jgear13 Member


  • I started with a trainer right from the beginning and I got great results. In only 3 months I had lost about 7% body fat and 11+ inches and I think around 15 pound. I tried to do it on my own for the next 3 months and I lost another inch or two and another 3 pounds, but mostly had stalled out so I went back to personal…
  • Thank you and yes you can add me!
  • LOL yes 2" of them in fact. Oh well guess you have to take the good with the bad.
  • My homemade breakfast sandwich -english muffin, ham, egg and occasionally with cheese! I eat it nearly every day when I wake up.
  • I make a lot of soup recipes low sodium by just modifying the ingredients. For example using frozen vegetables instead of canned, buying "no salt added" canned beans or tomato sauces (Hunt's brand is a good one), using ground turkey instead of beef, and my life saver has been using Orrington brand soup base. They sell a…
  • I have been on a strict nutrition plan for the last 3 months, working with a trainer, and have lost about 18lbs so I know how to work my calories and exercise to have a deficit and lose weight. From my understanding the Evolv shakes are all natural so I am not worried about being pumped full of chemicals. This is what the…
  • Mainly because I am on the go a lot and either in a hurry in the morning OR in a hurry after my workout. I also like drinking smoothies/ frappes and thought this could be a healthy quick way of getting my calories and my fix for those kinds of things.
  • My trainer advised I not do a cheat day, but rather a cheat meal. For me I know a cheat day could easily get me off track, so I stick with just a cheat meal per week and I still log it. I think if you don't log the bad or "cheat" stuff too you easily lose sight of what you really are consuming. Plus I look at my net…
    in CHEAT DAY Comment by jgear13 April 2013
  • I was very excited to see this group because I have exactly 3 weeks left of working with a trainer and I feel like I need to kick it into high gear. I have been cheating with my nutrition lately and want to stick to clean eating the next 3 weeks (maybe with the exception of Easter!). I also want to push myself to workout a…
  • First thing I would do is find a staff member to walk you around and show you the equipment. They should be willing to explain the machines and demonstarte how to use them. And just remember any workout no matter how long or short or how unperfect you feel at the gym is still a step up from staying on the couch :wink:
  • BUMP!
  • These all sound like some tasty and interesting combinations. Anyone have a good idea for an "egg salad" type wrap without using mayo? I love egg salad, especially for breakfast.
  • This sounds amazing! A good way to get my buffalo craving satisfied. Thanks!
  • At this point on the trainer's diet plan I have only lost 2 lbs in 1 week which I believe is a safe amount. I certainly don't plan to drop my calories lower than 1200 though even if the trainer says to.
  • I also just started with a trainer and was put on a strict diet of 1000-1200 calories a day. I am 5'6" 170 and 37% BF. She says my BMR is about 939. I am supposed to start my day with a 350 calorie breakfast and make my meals 100cals smaller as the day goes on. Also eat 3 snacks. She gave me other restrictions as well such…
  • I am struggling with this as well! I just started sessions with a trainer and she wants me at 29g of sugar per day, so far in the last week I have been at nearly double that every day. I have been eating very clean so this is primarily all from fruit. This morning I had an apple thinking I was being healthy only to find…