T.H.E. Team (trying hard everyday) November '11



  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    Good day, everyone. I have had a couple good days in a row now, and that's the way it starts. I am a daily weigher, and when I stop doing that, I know I'm starting to stray away from what I am trying to accomplish.

    I actually started on my weight loss one year ago tomorrow. I disgarded the modern diet and began to embrace the primal eating movement. I eliminated potatoes, grains, sugars, beans and dairy from my diet and dropped 15 pounds almost immediately. I went on to lose 40 pounds for like a day, but did not maintain 40 rather lifting gently up to 35 pounds and then hanging at that level on a plateau. Then I got tossed into a cycle of business travel and was in downtown LA and in Las Vegas where there was plenty of awesome food and fun colleagues to dine with...now I am renewing my resolve and getting back to business.

    Yesterday morning when I weighed myself, I weighed 287.0. After a good day of primal eating, this morning I was 284.8. That was my experience before with primal eating - when I stuck to it the weight just began to fall off me. Not that I'm in any danger of wasting way, mind you - but when you have 130# to go, you want that falling away of the weight more than anything else.

    It is expensive buying organic and choosing grass-fed beef and free range poultry and uncured meats, but I have to say, it is really satisfying to eat that way too. I found a local farm that raises beef cattle free-range on grass in their fields and sells it in their farm store, vacuum sealed, no preservatives. It really has great flavor and reminds me of the beef we used to get when I was a kid.

    Anyway, that's my ramble for the day. It's nice to be part of a group of people on the same journey. Good luck to everyone as you press forward in your weight loss. Each day is a new opportunity to make the right food choices. Enough of those kind of days in a row and voila!! Weight loss. Onward and downward!!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Welcome to all the new members & thanks for checking out this thread. We are all on this journey & even though we are in different parts of the country/world, we can still support each other as we work towards a healthier life. We're all here for you when you need to vent, cry, scream - whatever. Because at least one of us can probably relate to what you are going through, whether it has to do with food, family, friends or just life in general.
    But there are a few things that we MUST keep in mind as we travel this path together:

    Stick to it, even when you don't see a change anywhere. It will pay off!
    More water really helps.
    Exercise eventually makes you feel good and then you can't live without it.
    Keep moving, find ways to keep yourself busy and away from the tv.
    Walk, a lot, walk anywhere you can.
    Log everyday, be honest with yourself and to others.
    Use the success stories for motivation, it helps!
    You don't have to pay anyone to lose weight, you can use the things around you. Run up and down the stairs, netflix has free videos and so does youtube.
    And most of all, you have to want it to get it. You have to be willing to sacrifice that cake or cookie for your dinner. Sure it's ok to splurge but sometimes it's a matter of what is best for you, not which one will taste the best to you.

    SW: 253
    CW: 253
    GW: 160 or so.
    Yes, I am back to where I was when I started MFP almost a year ago. :grumble: This was due to my foot surgery that prevented me from exercising for the last 5 months. Now I have 213 days to improve my life, my health & my body before we go hike Kilauea volcano in June. Slowly but surely, I will succeed.
  • hi, i just got invitation to join THE group. i've been on MFP for about a week so far...dang scale doesn't seem to know, nor do my jeans, but all this no crap food and going to gym 5 out of 7 days as to be doing something..somewhere. lol. maybe next week i'll have exciting news?
    i've never been in the 'waif category' but was always curvy yet muscular. until an accident 2 yrs ago put me in a wheelchair for over a year~ it is amazing how much weight one can gain when going from a super active person to forced total inactivity, throw on a boat load of pity eating during that time and here i am seeing 200 lbs for first time in life. :( i want my body back!! i'm still in an air cast on one leg from knee down so i can't do anything like running or elliptical, hell walking to mailbox hurts the leg so at this time can only do non-weight-bearing type of exercises. i joined local gym last week and the rowing machine is my new BFF. i want to lose the 65 pounds ive gained, it is time. i'm older (don't look it though) and feel like if i don't lose it now before menopause hits soon that i'll be stuck this way forever.
    oh and i struggle with depression as of late...so i would eat more cause i was depressed i was so fat and then get more depressed and eat more and so on and so on etc. etc. etc. time to break the cycle. say it with me~ i will do this!
    thanks for asking me to join THE group. :)
    ~anyonebutme (one day i'll hopefully get to change my name to something like wannabeme, haha).
  • @HawaiianDreamer Such good suggestions! What an exciting trip that awaits you next year and what great motivation. :happy: We can all do this together with help.
  • _xoxok
    _xoxok Posts: 152 Member
    Hey everyone! I got the invite to join, sooo here I am. My name is Kisha, & I'm only 19 years old. I've been struggling with my weight since I was little, by following in my mother's foot steps. BUT, I'm old enough to make my own decisions now & I'm ready to become a healther & happier me! I would love to have some motivational friends on MFP, so feel free to add me(:

