

  • I've gotten into the McCormick perfect pinch seasonings, they're salt free and give variety to my steamed veggies!
  • Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • I think if having one donut a week is all it takes to revent bigger slip ups, then that's great! Maybe just knowing that you get that donut is all you need to keep on track the rest of the time. I feel that way about coffee. I used to work for starbucks and had a hard time giving up the sugar. I completely cut coffee out…
  • How long has your stomach been expanded? A half an inch isn't much; that could be gas, or you just ate, or your period's right around the corner? I measure myself all the time, and my waistline can change by up to 2 inches depending on the time of the month...I'm sure you're doing just fine! Maybe your abs are just so rock…
  • My goal is to get back to my pre-baby bod...my natural waist and my chest are back to normal, but hips just won't budge! And that little pooch just below my belly button; I can't get it to flatten out. I'm down to 34-27-38...looks a little too "mom" still =)
  • The best part about JM dvd's is that they're only about 30 mintues! So even though she can be tough, I can push through anything if it's only 30 minutes =). And with 2 kids under 3, sometimes that's all I get to do in a day so I want it to count. I have 30DS and killer buns and thighs and they're both worth it. I like that…
  • Mine turn 3 in may and 1 in march; I just quit nursing a few weeks ago. I feel like I'm happy with the weight loss journey and I'm lucky to have no stretch marks on my belly, but my boobs took a huge hit! I told my husband by the time he gets to have 'em back he's not going to want them anymore, lol! chest flies are a good…
  • I have several of the Jillian dvds too, and I don't think it matters what you choose to start with, as long as you DO one! I get bored easily and I'm trying to lose some in the hips, so I usually alternate between 30ds and her killer buns and thighs. If I have more than a half-hour then i do a p90x video!
  • If you haven't done it yet, you should measure yourself! I've been really discouraged because I haven't lost any weight in a month, but I did lose 4.25 inches off my body, so I am firming up. Plus, I don't have much left to lose. If you've been doing a certain work out, maybe you need to try something else because your…
  • I've been making veggie juice since I watched the movie, also, but there's no way I could go on a strictly juice diet and be able to still be nice to my family and friends! ;) I think it's a great way to get some nutrients in from those veggies that I just won't eat, while also replacing some of my less desirable drinking…
  • I know I can go farther and faster when I eat before I run! But that's usually at least 30 min before I actually take off. I just make a smoothie or eat some oatmeal; just enough to "stick."
  • I'm discovering that I'm better at using this site if i keep a hand written food journal in the kitchen and then post it all after lunch. Then i can project how much to have for dinner, and how much exercise I "have" to do if I want to make up for a particular craving and still lose weight...I have an elliptical in my…
  • I'm a sahm, and I feel like I can say I have no truly dedicated time some days with 2 babies under 3! But I've turned my home duties into exercise by adding calf raises while I'm prepping meals, scrubbing my floors on my hands and knees, doing squats and lunges while lifting my 20 lb baby in the air, and thinking about…
  • I juuust started actively using this site and reading these forums, but I think what's working for me is just being a little bit better than the day before. I know that if I go "cold turkey" on all my old habits, I'm going to fail. But if I'm honest with myself, write every bite down, and have a little more self control…
  • I gained 55 with my first pregnancy, lost 45, got pregnant again when he turned 1 and gained 35 lbs and lost that...and I'm still breastfeeding at 9 months. I don't really bother "adding" the 500 calories for bfing because I'm sure I eat those at the end of the night! My most consistent diet issue has been the end of the…
  • I saw the fat, sick, and nearly dead documentary too. I haven't tried to fast, but I definitely am getting more than all my veggies since I started juicing them! I have one of those ninja blenders, so I have to add water and strain the juice myself, but I have noticed a big difference in energy level. I blend kale,…
  • I used to work for starbucks; I was OBSESSED with coffee! the sweet ones. the artificial creamer. It took over a month to wean myself off and be ok with green tea. But I finally did, and I'm probably saving myself over 400 calories a day! I know coffee by itself has 0 calories, but I just won't drink it like that. :happy:
  • I have a 2-1/2 yr old and a 9 month old, and I'm trying to lose 10-15 more lbs myself! I'm just barely starting to watch what i eat; up until very recently I've never wanted to change my diet. I would just work out more. But it's pretty hard to squeeze in more with 2 little ones, so hopefully I can stay motivated longer…
  • I want to hear your tips! I'm 5'2 and 128 before my babies. I got up to 183 with my first pregnancy, lost 45 lbs, then gained 35 with my 2nd baby and lost the 35 no problem. But I'm stuck at 138 and I was never about 130 before. I'm not trying to get below 125; I like myself at a healthy size 5/6. I think my exercise is…
  • I know how you're all feeling! I gained 55 lbs with my first pregnancy, lost 45 lbs and got pregnant again when he was a year old, then gained 35 lbs and lost all of those no problem since i'm running around like crazy. My baby is now 9 months old and I'm still BFing, but those last 10 lbs just aren't budging. I've never…
  • sounds like these are the peeps i need to keep up with! I'm stuck with the last 10 lbs of baby weight. I feel like I'm plenty active but I just can't get my eating habits under control. I've cut out COFFEE and switched to green tea, I've been making my own vegetable juices since I'm never going to eat kale and celery…
  • I recently had 2 free packs to try and added things to it to make it more interesting, but honestly for the price and for only having 2 flavors I think I'd have a tough time commiting to drinking it every single day. I have been having some success with drinking my vegetables, though! I've been juicing kale, spinach,…
  • I have the same problem! I would like to blame the husband because I see him eating all the "good stuff" and I totally join in. I'm an out of sight, out of mind person, but I struggle to make the right choices when it's right there in front of me! Plus, my biggest cheat in my diet is coffee. Well, the delicious nondairy…