

  • I have been doing it with Butter flavored PAM for several years now. It also works with regular salt too but the popcorn salt is finer and sticks better. You might want to try the popcorn seasonings like white cheddar it only adds about 2 cal and gives a new flavors. There are other flavors besides white cheddar but that's…
  • when you go to put in an exercise look up cleaning and it will give you a way to see how much calories you have burned.
  • I want to be able to go shop in the ladies department and not the women's or plus size dept.
  • go to the exercise database and find how fast you walked and how long, then change the wt to your wt plus the weights that your using. it will calculate how many calories you have burned. now you can manuely put that number into your diary.
  • thanks everyone for giving me your support and I will try some of your advice. Wish me luck.
  • Well I sure can't help I can't even figure out how to start a blog. sure I can reply to you but don't know how to start my own. but I whis you the best of luck.:ohwell:
  • It sounds like you might have Plantar Fasciitis. It is common for people with certain types of jobs, like a nurse or waiterss. Both are on their feet all day. Go on line and look it up, you will find out about what causes it and some stretches that can help. Don't ignor it because it will get worse. Fellow Suffer:cry:
  • Welcome to the site, I started back in Jan. and have been loving it. I have tried several diets in my life time and none worked like this. I think what makes it different is that this time I am not thinking of it as a diet but more of a life style change. I'm 51 years old and I can tell you that the older you get the…
  • keep up the good work. I have been doing the same about counting calories. I eat what ever I want just stay under my total cal intake alotted. I found I too started making better choices and have lost the pounds. 34 since Jan. My goal is one pound per week so I am right on tract. You sound like your on the right tract too.…
  • congrat on your new baby and on the weight lose too.
  • I didn't wait for anyone to notice, I just let everyone know that I lost another pound, and every week I would weight in on the same scale and every week I would let everyone know that I had lost one or two pound or what ever I happend to lose that week. But for people that I don't work with or that I don't see every day.…
  • you need to recheck his heart rate with another machine or by just felling his pulse and counting. Because the machine he was on might not be right. If his heart rate really is that high he might need to see a doctor about it.
  • I don't know if i'm just old or living in the back country, but I have never even heard of skinny cow or laughing cow. the only cows I know of give milk and have 4 legs. like I said I must be getting old.
  • Binxy2004 is right, you need to drink plenty of fluids. You don't use that much more calories when you are sick but you do get dehydrated more easily. so push the fluids and it will help keep your hunger down as well. Hope you fell better soon.
  • Hi, 2400 calories seems to be a whole lot of calories to me. But I'm not real sure how they calculat everything to come up with the number of calories. What I do know is that the less calories you eat the faster you should loose wt. I try to stay under the amout of calories it says I can have and I try not to include the…
  • HI, I don't know what you are eating but you probably eat out and at fast food type places. this is very bad for you. there are a lot of TV dinner type meals at your local grocery store. You need to read the lables and pick ones that sound good to eat. this way you don't need to know how to cook you just need a microwave.…
    in help?! Comment by ClaudiaRN January 2009
  • Just started monday.