    SW: 169
    GW: 125
    CW: 169
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    These are SO true when it comes to weight loss & almost every aspect of life:

    1. Apply What You Learn

    “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”

    How many people do you know that read a lot of books and spend a lot of time buying courses, but never apply the knowledge they learn?

    You may even notice these tendencies in your life. It’s hard to take action and apply what you learn, because we’re all afraid of failure, and taking action can be paralyzing from time to time.

    However, success in life doesn’t happens until you use the knowledge that you have inside of you. Most of us have exactly what we need to get to our goals, but we make excuses not to even get started.

    2. Learn, Discard, Create

    “Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own.”

    It’s all well and good to learn from others, but it’s not until you take action that you discover what works and doesn’t.

    When you discover what doesn’t work, you simply discard it and keep going. When you keep moving forward, you will create your own path.

    Living a successful life is all about experimenting and trying new things. The more things you try, the closer you will get to true success.

    3. Simplicity

    “Simplicity is the key to brilliance.”

    If you can simplify your life, your goals, and your tasks, you will not only be happier, you will also get more done and be more successful.

    It was not until I started focusing on one single task and one major goal in my life that I started seeing rapid results in the direction of my dreams.

    If you’re trying to go after multiple things at once, you will end up accomplishing none of them. Pick one thing that’s the most important to you and go after that.

    The funny thing about focusing on one goal is that it seems that you’re neglecting all the others aspects of your life, but when you focus on one goal, magically the other aspects of your life improve, sometimes dramatically.

    4. Break Barriers

    “Using no way as a way, using no limitation as a limitation.”

    We all have negative beliefs that stop us from being as successful in life as we would like.

    The only person holding you back is you. Once you become comfortable with overcoming your fears, you will start seeing dramatic success in your life.

    One of the most common characteristics of successful people is that they are willing to try new things and face their fears. They are not fearless, they are merely willing to do what it takes.

    5. Be Open-Minded

    “Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.”

    There’s no right or wrong in the universe. It’s completely subjective.

    Getting caught up in the drama of who is right or wrong or who is better than will only distract you from reaching your goals and creating a successful life.

    Stay open to new possibilities, and the viewpoints of others. You can never know what you will learn when you explore things you at first thought were pure nonsense.

    6. Contribute

    “Real living is living for others.”

    It wasn’t until I found my passion and started contributing to the world with my writing that I started feeling fulfilled.

    We all have our unique gifts that we can use to make the world a better place. These are usually talents and skills you have that you are very good at, and that you like to do.

    It doesn’t matter if you like to make jewelry or if you enjoy cooking, because everything is connected to everything else.

    You are here to make a difference with the talents you have. There’s a reason why you are you.

    7. Manage Your Time

    “If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”

    We are surrounded by distractions, such as e-mail, Twitter, and Facebook. They are great at connecting us to each other, but they distract us from what is truly important.

    Learn to manage your time, and get the most valuable tasks done before you start to play. Use time management courses to get your life in order.

    You can often double, triple, or even quadruple your productivity by using just a few simple time management tips.

    A good one that I use is to write down the three most important tasks for the next day before I go to bed.

    8. Be Flexible

    “Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”

    Life will throw curve balls at you, so you have to get used to being flexible. The more comfortable you can be with being uncomfortable, the faster you will grow as a human being and the more success you will have in life.

    This is exactly what distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful ones. Successful people are more willing to be uncomfortable, because they know that that is the fastest path to their goals.

    Whenever you bump into something that makes you feel bad, stay flexible, and find the positive in the situation. I’ve found that most of the problems in my life are blessings in disguise.

    The only thing separating positivity from negativity is time.

