scarrier715 Member


  • Thanks Nanodot - appreciate the guidance.
  • How did you customize your tracking to 20% carb, 30% protein and 50% fat - I would like to do that also.
  • Thanks to all who have replied that is helpful to me. What I found myself doing was letting the counter and trying to keep within the guidelines steer me to too few calories. I like the idea of adjusting the calories and other things to more custom settings, will do that.
  • On one of the outer groups, folks are talking about making pizzas with portabello mushrooms flipped upside down as pizza crust and filling the cups with the pizza fixings. That sure sounds good to me, but I have not tried it yet.
  • Real Name: Susan Height: 5'5" HW: 315 CW: 280 GW: 150 UGW: 135 Location- Windham, Maine Age: 62 Sex: F 2 grown sons, 2 beautiful daughters-in-law 1 grandson, Derek 7, 3 granddaughters: Anna almost 2 years, Abbey one and a half years and Samantha 2 months. Divorced: Celebrating my silver anniversary of my divorce this year.…
  • Mark Sisson ( is a mainstay for me. I find him so refreshing and informative. He is devoted without being fanatic. I need reasonable and intelligent in my life, not rote and one-size-fits-all. I need the one size lifestyle that actually fits ME and I think this primal lifestyle is the one. I highly…
  • I started converting to Paleo/Primal on November 5, 2010 and lost 15 pounds the first month, and that period of time included a totally Paleo/Vegan Thanksgiving (my daughter-in-law is vegan). By January 1, 2011 I had lost another 5 pounds. Having said that, I had and still do have a long way to go, way more than 5-10…
  • Hi all, I am new to MFP, but a year into a Primal food style. I found this group today and I'm excited to run into a group of folks more like-minded to what I am trying to accomplish. One year ago, I topped out at 315.8 pounds. This culminated a lifetime of being chubby, to developing an eating disorder in my 20s which…
  • Here I am gain. 4 pounds down, 126 to go!! Already feeling encouraged by the improvement I feel again getting back to more pure primal eating. Have done a lot od reading over the past year about nutrition and the history of human food consumption. Genetically, we just have not lived our modern way of eating long enough to…
  • Good day, everyone. I have had a couple good days in a row now, and that's the way it starts. I am a daily weigher, and when I stop doing that, I know I'm starting to stray away from what I am trying to accomplish. I actually started on my weight loss one year ago tomorrow. I disgarded the modern diet and began to embrace…
  • @ Tinathatsme - I am newly part of this group, but I suspect you will be warmly welcomed, if my welcome has been any indication.
  • I was kindly invited to participate in this group, and since I suspect I will need all the help I can get to go the distance and reach my daunting goal of losing 130 lbs. I decided to accept that kind invitation. So here I am and these are my opening statistics: My S/W as of this morning (11/4/2011), first thing, right…
  • Wow, thanks for the encouragement!! I appreciate your support.