Buckychick4ever Member


  • First and foremost, congratulations!!! I am due October 5 with my first (and almost definitely my only...I turn 42 in April). I haven't done great during my first trimester diet or exercise wise so I'm trying to right the ship as much as possible and still be healthy. Please feel free to add me and I look forward to…
  • Hi Fal, Please feel free to add me too...I was an avid about working out and being healthy the past 4-5 years but life changed a little over a year ago and I fell out of my good eating and fitness habits. I am just getting back into it with the help of a trainer but I need even more motivation too! I am running in a 8K at…
  • Accepted and finished...a little burn felt great in those last reps! :smile:
  • Pewaukee checking in!
  • It figures I found this thread the last week of the month!! The fall can be so hard with all the football games, baseball playoffs, etc. Seems like every weekend presents on opportunity to overindulge! Luckily the only thing that saved me from blowing up as round as a beer keg this month is that I added a 5:30 AM bootcamp…
  • Pain is temporary, Pride is forever
  • Womens Health is really good. If you don't want to commit to subscribing just yet, check out the website first. A ton of free info there too! http://www.womenshealthmag.com/ Happy reading!
  • I agree that if you can find some room in your monthly budget, finding a good personal trainer is a must! I have never had a strong upper body but just by working out with my trainer who keeps my muscles guessing every few weeks by mixing up exercises, reps & amount of weight, I actually have defined biceps, triceps,…
  • Originally from Janesville area, now living in a Milwaukee 'burb...but far west enough to still get to my Utopia...Madison (and the Union Terrace, whoo hoo!) Go Bucky! Go Pack Go! True Blue Brew Crew!!! Leinie's! The Cow!! Sqweeky Curds! State Fair and Summerfest..... All good things come from WI. With the exception of a…
  • If you like lemon pepper, try sprinkling some in your cottage cheese...yum!!
  • SW: 12/31/09: 152 lbs. 1/7/2010: 149 lbs 1/14/2010: 147 lbs 1/21/2010: 145 lbs 1/28/2010: missed weigh in 2/4/2010: 142.4 3/4/2010: 141 Goal: 140 lbs by 3/1/09 Missed my goal by a pound!! I'll get 'er next week!! As you can see, I've been absent for 1 month. Had a vacation in there and been doing a lot of traveling for…
  • SW: 12/31/09: 152 lbs. 1/7/2010: 149 lbs 1/14/2010: 147 lbs 1/21/2010: 145 lbs 1/28/2010: missed weigh in :embarassed: 2/4/2010: 142.4 Goal: 140 lbs by 3/1/09 Struggling with getting my workouts in again this week. I leave for a snowboarding trip to CO 2 weeks from tomorrow...I need to work out every day to make sure I can…
  • Cris...your post actually brought up a great challenge...how about if the challenge is to schedule out the next week with your daily goals for the next week, i.e. calorie intake, work out schedule, etc. and stick to it? My goals: Calorie Intake: 1,330/day Work outs: Fri: 30 min cardio, 30 min lower body strength training…
  • SW: 12/31/09: 152 lbs. 1/7/2010: 149 lbs 1/14/2010: 147 lbs 1/21/2010: 145 lbs Goal: 140 lbs by 3/1/09 I didn't work out at all this week :angry: I begin training on Sunday for a 5 mile run on April 24...I'm glad I got a few pounds off before I start..hopefully it'll make it easier not to have to carry as much of me around…
  • Congrats to all the sucessess!!!! SW: 12/31/09: 152 lbs. 1/7/2010: 149 lbs 1/14/2010: 147 lbs Goal: 140 lbs by 3/1/09 The dietary part is going well. I'm struggling with getting my workouts done. I need to get going!!! Snowboarding vacation quickly approaching and I'm not nearly ready to shred the hill in my yard let along…
  • SW: 12/31/09: 152 lbs. 1/7/2010: 149 lbs Goal: 140 lbs by 3/1/09 Just like last week, I think my scale is wrong. My clothes are not fitting like they used to when I was this weight. Of course I'm not in as good of shape right now so that has everything to do with it. But I'm blaming the scale, its just easier :laugh:
  • I think my scale is lying to me b/c my clothes definitely do not support the number that the scale says as of this morning: 152 lbs. Looking forward to looser fitting jeans!!! :) Happy New Year everyone!!!
  • I'm game! Looking forward to witnessing each and every success each of us has no matter how big or small!! Bring it on 2010!!!
  • Never thought of this either but it is a great idea...so after reading the post, I googled it (TGF Google!) and found a recipe. Attached is the link. I am going to make this tonight!! Good luck! http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=427590
  • Hello all! I'm going to start this program starting today! I am not a "natural" runner by any stretch and have had periods when I love it but then I fall off the wagon and stop for months. I participate in an annual 5 mile fundraiser run each spring and this past July I did my first sprint distance Trialthlon...swim and…
  • I'm so looking forward to this challenge. I have gone through spurts of doing crunches on a nightly/every-other-night basis and I can sure tell the difference when I'm doing them. Question is, so that you don't ignore all the abdominal muscles, I wonder if it would be a good idea to do the challenge using several different…