RGroenland Member


  • Welcome back. I have been struggling for well over a year now. Since I got pregnant last January my eating has been crap. I would love some support and but kicking to get my diet back on track. I feel so tired all of the time. Even when my six month old sleeps through the nights.
  • I too was wondering how to tackle the dreaded day 22... I think I will try to do my best eliminating sugar from my own food prep. And not worry about it when we eat out (which is not too often). And try to truely declare a 'special occassion' and when it is worth the treat. So hard to do. I will likely try another detox in…
  • Wishing you all the best. I successfully completed a Whole30 last August with my then boyfriend. I had been mostly compliant to Paleo until my wedding/honeymoon last week. I went off the reservation!! Feeling better as I ween myself back into it full time.
  • I am just looking for something incase if I am out and didnt have food with me. My usual go to is to grab hard boiled eggs and veggies from Safeway. But if I am on my way to a client's I can't smell like eggs...
  • What a transformation! You look amazing!
  • Thank you everyone for the continued support! I do plan my meals out for the most part and that is why during the week it is so easy for me. Same breakfast and lunch every single day. Dinners have been tricky lately because of how busy I am with a second job & part time/evening schooling twice a week. But I am happy to say…
  • Did so well all week! fell off the wagon this weekend after an emotional and badly planned day.
  • May 6 - Really struggling with peer pressure and saying no to people. Fell off the wagon this weekend and both times were social outings. I have a feeling my trip to Halifax will be difficult. Once I get started I have trouble with taking a 'taste' of something and not finishing off the whole plate (of Nachos!). I feel…
  • Congratulations! that is awesome :) I dont really try to hit or avoid certain macros. I am wondering if I should change them up... I am more using it has a diary of what I ate.
  • I Keep starting W30's and then fail miserably! I am not doing a 100% true W30 until just before the wedding as I have a bunch of events and trips coming up (yes an excuse) But I do want to maintain the W30 approach for all but those events going forward. It has been a rough couple of weeks for me diet wise. Other than…
  • Hi, That was my plan back in September (Aug 2012 was my W30). Then one thing lead to another and I am a mess now. Trying to get back into it and truly Live the Whole9 lifestyle. The only sidebars I want to be ok with is the occasional glass of wine or Paleo Treat. Good work on sticking with it!
  • If it isn't too late I am in :)
  • Thank you ladies! Very helpful. I have read the "timeline" before. Looks very interesting :)
  • Wishing you all the Best! You know you will always have my support. Also maybe check out Vega line of products. They are Vegan and I am not sure if they are ok for you but worth a look. I love the VEGA ONE. it is a full meal replacement and tastes pretty good (Berry flavour). Good luck!
  • Thank you everyone! Saturday was a 22km Run in the sun followed by my first ice bath. I took everyone's suggestions and it wasn't as horrible as I expected. I just sat there watching the timer run out! brrrr. I did notice some swelling in my toes later that evening... I hope there is nothing wrong. I wasn't very sore or…
  • I recently saw my chiro/physio therapist. He did some major Graston work on my calves because I have a serious lactic acid build up. He said the compression socks will help for recovery, stay very hydrated, stretch and the worst thing possible... ICE BATHS! With increase in milage comes some underlying problems to surface.…
  • I would also pick up some Gluten Defence or some sort of gluten digesting enzyme. I take these whenever I am worried about hidden gluten or dairy and they seem to help lessen the symptoms.
    in Wedding Comment by RGroenland April 2012
  • What's your name? Renee Where do you live? Calgary, Alberta What are your food vices/ cheats? Cheese, Bread & Any combination What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Laziness What's your favorite exercise? Running What exercise would you like to try this year? Zumba What is your biggest trouble…
  • I love the taste and benefits of Rivalus Promasil. It mixes great with water or almond milk on the go and isn't sweetened with Aspartame or Splenda.