

  • I like to do beans and rice. I do up a few cups of rice on Sundays and then use it all week. I use Bush's black beans and grillin beans for flavor. Occasionally I will also cook up some chicken breast and add it for those extra hungry days :-)
  • Thanks for the ideas everyone. I think the goal is going to be "muscle tone" by this Memorial day :smile: And then I can compare the pictures that started this journey. Additionally, I like the idea of setting some weight lifting goals so that is what i am going to do.
  • I did diet and exercise. Just treadmill though. I didnt want to do weights until I lost some of the lbs. Good luck on your journey and half mile! You can do it.
  • I do a beer can chicken. it is great and very healthy way to do it. Cook it on the grill for about 40 minutes or until 165 degrees and you done. I use the Chicken Roaster you can get from target.…
  • Interesting.....I was a 3-6 diet soda drinker a day when I joined back in May. Diet Coke and Diet Mountain Dew were the usual suspects. In June I had an epiphany.....I realized that the sodas actually made me hungrier especially on an empty stomach. So now I have 1-2 a day and guzzle absurd amounts of water. So far so…
  • 35-50 minutes of brisk treadmill walking 4 days a week.
  • Pick your head up.... I tried the same approach initially (focusing on diet not exercise). When I look back it was for 2 reasons: I was lazy (diet control seemed less effort) but I was also a bit intimidated with the whole exercise thing. I had visions of needing to run marathons and back breaking crunches. I just wasnt…
  • I use them a couple times a month.. They work from me on those days I feel exhausted. I have not been able to get reliable "health" information on them so I have gone the moderation approach for now.
  • I do 30 minutes a day on the treadmill or play golf about 6 times a week. I take one day to rest and enjoy....
  • I try not to over-think it......... I either find something similiar and select the highest calorie entry ( I am a pessimist :)) or I just do a quick calorie add and add 1000 calories. More importantly I enjoy the meal and just realize that I have to make up for it in the days following. I hope that helps.
  • I was just interested in the recipe aspect. I found the rest to be a bit complicated. MFP is the place for me!
  • I have found that exercise really reduces my desire to eat. It is like ...."I just spent all this effort exercising and I dont want to waste it on that potato chip". I also found out that drinking soda (diet or regular) actually made me hungry. So now when I start to feel hungy I guzzle some water :-) Good luck!
  • I think the first step is to stop thinking this is a DIET. For me, this site has not put me on a diet, rather changed how I live my life. Whenever I needed to lose weight I did the atkins diet for 2 months and pooff....I lost weight. Guess what, I then went back to my way of life and it all came back. What I love about…
  • I hear ya..... Are you exercising too? I ask because I was the same way but have used exercise to refill my calorie balance so I dont get off track. Also, it is OK to have french fries and chicken fingers, just exercise a little more that day and dont have them everyday ;-)
  • Thanks for the recipe. My wife is not a "spicy" eater so we just did the burgers with the peppers, cheese, and sprinkled adobo seasoning on it. Served is on a Kaiser roll witrh light mayonaise. It was delicious.