

  • Trying again..... LOL, I give up. It was smaller when I initially posted and then I come back to the page and its huge again. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
  • That's what kept happening to me. I'd resize on photobucket but as soon as I put the img code on here it was huge!
  • Thank you for all the nice comments. I tried several times to resize the pic with no success, so I changed it to a thumbnail with link.
  • Needed this!!! Well said, thank you. Its always good to be reminded to think of the positive things that you HAVE done rather than beating yourself up over perceived negatives.
  • Thank you everyone for the support and tips. I will definitely be getting this book. I don't think I have ever put this much effort into my health and body before and I am at the point that I am willing to do whatever it takes. I have come to terms that the skin on my stomach will never be the same but I have to hold onto…
  • I lost 75lbs in 11 months with pretty much just diet alone. The only exercise I would do was the occassional walk, and I mean very occassional, like once a week, MAYBE. I maintained it for about 8 months but then saw the scale creeping up so I have now added in excercise and brought it back down, but I still don't do a…
  • I'm 5'10" and started out at 227 and I'm down to 154, only want to get to 145-150 so almost there.
  • In my younger years it bothered me, now, not so much. Which is strange if you think about it since I looked better back then and had less reason to be insecure. My DH LOVES Katy Perry and has our 7 year old son crushing on her too. I personally don't see the appeal and am not jealous what-so-ever. My celebrity crush is…
  • Congrats! You look great! I am 5' 10" as well and trying to get to 145, I only have 9 more lbs to go! Awesome job!
  • Its not a ton of help but maybe he just needs to continue to watch you on your journey and eventually it will click. I am in a similar situation, my husband had what I refer to as a lean swimmers body when we met, and in our 9 years together, I have watched him flucuate all over the place. Prior to our wedding in 2009, I…
  • I'm 5'10", my start weigh was 227, my Current Weight is 154 and my goal weight is 145-150 but I could be happy right here at 154 too.
  • I agree and I do not deprive myself. I eat dark chocolate EVERY day. I take 2 Hershey's miniatures to work and eat one with my morning snack and one with my afternoon snack. They account for 80 calories of my day, I enjoy them, and since I allow myself to have it, I am not tempted to indulge and over eat it at another…
  • Congrats! You look incredible, like 2 different people! Great Job!
  • Congratulations! You look amazing!
  • My family seems to have a healthy balance of supporting me and worrying about me. I have a history of eating disorder so when they see me losing they worry that I may fall back into old bad habits but usually when I assure them that I am losing in a healthy way this time, they don't harp. But friends, acquaintences and…
  • I did a Spartan Race last year and I have another one coming up. A lot of the people I run with have done Mud Runs and the Warrior Dash in addition to doing the Spartan and according to them, the Spartan is a lot more challenging. When I did my first one, I had JUST finished losing most of my weight but hadn't really been…
  • I didn't do the Warrior Dash, but I did the Spartan Race, same concept....and I did have trouble getting over some of the walls at the beginning of the race and people were SOOOOO helpful giving me boosts over the walls. By the end of the race though, adrenaline had kicked in so much that I was doing it on my own. Have fun…
  • I work in a very small department of a very large company, they decided to place the cubicles for my group smack dab in the middle of one of the company call centers, so hearing some of the conversations can get annoying but specifically: -The guy who sits in the cube on the other side of the wall from mine and farts all…
  • ME!!!! I've had 2 c-sections, one in 2005 and one in 2010. My tummy was never terribly flat or tone to begin with but that lower "flab" that I can literally lift where it folds over my scar, just bothers me soooo much. I started on this journey to lose the weight 3 months after my youngest was born and reached my goal…
  • I started doing 30DS and 6wk 6 pack together last week. I took a few days off for the Memorial Day holiday but got back to it today, so today was Level 1 day 4 for me and I can already feel a difference in my stamina. Both DVDs kick my butt so I am positive that if I stick with it I will see some change. After 2 babies I…