Ready for a change

iumomma Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I am one of those that have really probably tried almost every diet in the book. I am not sure where to go from here, so I am trying this site and hoping that it will help me :0) I will take advice from anyone that wants to give it. I am not even sure where to start, but hopefully I will be successful. I have almost 70 punds to lose and I am going to do it this time!!!!


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Congrats on taking the steps towards a better you! can do it just take small steps and make good choices:drinker:
  • DoreenN
    DoreenN Posts: 60
    Good job for taking that first step! I found all those fad diets dont work. You just gotta exercise daily and eat all around healthy. What kind of workouts are you doing?
    Im a fitness instructor, beachbody coach, and studying to become a personal trainer, and would love to help you anyway I can!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    this is a great site. Good for you for making the first step. Log your food and exercise daily. Do it one day at a time and dont quit. You can do it
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I know what you mean about having tried everything and never being able to pull it off. I'm trying this whole thing AGAIN... We're in Week #10. I haven't seen much of a change in weight or inches, but my energy and stamina has definitely increased. Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, exercising daily (alternating cardio/strength training, and adding additional cardio as time allows), blah blah blah. Unfortunately, some of our bodies are just flippin' stubborn!! But I agree with everyone - great job on taking this first step!! We're all here to motivate each other... We CAN and WILL do it this time!! :)
  • bbombard
    bbombard Posts: 17
    I think the first step is to stop thinking this is a DIET. For me, this site has not put me on a diet, rather changed how I live my life. Whenever I needed to lose weight I did the atkins diet for 2 months and pooff....I lost weight. Guess what, I then went back to my way of life and it all came back.

    What I love about this site is that it does not provide a diet plan of what you can eat and what you cant....rather provides you the information you need to make the right decisions. You get a budget of calories that you can spend any way you want one telling you to cut carbs or must be low fat. It becomes a decision in how you want to spend your budget. The best part is if you see something you want (like a batch of chicken wings or basket of fries) and you dont have the budget, you can make more "money" by exercising. It really starts to become a game and before you know it you have changed how you live, not gone on a diet.

    You can do it, you just need to get into the game. Being here is the first step....I wish you the best of luck.
  • I think bbonbard explained it perfectly. It is what you make it and that's why it will work for you. Taking control of your needs in a way that fits your taste, budget, drive and stamina.

    I have always dieted, lost, gained back and finally gave up for 15 years. My sister referred me to this site and I am loving every minute of it. The only thing I can add...the most important thing that is going to get the pounds off is serious walking. I get up and hike in the country for an hour 5 days a week. It has really shaped me up and I have never felt more confident. Welcome and wishing you much success!
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