    9. Set Goals

    “A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.”

    If you want to create your dream life you want you first have to know what you want. For the longest time I avoided setting goals, because I thought it was unnecessary.

    It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that goal setting can not only make me more productive, it can also dramatically increase the clarity I have.

    When you set goals, use the S.M.A.R.T criteria, which stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals.

    10. Be Patient

    “A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.”

    One of my weaknesses is my impatience. However, I’ve learned to channel my impatience into getting more done and being productive.

    It’s also important to realize that most of the things that are truly valuable in life take time.

    Whatever you do, keep taking small steps each day toward your primary goal, and you will be surprised at how much you can accomplish in just a few years.

    11. Kill the Box

    “All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.”

    It’s easy to get into a rut, which is simply a familiar pattern that feels comfortable. If you truly want to grow as a person and lead a successful life, you have to get out of the box.

    In fact, throw the box out altogether, and start following your heart wherever it leads you. This can be as simple as following your highest excitement in the moment.

    Most people are stuck in their minds and never listen to their heart’s deepest desire. Don’t let this be you.

    12. Control Your Thoughts

    “As you think, so shall you become.”

    What you think about, you draw into your life. If you’re constantly being negative, you will draw more negativity into your life.

    Instead of focusing on the negative, think about what you want to get out of life and focus on the positive.

    This is another way of telling you that you have to set goals and focus on those goals as often as possible. The results you will get by doing this will be dramatic.

    Most people sit around whining about their miserable life, and then they wonder why nothing good ever happens to them.

    13. Take Action

    “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”

    Don’t over analyze and over think. Take massive action even if things aren’t perfect before you start.

    Most people that try to get things perfect never get started at all.

    14. Allow

    “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”

    It’s easy to get stuck on what other people would think of you if you became successful. Most people are so afraid of this that they never rise above mediocrity.

    It is not up to you to make people happy. You can only make yourself happy, and the way others react is just the way they will react.

    Don’t let other people dictate how you live your life. Determine what you want, go after it, and don’t look back. You will be much happier for it.

    15. Create Your Own Destiny

    “To hell with circumstances; create opportunities.”

    You can make all the excuses in the world, but nothing happens until you stop blaming your circumstances or people in your life, and take control of your life.

    It is up to you to take responsibility for your life and create your own opportunities. You may not be able to do exactly what you want right now, but you have the opportunity to take steps toward it.

    No one will create the dream life for you. You have to do it yourself.

    16. Be You

    “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”

    As I said earlier, you were born with unique talents, gifts, and skills. When you try to be someone you’re not, you will only attract people into your life that are not in harmony with you.

    When you are you, and that includes the weird things about you, you will find that the most amazing and interesting people start popping up in your life.

    Sometimes this may take years, and sometimes it can happen in just a few days. Let whatever happens be okay and go with the flow.

    17. Have Integrity

    “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect”

    No success in life is worth it unless you have integrity.

    It’s very hard to find people that are honest and have integrity as one of their highest values. It’s easy to throw in a lie here and there and try to manipulate people.

    Only conscious people realize that this won’t make anyone happy in the long term. It might get you what you want in the short-term but it’s not a recipe for happiness.

    Live with integrity, and people will respect you. And best of all, you will respect yourself which is a very desirable character trait.

    18. Learn the Rules, Break the Rules

    “Obey the principles without being bound by them.”

    If you want success in life, learn what other successful people have done to get to where they are.

    It’s important to learn the principles of success, but not be bound by them. Once you know what you need to do, follow your heart and your intuition.

    19. Do Things for You

    “Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory.”

    Life is not about impressing other people. If you try to show off, it will backfire.

    And if you try to seek the approval of others, it will just make you miserable. The only person that needs to approve of you is you.

    This goes hand in hand with many of the quotes above. You can only be you, and it is not until you reclaim your unique self that you can be truly great.

    20. Believe in Yourself

    Last, but definitely not least are the expectations you have of yourself. Your beliefs will determine the success you have in life.

    There are ways to overcome limiting beliefs and negative expectations, but nothing happens until you accept that they exist within you.

