how to stop mindless eating/snacking?



  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You have to find a way to release the stress . Work out does work for me. A quick walk also do it for me.
    What is your hobby? what do you enjoy? How about just look at picture of your family, kids

    Don't eat food when you are stress.
    But if you have stress and have to eat,
    take at least 10 deep breath -Breath in- I know that I'm feeling ---- (angry/upset/worry)
    Breath out - I let go of that feeling....
    And when you eat, eat in mindful, chew your food several times, savor the flavor, don't think about anything else.
  • rachelcschmidt
    I juuust started actively using this site and reading these forums, but I think what's working for me is just being a little bit better than the day before. I know that if I go "cold turkey" on all my old habits, I'm going to fail. But if I'm honest with myself, write every bite down, and have a little more self control tomorrow than I did today, I'll see some results. Coffee, for example. It took me about a month to completely cut out my 3 big cups of sugary creamed coffee and switch to tea, but it's done! And I NEVER thought I would say that. This week, I'm switching out the bites of random sweet treats for homemade smoothies and vegetable juice. And in 3 days of cutting down, I've almost cut them out. The more I get used to writing it down, the more I want to succeed today! And if I recognize I binged, then I hop on my elliptical and bust it out until I've made up for it!
  • stephanie_salvi
    When I worked in a restaurant, I had to be very strict. I would not eat anything from the restaurant. Nothing. Not a french fry or sip of soda. All I allowed myself to eat was what I brought. It was very hard, but for me it was a necessity. I don't do much of anything halfway.
  • rbbrrmqn
    rbbrrmqn Posts: 132 Member
    To be honest, this just recently 'hit' me - whatever I put into MY mouth, I have to be the one to work it back off again!!! THAT right there makes me think A LOT B4 I put things into MY mouth--good luck!!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    . Everyone talks about this "journey" being a lifestyle change. If your position now hinders your success as you strive to be healthy, then maybe a healthy choice is not necessarily just about your choice in food or snacks.

    Would it be terrible for me to say.....Get out of the fast food industry? Just sayin' I am sure you have many skills from this job that are transferable to something non-food related. I know that is a big change, but maybe it is something you need to do.