BigJohn82 Member


  • you won't be susceptible to them when your hands get used to doing things.
  • whats wrong with having calluses? just clip them off, rip them off and go on about your business. Or grind, sand, whatever. Be thankful they are there, they are wonderful protection for your hands. my opinion, men need them... and I don't think less of women with them.
  • Exactly. I don't need it until I am shooting for a one rep max.
  • I doubt it. I like mashed potatoes plain I HATE mashed cauliflower plain. I have to add stuff to it, like cheese and bacon bits or the like to make it "loaded" its the only way I care for it. Admittedly if you can get past it, its a decent substitute.
  • Thats it right there. Forget the mixed grip except for max efforts. Let your grip get stronger. I too was good for up to 300, now im good for 400, and mixed grip for the one rep maxes. And toss your gloves in the garbage. Chalk only please. Makes a world of difference.
  • 30 seconds if I am in a time crunch, on a work set that I can make it work, and if im trying to lose some fat. 60 seconds generally 2 minutes on heavy sets 2+ on max efforts.
  • Absolutely! Take the first choice to ensure you dont regret it later.
  • Back in my younger days I tore open my shin on two different occasions. In this spot the skin is so thin I regularly tear it open if I dont take precautions. If I feel like it, ill wear warm up pants or something, or if I am in shorts, Ill chalk the bar up some and ill use baby powder on my shin. Baby powder first, then…
  • I guess Ill join in here. supps I buy from biotest. Alphamale, Rez-v, whey protien, surge recovery, bcaas. I take a multi and fishoil and glucoasamine. My routine is usually based around monday - squats tuesday - bench thursday- deadlifts friday- OH pressing December 2011 maxes were: Deadlift - 455 Bench - injured, max…
  • I totally forgot about this... we RARELY ever use our full size plates.
  • honey instead of pancake syrup salsa on eggs instead of my beloved ketchup (sometimes) may not be the best definition, but substituting white meats for most red meats I do prefer to just go without than to have faux foods like cauli-rice and things like that.
  • So then, what do you consider bulking up? I would consider adding muscle mass to be in that realm.
  • I think my issues with the term "heavy lifting" getting tossed around here is, how do people define it. I consider it lifting in that lower 1-6 ish, rep ranges, but that you have to have the know how and discipline to work in that range with ACTUAL heavy weights. I think a lot of times people (and I myself was guilty of…
  • I was going to start this exact thread, so I will bump it from the dead. Height - 5-10 Weight - currently about 205 body fat - no idea... maybe low 20s? Bench - Guestimate 250-ish, Shoulder injury kept me from a PR last year. Squat - 305 Dead - 455
  • I prefer an post workout drink with protein and maltodextrin, among amino acids and whatnot. The sugar helps shuttle nutrients to the muscles. Ill eat a meal a half hour to an hour after that.
  • Dont worry about it, move on, and dont beat yourself up on the scale for a week. It wont be the end of the world, and eat normally all the rest of your meals. Live and learn.
  • Start weight training as soon as possible. You can do plenty with 40 pounds. Weight traning will help your diet more than anything and help to ensure you retain what muscle you may have as you loose fat.
  • When I added weight to the bar When I get through a session without pain When I get through a session and am as focused when I am done as when I started.
  • You probably will hate my reply, but here goes. Just stop eating it. Go a few weeks without it and you wont miss it. Fruits will then be like candy. Sodas? Learn to love water. If you are like me, you cant have "just one" and I must stay away as best I can, and do my best even on my cheat meal to stay away.
  • Interval training sounds like the best option for you, plus its fun! I do though, keep my heart rate lower during my cardio before my weight session.
  • My current resting rate is about 60, sadly I dont know what it was before I started running in the AM, which has led me to some major improvements in my endurance.
  • I get the same thing, of having people tell me to stop losing weight, that im wasting away... Just brush it off and know you are doing the right thing.
  • Thanks! Ive been - Fat -not fat -fat again (plenty of excuses) now im becoming not fat, and will be keeping it off... Hopefully ill be my new old self by the end of summer.
  • Added... im new... so what the hell, and you are local!