

  • Thanks, I know there will come a time (and guess it will be sooner rather than later) that I have to up my calories but this scares the hell out of me - I guess when you have been in the mindset of eating low cals for so long it's a scary thought to eat more and put weight back on!! Any ideas on how often I should be…
  • Thanks everyone I shall take a look at all the suggestions. I don't have a bench or a rach and the main reason is I just don't have the room to put it anywhere! I am thinking of getting one in the future and putting it in the garden, but living in England I'm definitely going to have to wait for winter to pass!
  • Yeah I would say that was a little judgemental... That said, I don't see why a body pump class can't be included as strength training. Granted it is not heavy weight/low rep that is required to build larger muscles, however I lift the heaviest I can for the exercises done. I don't want to build 'large' muscles. Are body…
  • Thanks everyone, looks like I'll just stick to the full body, maybe sometimes throwing in some upper/lower body split days. Might just look for some new exercises :)
  • I currently try to do some strength training at least 3 times a week for 20 - 40 mins at a time. I also try and get in at least 1 body pump class a week. I've been doing it about 4 months. My strength training is occasionally at the gym but mostly at home where I do a mix of body weight exercises and dumbell/bar weights. I…
  • Hahaha I can't stand nuts of any kind, I often look at peanut butter and think how yummy it must be if you like peanuts!!!
  • Yeah I have thanks and yes there are loads of recipes but most of them either have lots of ingredients, wierd ingredients or peanut butter, and I got bored of trailing through them all, so thought it would be nice to ask if anyone on here had any recipes to share.
  • I currently have my ratios (as recommended by a few people) set at 40/40/20, which equals 155 protein and carbs and 34 fat, and net calories 1550. I usually come in under my cals, a bit under my protein and fat, and slightly over my carbs. So I'm actually probably hitting more what you are recommending (apart from fat).…
  • Try swimming, its fantastic for the whole body and is also a good cardio workout. Also do some strength/weight exercises to keep your muscles built up so you don't burn them off with all the calories you'll burn. :)
  • If you are loosing weight you will loose muscle, the body will burn the muscle as well as the fat when you are burning calories. To stop this from happening you need to do strength training to keep the muscles built up, also increase your protein but lower your carbs. Protein doesn't need to come from meet it can come from…
  • Thanks everyone I'll look into these :)
  • I thought I'd bump this back up as I'm looking for ideas for different flavours, I've got my base recipe just need some inspiration for things to put in it, I don't like nuts or bananas but other than that I'm open to anything! :)
  • Yeah I was thinking of averaging the two so glad you said that! I'm working on the 15% deficit which gives me (from the lowest of the two results) 1850, I really struggled to eat the calories today, in fact I was still about 350 off and I really tried. It seems like ao much I'm worried of putting weight back on! So think I…
  • Thanks, I'm a bit funny with stuff tasting like that, but I might look into cooking with it, sounds interesting! :)
  • Thanks everyone there are some great ideas ro get me going. Maybe I'll have a look into whey protein powder and see if I can find something I like, as I said, I have nothing against it, just not a fan of milkshake type drinks. Wasn't aware protein bars weren't that great so I'll bare that in mind. Already tried to…
  • I'm just not a fan of milkshakes to be honest! I like milk and can drink it on its own but don't really like it flavoured! :)
  • Just used the calculator and was surprised at how high my TDEE is, was also surprised what little difference my workouts make to it, if I include my workouts my TDEE is 2287, if I don't it's 2176, both a lot higher than I was estimating! Now I'm just debating this, as when I get chance to work out varies massively week to…
  • Hahahaha it's like you are talking a foreign language.... youtube here I come! ;)
  • Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I guess I was in the mindset that if I have a calorie defecit that body fat should go, but obviously its not as simple as that especially if I want to build muscle. Currently I lift for 2 sets of 12, so I need to up my weights and do less reps but more sets. At the gym the machines they…
  • Ah right thanks! :)
  • And please excuse the spelling mistakes I'm on my phone! :)
  • Thanks very much everyone for all the info. Yes I am not bothered about bulking up overnight, in fact my main aim is to become fitter and healthier, eat more balanced and nutrivious meals and get in superb shape. My ultimate aim is to have a super toned bod (I would say I'm a bit of the way there, my arms are pretty toned…
  • I do have some dumbells that I have just started using whilst doing some of the exercises (obvs arm lifts but also squats and lunges) to try and up the intensity a bit.
  • Ah right ok, so if I work out enough (and eat at maintenance) my body fat should eventually become muscle? I thought I'd need to loose the body fat so that you could see the toned muscles that are hidden underneath (can you tell this is all new to me, I've exervised for a while but never really thought any more into it).…
  • I don't particularly want to loose weight, however I do want to loose some body fat that I'm carrying on my tummy, bum, thighs and hips. There isn't loads of it, but it's still there. I also want to get super toned, not particularly 'muscley', but very fit and very toned. I was eating a small calorie defecit to lpose the…
  • Ah right I see, I didn't realise that! Well at least I'm working on keeping my muscles then! :)
  • Thanks. I don't just do this, this is just what I try and do when I can't get to the gym on that day (which seems to be a lot at the moment with school holidays!). I'm confused, am I never going to build any muscle (no matter how much exercise and strength trainingI do), if I eat at a calorie deficit? Even a small one?
  • We have been together 13 years and married for 4. Definitely humour, letting things go that don't matter, never go to bed angry with each other, make time to do things together, but have your own interests, be kind, think of how the other person is feeling, don't be selfish, learn how to talk to each other the right way…