Help me.. help him



  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    I started getting serious in Jan of this yr. My husband saw how hard I was working and the results I was achieving and he decided to join on his own in Feb. Now he's lost more than me and helps keep ME on track! Hopefully if he just sees your commitment, he will follow a long. I agree that "nagging" won't get him to do it, it will most likely make him more resistant. Good luck!
  • twinkle320
    twinkle320 Posts: 23
    Its not a ton of help but maybe he just needs to continue to watch you on your journey and eventually it will click. I am in a similar situation, my husband had what I refer to as a lean swimmers body when we met, and in our 9 years together, I have watched him flucuate all over the place. Prior to our wedding in 2009, I convniced him to go to Weight Watchers with me to lose weight for our big day. I told him I couldn't do it alone, which was no a lie, at that time in my life I knew I coulnd't sit and eat chicken and veggies while he had a domino's pizza. I needed him, and he knew he needed to lose weight so the 2 combined and he agreed. A month after our wedding I found out I was pregnant and we both stopped Weight Watchers and went back to what we had been doing and he gained sympathy weight right along with me. During my pregnancy he went for a physical and just like your husband, his cholesterol was WAY out of control, triglycerides dangerously high and high blood pressure. The doctor gave him 3 months to get in under control with diet and exercise but he didn't and now he is on meds that they say he will never be able to come off of, even if he changes. After my son was born I gave myself 3 months of slack and then it was back to Weight Watchers in May 2010. Through a combo of WW and MFP I reached my goal in April 2011 and have mostly maintained it (within a 10lb range) for over a year now. But 6 weeks ago, when I saw goal slipping away pound by pound I recommitted, added in a ton of exercise and am seeing change faster now then I did before and something about this 6 week period has motivated him! HE came to me last week and said "I need to do this, and I need you to help me". He tells me he's fat, and he's not! But he's right, he needs to do this, because like you said, I want to grow old with him. Keep doing what YOU are doing, keep telling him how good you feel, talk about your journey and even if it takes a while, he may eventually want to jump on board.
  • Ueropa
    Ueropa Posts: 73
    Thanks for all the tips and sweet words everyone :)

    I do cook mostly healthy meals for my daughters and I.. I've lost 68 pounds myself since last summer. He'll cook himself a frozen pizza or something. I buy only healthy food.. he shops for himself and buys all sorts of junk.

    Not to mention he does not eat fruits or vegetables.

    I even make meals we all love.. but make a healthier version.. he just says it has no taste and he won't eat it.. I think it's all in his head.

    Also.. the money we are wasting on his bad eating habits. I feel like we're supporting a smoking addiction or something.

    He doesnt look over weight.. which I think makes him so comfortable with eating the way he is. He's been eating horrible since we met and has only gained 30 pounds. I ate horrible and gained 120 pounds...
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Who does the cooking in your house? Is it you? If it is then why is it difficult to cook him healthy meals as well? Drag him out for a walk after dinner and on the weekends. Tell him you just want to spend some time together. Or sit him down and tell him that you're worried about him and the results that he got from his latest doctors appointment and that you really don't want to be burying him any time soon. I disagree with some of the people who say that it'll take something bad to happen before he realizes he needs to get on the healthy band wagon because by that time it'll be too late. Do you want to wait for him to have a heart attack or a stroke? Even if you continue on your journey alone it might NOT click with him.