Diet coke and Coke Zero

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I knowwww that it's not good for you but I drink like 2-3 a day. Either diet coke, or the coke zero. It helps with my appetite. If I'm feeling wicked hungry I'll have a can of that instead of a snack and it helps me not binge. Or I'll drink it with a meal because it will help me fill up quicker.Now could this cause me to not loose weight because I know that it doesnt have calories but I also know that the chemicals and crap that's in it slows down metabolism. And before you say it I can not give it up! lol I've tried and I just cant. Im freaking proud of myself that I switched from regular to diet. And now I actually prefer the diet.


  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    It will eat up your bones.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    It will eat up your bones.
    crap lol
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Nope I drink 2-3 a day, hasnt affected me in the least bit.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I drink 2-3 a day (it's really ALL i drink) and i've lost 18lbs so far. It's the one thing i will NOT giveup.
  • ambercole
    ambercole Posts: 426
    Soda is the #1 cause of tooth decay!!! that's enough to keep me away.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I SUPPORTY YOU AND AGREE! Other than the fact that Diet Pepsi rules the world, boooo Coke! ;)

    Yea it has chemicals but I still haven’t heard of anyone dying from it, only lab rats and they don’t count LOL! For the sake of weight loss it’s all about calories so 0-cal pop is da bomb!

    I've never heard that it would affect metabolism and I've read ALOT of anti-diet-pop articles and opinions. The only reason why you may think that is if you have a pop instead of a snack, your body goes without food for a longer period of time and it is believed that if you eat more often, you keep your metabolism going stronger. At the end of the day its calories in and out so toss in an apple or something as a snack in case you feel your metabolism lagging but when that’s not enough, go for it!!

    My husband drinks 3 diet pepsi’s a day (we just bought 8 cases on sale $4.97 for 24, that’s 21 cents a can, such a good price!) and it keeps him thin; I myself only have 1 a day, sometimes less.

    Good luck and I’m glad you found a vice that can actually help you and it’s something you enjoy.

    EDIT: responding to other posts that got in before mine, your teeth will outlive you! If you notice sensitivity its time to cut back and yes its not great on your bones but neither is excess fat on your body - your poor heart. Its all about give and take and balance.
  • leakewh
    leakewh Posts: 91 Member
    I drink at least 6 - 8 Diet Cokes a day....I'm not saying they are good for you, but I've lost 56 pounds while still drinking them....
  • lovinyoutwo
    lovinyoutwo Posts: 37 Member
    I drank diet pop all the time and it didn't help me lose weight. I had to give it up, but once in awhile I'll have one on my cheat day. i would stay away from it if you want to lose some weight
  • Interesting.....I was a 3-6 diet soda drinker a day when I joined back in May. Diet Coke and Diet Mountain Dew were the usual suspects. In June I had an epiphany.....I realized that the sodas actually made me hungrier especially on an empty stomach. So now I have 1-2 a day and guzzle absurd amounts of water. So far so good.....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I haven't read anything about it slowing your metabolism. The effect on weight is that studies have shown the fake sweeteners make people crave REAL sugar and binge.

    But not everyone has that reaction, so if you don't, it shouldn't affect your weight loss.

    It's true that carbonated drinks are not good for your bones (the leech calcium), so make sure you're getting enough calcium and vitamin D to counteract that.

    And, no, it's not good for you, but sometimes we do what we need to do and it isn't always the most healthy option. Maybe eventually you can wean yourself from it.
  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    If you actually read the studies about the possible negative affects of diet soda you will see that they are conducted on subjects drinking a minimum of 2-3 cans a day. If you can't live without diet soda I would encourage you to at least cut back until you are below these levels. It's easy for people to tell you to cut it out completely, but that is not realistic. It's great that you made the switch from regular to diet. It will make a huge difference to your calorie intake as long as you don't replce those calories with something else. The occasional diet soda isn't bad for you. Heck, the occational "anything" isn't bad for you. If you can get it down to the 1-2 a day range I wouldn't sweat it.

