the following day. Think our bodies are trying to tell us…
  • Greetings from the Pacific Northwest! My name is Mark and here is a brief brief about me. I am 54 years old and was born in Seattle, WA. While I am working full time, I am also "retired" after 30 years in the US Coast Guard. I currently live in Washington (state) but have also lived in Oregon, California, Massachusetts,…