Cheer me up...please

How long did it take people to start noticing a change in your weight?

I have only lost around 10 pounds (8 for sure....go back to the doctor next week to weight in) and I notice in my clothes and face and really in my stomach area. No one has said anything to me. It's kind of sad. My sister notice, I guess, but she also know I am trying to take the pounds off, so I think she is just being nice. I don't really want to ask people. I want them to notice on their own. Maybe the next 10 pounds people will say


  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    No one in my family notices when i lose weight. LOL.. so don't feel bad.. the only one that says anything to me is my hubby... Sorry.. but congrats your your weightloss!!! :bigsmile:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    I hear ya! I am in the same boat. No one has said anything to me yet either. I can notice and it makes me feel better about myself but I would LOVE for someone else to notice. I guess it kinda makes me work harder so that eventually I will get the comments. haha I have been at a standstill for almost 3 weeks now though. :grumble: :grumble:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    No one in my family notices when i lose weight. LOL.. so don't feel bad.. the only one that says anything to me is my hubby... Sorry.. but congrats your your weightloss!!! :bigsmile:

    My hubby to and all he says is "your boobs are shrinking!!!" :laugh:
  • angel1face
    angel1face Posts: 110
    just to let you know im going through the same drama lol. its noticable to others belive me but not the people who see us everyday or ourselves only because we are looking for it all the time now lol. but just to let you know the main thing is you stay focused, and keep up the good work it will make you feel better in the long run and you will notice people will see it more. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • demezat
    demezat Posts: 158
    Well you have to remember....people that see you all the time probably aren't going to notice right away...:flowerforyou:
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    most people dont notice the first 10 especially if they see you alot but after another 10 something should be visable
  • manganello16
    Hey, it doesn't really matter if people notice or not! Your weight loss is for you to be happy about. Some people probably notice, and just don't say anything, but for the most part just don't worry, it's not about other people noticing, it's about being happy with yourself!:flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • dclarsh
    dclarsh Posts: 364
    I've lost about 10 pounds too, and the only people who have noticed are my husband and a woman I hadn't seen in a few months. I think it's hard when people see you every day to notice because it's so gradual. It's not like you dropped it all over night (but wouldn't that be nice?).

    But, you're doing this for you, right? Not for them. So who cares if they notice or not?
  • ClaudiaRN
    ClaudiaRN Posts: 20
    I didn't wait for anyone to notice, I just let everyone know that I lost another pound, and every week I would weight in on the same scale and every week I would let everyone know that I had lost one or two pound or what ever I happend to lose that week. But for people that I don't work with or that I don't see every day. I was getting coments after about 15-20lbs, that's also when I started noticing that my clothes were getting loose. I have now lost 30lbs and I feel great. of course I still need to loose 50 more pounds. But I'm excited and that's what you need to be. Be excited for yourself, cheer yourself on and after awhile your friends and family will see the difference and be excited with you and for you. so keep up the good work and tell your self that you are doing good, because you are.
  • Isioviel
    Isioviel Posts: 21 Member
    People might not realise you want to be told, honestly, before I starting trying to loose weight, I didn't realise I was supposed to mention it! I had a friend who lost loooooads of weight and looked really good, but I didn't dare mention it too explicitly incase she thought I was saying she's been fat before haha! Then my mum mentioned it to her and she was really pleased and I felt bad. But seriously, people might be noticing but not wanting to mention it, I never realised how good it feels for someone to say you look like you've lost weight until just recently! Well done on loosing 10 pounds, I'm nearly and can't wait til I break 70kg on scales!!!
    Good luck :).
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Until you lose a large amount of weight, people might be cautious about bringing it up. Weight is a very sensitive topic, and they probably don't want to bring it up and risk offending you in some way. Give it time. :flowerforyou:
  • hahahollylol
    hahahollylol Posts: 160 Member
    I've lost about 19 pounds and just recently at church someone noticed that I lost some weight. and also my brother (whom I don't see very often) said something too. I was wearing a snug fitting pair of jeans. But they only felt snug around the waist.

    and if your immediate family isn't saying anything, it's probably because they don't notice your weightloss because they are around you everyday.
  • laniirvin
    laniirvin Posts: 94
    I know how you feel, no one noticed until I lost 14 Now people at work are coming up to me saying are you losing weight? I had my daughter's friend's mom see me two days ago, and she hadn't seen me in a month and she said the same thing. Made me feel good. It is making up for the 10 pounds they didn't notice. Just give it time, they will notice and it will feel good. It will make up for what they didn't notice at start. Some people don't say anything, for fear to hurt your feelings believe it or not. My dad never says anything to me, but he said something to my mom to make sure I wasn't sick with cancer or something. I just Good luck! And great job on your lose, doesn't it make you feel good to know you are on the way down!! Keep it up!
  • chopsticks
    chopsticks Posts: 106 Member
    i agree with what they say about weight being a sensetive issue. I'm trying to lose weight and want ppl to notice, but at the same time my sis n law has and i don't want to say anything because i don't want it to be taken as, "you lost some weight, good for you-you needed it." Even though it probabaly wouldn't. Actually, after reading this....i'm gonna let her know i noticed. thanks!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I went through the same thing recently...I had lost 22 lbs and was seeing some friends I hadn't seen since since before I lost it. I was expecting them to say something, but nope! Not a word. Oh well. Like someone here mentioned, I'm not doing it for them, I'm doing it for me.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum though, a lady at my gym came up to me one day and in broken English said "You lose weight so fast, you look good!" I was so happy to have someone notice, she made my day!
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    No one in my family notices when i lose weight. LOL.. so don't feel bad.. the only one that says anything to me is my hubby... Sorry.. but congrats your your weightloss!!! :bigsmile:

    My hubby to and all he says is "your boobs are shrinking!!!" :laugh:

    OMG!!! ... :laugh:
    My hubby says that he supports my wanting to lose weight.. so long as I dont lose my boobs! LOL *sigh* men are hilarious.
  • chopsticks
    chopsticks Posts: 106 Member
    i'm getting a little annoyed with my boyfriend giving "that look" when he sees me mesuring my salad dressing or whatever.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Until you lose a large amount of weight, people might be cautious about bringing it up. Weight is a very sensitive topic, and they probably don't want to bring it up and risk offending you in some way. Give it time. :flowerforyou:

    That is what I was thinking too.
    If someone loses a small amount of weight, I likely won't comment. What if they didn't intentionally lose weight? Am I calling them fat?? *gasp* I play it safe and don't mention it until I see a big change in weight and feel comfortable congratulating them on an obvious change.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    i'm getting a little annoyed with my boyfriend giving "that look" when he sees me mesuring my salad dressing or whatever.

    Poke him in the eye with a fork.
    Those looks will discontinue. :bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    No one in my family notices when i lose weight. LOL.. so don't feel bad.. the only one that says anything to me is my hubby... Sorry.. but congrats your your weightloss!!! :bigsmile:

    My hubby to and all he says is "your boobs are shrinking!!!" :laugh:

    OMG!!! ... :laugh:
    My hubby says that he supports my wanting to lose weight.. so long as I dont lose my boobs! LOL *sigh* men are hilarious.

    Tell him you support him aging, so long as he doesn't lose any hair.
    (MEN. Bah :grumble: )