Trying to hit macro targets, which are most important?

I've been watching my calories for a long time and have got this down to a fine art now, but watching the rest of my macros is a new thing to me and I'm still learning.

I've currently upped my protein and am working hard to get to my target every day, although often I fall a little short. I'm not massively watching my carbs as yet (am trying to get my head around protein first - one step at a time), but often find I'm a little over even though I avoid a lot of 'obvious' carbs (potatoes/bread/pasta).

Anyway, my question is this, obviously it would be ideal to get the exact amount of each type of macro, but which macro (if any) is the most important one (and which is the least important one) to get my target of?

For example, if I'm getting near the end of the day and I'm at my calorie goal, a little over my carbs, but under my protein and fat, should I still try and get my protein (and fat??) to target even though it will mean my calories (and possibly carbs) will go up too??

I guess it depends on my goals too, so I'm 5'6'', 122lbs, about 23% body fat, I'm working on changing my lifestyle, eating a balanced and healthy diet, but mostly getting as fit as possible, getting as lean and toned as possible and lowering my body fat (aim is 20% but we will see how I get on!).

Obviously with my goals, diet is very important, so just wondered what peoples opinions were on this?

Thanks :smile:


  • RunEatLift

    Protein is the most important - it's necessary for muscle growth and repair, plus it helps to keep you full for longer. It should be around 1 gram per pound of lean body weight.

    Fats should be 0.35 x body weight (in lbs)

    And carbs make up the remainder. Some people also include a fiber macro which is a good idea.

    So for you about 110-120g protein, at least 42g fat, and then however many carbs fit into the rest of your macros.

    Ultimately you have to play around with the ratio for a while to see which suits you best - it won't be the same for everyone.
  • xmel123x
    I currently have my ratios (as recommended by a few people) set at 40/40/20, which equals 155 protein and carbs and 34 fat, and net calories 1550. I usually come in under my cals, a bit under my protein and fat, and slightly over my carbs. So I'm actually probably hitting more what you are recommending (apart from fat). Might have to have a play around with ratios a bit. :)