Want to Exercise but No Time!



  • y_53kg
    y_53kg Posts: 35
    Workout DVDs... some are just 20 mins long
    Wake up 30 minutes earlier and go for a walk/jog

    & adding simple things to your daily life...
    when you want to get something from the floor or in a lower drawer or something don't just bend.. do a squat!
    When at home.. walk in lunges
    Before you go to bed.. do some crunches/push ups
    while watching tv, do some burpees/run in place during commercial..

    & Just so you know, food preparation burns calories!
  • jlowensby
    Start little and the rest will come to you. Start walking on your lunch break. Do you get 15 minute breaks at work? Take that time to walk the stairs if there are any? If you can fit in 20 minutes of exercise per day, that is a start and it will become easier for you to want to find a way to fit in more. Park further out in the parking lot. Take the stairs verses the elevator. Do 60 crunches before you crawl in bed. ;) I wish you luck!!
  • superdietgirl11
    Thank you so much everyone for responding. You all have some great ideas! I'm going to try incorporate many and see if that helps. I really appreciate the help! :-)
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    If you REALLY want it, you WILL find a way. If you don't, then you'll find EVERY excuse. I work a full time demanding corporate job (50-70 hours a week), raising 2 sons with hectic school activities and sports and married to a man who travels frequently for work. I also DO NOT have the time to workout...I MAKE time. SO how bad to you really want it?
  • rachelcschmidt
    I'm a sahm, and I feel like I can say I have no truly dedicated time some days with 2 babies under 3! But I've turned my home duties into exercise by adding calf raises while I'm prepping meals, scrubbing my floors on my hands and knees, doing squats and lunges while lifting my 20 lb baby in the air, and thinking about holding my abs in almost all day. My hubby's gracious enough to cover the kids so I can go to the gym on his days off, but I have to get creative right now considering the ages of my kids. And I'm focusing less on being THE best, and just being a better, more focused me than I was yesterday so that I don't quit! I also put up a pic of me prebabies in my kitchen. I'm not that far off from what I "used" to be. I'm just going to have to work a lot harder for it than I used to have to!