    Now you will hear from 20 people who don't drink any kind of pop telling you to just give it up completely. Don't let them make you feel bad. They have their weaknesses too or else they wouldn't be here.

  • I limit myself to 2-3 a day and have lost weight. Don't deny yourself everything, moderation is the key!
  • I used to drink 2 litres of diet coke a day and didn't lose anything for years. I changed that to 2 litres of water a day and a can of diet coke or 2 and I've lost 48lbs but i've changed a hell of a lot of other things too so it may not have made that much difference. But I feel alot more energised now that I'm on water instead so that's a bonus and I don't suffer from as many headaches as I am now much more hydrated :)
  • Coke was a very hardvthing for me to give up. I drink 4-5 coke zeros a day. I have read that the sweetness does register in your body as calories but since there are no calories your body will look for them elsewhere in other sugary things. I'd love to give it up too, but one thing at a time. I'm just getting into the habit of keeping a food diary.
  • nlibera
    nlibera Posts: 27
    I drink Diet/Zero sodas daily and it hasn't slowed my weight loss down. Though do be mindful of your sodium intake as a result. Artificial sweeteners in all sodas aren't super healthy and also carbonated sodas contribute to erosion of enamel and tooth decay, so make sure to brush plenty!
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    I used to be addicted to diet coke...well any diet soda...but after two root canals , a filling and a wisdom tooth extraction I gave up..
    whilst it maybe a quick fix to keep you full I think water does ths same trick and is so much better for you. See if you could go a couple of days swapping the coke for water or a cordial and water ...

    I feel a lot less bloated after giving it up too and when i do treat myself to the off soda i balloon up and burp constantly ...i didnt think i could give up but i have! u can do it to!:smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    I agree w/the tooth decay..... however....everything in moderation.

    For lunch while at work, I'll have 1 can of diet pepsi.

    When cravings hit at work, I'll hit the vending machine for a 20oz bottle of diet pepsi.

    If Coke Zero was available when I want a diet soda, I'll go for that.

    If given a choice... I would go Coke Zero, Diet Pepsi, or the Diet Pepsi w/Cherry or Vanilla. Diet Coke is at the bottom of the list.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I just wanted to add that I drink a crap load of water too. But I lover my bubbles!!!!Now this is not a halthy thing but after a night of alot of drinking there is nothing that helps my tummy the next day like a can of diet soda.the bubbles are magical! lol
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I agree w/the tooth decay..... however....everything in moderation.

    For lunch while at work, I'll have 1 can of diet pepsi.

    When cravings hit at work, I'll hit the vending machine for a 20oz bottle of diet pepsi.

    If Coke Zero was available when I want a diet soda, I'll go for that.

    If given a choice... I would go Coke Zero, Diet Pepsi, or the Diet Pepsi w/Cherry or Vanilla. Diet Coke is at the bottom of the list.

    Does diet pepsi make a caffiene free diet?
  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    I SUPPORTY YOU AND AGREE! Other than the fact that Diet Pepsi rules the world, boooo Coke! ;)

    Yea it has chemicals but I still haven’t heard of anyone dying from it, only lab rats and they don’t count LOL! For the sake of weight loss it’s all about calories so 0-cal pop is da bomb!

    I've never heard that it would affect metabolism and I've read ALOT of anti-diet-pop articles and opinions. The only reason why you may think that is if you have a pop instead of a snack, your body goes without food for a longer period of time and it is believed that if you eat more often, you keep your metabolism going stronger. At the end of the day its calories in and out so toss in an apple or something as a snack in case you feel your metabolism lagging but when that’s not enough, go for it!!

    My husband drinks 3 diet pepsi’s a day (we just bought 8 cases on sale $4.97 for 24, that’s 21 cents a can, such a good price!) and it keeps him thin; I myself only have 1 a day, sometimes less.

    Good luck and I’m glad you found a vice that can actually help you and it’s something you enjoy.

    EDIT: responding to other posts that got in before mine, your teeth will outlive you! If you notice sensitivity its time to cut back and yes its not great on your bones but neither is excess fat on your body - your poor heart. Its all about give and take and balance.

    Diet coke RULES! :wink:
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