Warrior Dash

Anyone done of these?? I am doing my first, possibly my last one tomorrow! My husband and I are doing it as a team... I wanted to compete with him but I think I might need help getting over some obstacles!


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I did my first one last Saturday with 3 others...IT WAS AMAZING!!!!! We vowed to leave no one behind and we didn't! I was afraid before hand of not being able to make up the wall climbing obstacles but I did it! Everyone is laid back and so helpful, I've never in my life seen so many strangers helping and encouraging each other! It was a challenge but I made it along with thousands of others! You will do fine. Be ready for the time of your life! It is a blast and a major accomplishment! My friends and I are already planning for next year! Good luck and enjoy!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Oh and one of the best things we did was take waterproof disposable cameras and clipped them to our shirts...took pics all the way through plus afterwards all covered in mud! They are some of my proudest pics, we didn't care so much about our time, we were there to challenge ourselves and have a great time...which we most def did!!!
  • twinkle320
    twinkle320 Posts: 23
    I didn't do the Warrior Dash, but I did the Spartan Race, same concept....and I did have trouble getting over some of the walls at the beginning of the race and people were SOOOOO helpful giving me boosts over the walls. By the end of the race though, adrenaline had kicked in so much that I was doing it on my own. Have fun with it! It is a great way to challenge yourself as well as to see how far you have come, and to set goals for where you still want to go. I am doing my second Spartan Race in July and I hope I have done enough training to get over the walls on my own and shave some time off. Good luck and have fun, you'll do great!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks all! I have done a bunch of 5Ks, a 10K, and a half marathon, which are all so serious... It will be fun just to relax and laugh at myself! I think I am most looking forward to the beer at the end! :drinker: