Everything still jiggles

I am starting to get a little....okay, a lot, discouraged. About 7 weeks ago I got tired of seeing the scale creeping up after I had worked so hard since 2010 to lose weight. I had slowly gained back about 19 of the 75lbs I had lost so I "recommitted" to healthy eating and decided to make exercise a priority this time around. In that time I have lost that 19lbs plus about 3-4lbs extra and I know I have lost inches too because the clothes that fit me when I was right around this weight last summer are now pretty loose (I don't think an extra 3-4lbs makes that big a difference). But what is discouraging me is that I am not seeing any toning, I still have jiggle everywhere, my thighs, my arms, my belly (2 babies and loose skin) and I can't help but look in the mirror sometimes and wonder if I will ever get a tighter, more tone look and every once in a while, that thought makes me want to give up. I am not going to....but I am struggling. I am doing Jillian Michaels 30DS and 6 week 6 pack plus extra cardio 3-4 times a week and I do some reps for my arms with a resistance band on my 15 minute breaks at work.


  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Start a heavy lifting program.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Stick with your caloric deficit and start a heavy lifting strength training routine that focuses on compound lifts. (look into: stating strength, stronglifts 5x5, or New Rules of Lifting for Women)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Firstly, kudos to you for sticking with it and achieving your goal! :):) Very inspirational.

    As for loose skin, a coworker of mine had this issue recently. She was told to drink LOTS of water and moisturize the skin on a daily basis. This will help build some elasticity. Continue to do at least 30mins of cardio per day, plus the weight routine. It WILL help. You WILL see changes.

    If worse comes to worse then you can always go see a plastic surgeon. Of course, that is a LAST resort in my mind.

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    Above all, don't give up! I have read when you've lost a significant amount of weight, it sometimes takes the skin about a year to shrink back to the new body. This is even more true, apparently, if you lost the weight quickly. You look pretty young so I really think you just need to give this some time. You might also consider doing some heavier weight training. Good luck!
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Stick with your caloric deficit and start a heavy lifting strength training routine that focuses on compound lifts. (look into: stating strength, stronglifts 5x5, or New Rules of Lifting for Women)

    agree with this 100%. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great book, easy read, $12 on amazon.
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    Stick with your caloric deficit and start a heavy lifting strength training routine that focuses on compound lifts. (look into: stating strength, stronglifts 5x5, or New Rules of Lifting for Women)

    agree with this 100%. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great book, easy read, $12 on amazon.

    Getting rid of the jiggle was my main goal, too. I used to run a ton, did cardio classes, Jillian Michaels videos, the works. I started New Rules back in January and I have never seen results like this. I'm eating more than I ever did with cardio and I'm smaller than I was then - and little to no jiggle! :happy: I can run on the beach in a bikini without wanting to hide or cover up. It's the way to go, I promise!
  • Very inspirational reading your commitment. I was told to accept that skin looses its memory. Just like age makes skin appear different, weight affects the skin as well. It will never be as tight as it was when you were younger and smaller. The moisturizing and hydrating are always great advise for the skin. Keep up with the heavier lifting for more muscle ton but that in itself will not "shrink" skin.
  • twinkle320
    twinkle320 Posts: 23
    Stick with your caloric deficit and start a heavy lifting strength training routine that focuses on compound lifts. (look into: stating strength, stronglifts 5x5, or New Rules of Lifting for Women)

    agree with this 100%. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great book, easy read, $12 on amazon.

    Getting rid of the jiggle was my main goal, too. I used to run a ton, did cardio classes, Jillian Michaels videos, the works. I started New Rules back in January and I have never seen results like this. I'm eating more than I ever did with cardio and I'm smaller than I was then - and little to no jiggle! :happy: I can run on the beach in a bikini without wanting to hide or cover up. It's the way to go, I promise!

    Thank you everyone for the support and tips. I will definitely be getting this book. I don't think I have ever put this much effort into my health and body before and I am at the point that I am willing to do whatever it takes. I have come to terms that the skin on my stomach will never be the same but I have to hold onto hope that it can atleast get "better". Thank you for ALL of the input!
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Stick with your caloric deficit and start a heavy lifting strength training routine that focuses on compound lifts. (look into: stating strength, stronglifts 5x5, or New Rules of Lifting for Women)

    agree with this 100%. New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great book, easy read, $12 on amazon.

    Getting rid of the jiggle was my main goal, too. I used to run a ton, did cardio classes, Jillian Michaels videos, the works. I started New Rules back in January and I have never seen results like this. I'm eating more than I ever did with cardio and I'm smaller than I was then - and little to no jiggle! :happy: I can run on the beach in a bikini without wanting to hide or cover up. It's the way to go, I promise!