    And nothing happens until you take full responsibility for the life that you have created in this very moment.
  • melisae
    melisae Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I received an invite to join and so here I am :)

    A little about my weight journey. I started putting on weight shortly after moving cross country 9 years ago...lots of pizza and beer will do that! Then after getting married in 2005 and suddenly becoming ill I put on a lot more weight and about 4 years ago reached my heaviest (230lb) and my lowest point of self esteem. I never had body issues before then and was so disgusted with myself (and the lack of cute clothes) that I was almost paralyzed with self-loathing. So it took me a while to decide to do something about my weight but when I finally did I regained my self confidence, became healthier and ended up dropping 50lbs before discovering I was pregnant with our first child. During the pregnancy I put all the weight back on but with little regret. Ryan is 6 weeks old now and while I'm back at square one I'm definitely in a healthy state of mind and know that even though it will take while I can and will lose the weight!

    I'm excited to share this journey with you, having support and knowing others understand what I'm going through will make this second attempt even better!

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Do you need an invite to join this group?

    No invite needed, just jump right in :)

    Hey all the newer people.
  • dequinn2001
    dequinn2001 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I am excited to have a motivation group. Well, here goes.
    My highest weight was 235 (pregnant)
    S/W 225
    C/W 222
    current G/W 199
    I would love to get lower than that but for right now I want to see the 100s again!
    Lond term G/W? Not even sure. I've never been thin so I'm not even sure what number looks good on me. I just want to be healthy.
  • Shastinalynn
    Shastinalynn Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone, I just started MFP this week. My SW was 192, GW is 150, CW 189.4. SO far I love this website and hope to make some MFP friends! This time around ( because you know few of us are on our first attempt) I want to work on continuing to lose weight even after I lose my first five pounds. I have a habit of going back to my unhealthy ways after I lose five pounds. I always think " oh I got this" or "I'm too tired of doing this"
  • Shastinalynn
    Shastinalynn Posts: 6 Member
    oh yes friend me too!
  • Maybe i posted in the wrong thread! ? LOL so ima repost it here, hope thats ok! :)

    Found you guys! :) Thanks for the invite! :) with the last couple of months I've had I really could have used a GOOD support system for SO MANY things! I'm a 28 y/o mother of 2 little girls, ki 7 and gia 3. Full time student, majoring in studio art (third year but spent my first 2 years on accounting then switched to studio art to do photography!) Not a lot else to say! I'm VERY open so if you'd like to know anything else just ask! :)

    had this for a couple of weeks but just REALLY started using mfp today :)
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well this weekend! I'm zigzagging my calories this week and doing short burst of exercise throughout the day. That seems to have gotten the weight loss going again!

    I have a few big client projects and I'm working on getting a course approved for me teach as continuing education. I'm not stressed per se but just trying to stay focused on the exercise while getting everything done.

    Have had a good week but we went out to eat tonight and the sodium is really through the roof. I'm just focusing on lots of water to help keep the water weight down.

    Going for a walk in a bit and hope with the wind I can get a good 20 minutes in.
  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    Here I am gain. 4 pounds down, 126 to go!!
    Already feeling encouraged by the improvement I feel again getting back to more pure primal eating. Have done a lot od reading over the past year about nutrition and the history of human food consumption. Genetically, we just have not lived our modern way of eating long enough to modify the genes our ancestors bequeathed to us. For sure I believe we have no pathways for coping with all the additives and preservatives our modern food supply delivers up.

    What I also notice is how easy it is to slip back toward the convenience. Cleansing my cupboards of all unacceptable foods has been very helpful, but was very hard to do emotionally. I was torn by the "waste" aspect, and equally torn about giving to others food I had come to feel was unwholesome. With that task accomplished, though, it got much easier not to buy the wrong foods. I am not perfect by any stretch, or I would not still have 126 pounds to go, right.

    Recently, I had occasion to dine in a restaurant with a vegetarian colleague. He orders side dishes. That was a new idea to me. He said sides are usually (gotta watch them) more plainly cooked and with salads can become a meal. He reminded me...it is only one meal, after all.

    All I have learned in the past year is coming back to me now that my focus is returning to the task at hand.

    It is good to come here daily to report and participate and stay in focus.

    Hope everyone is walking their own path with reverence and success.
  • Hi everyone! I just got an invite to join this group and after checking it out, thought it looked really great! I just joined MFP recently and am really liking it! I started making a healthy turn around 3 1/2weeks ago and this site has made it so much easier to keep track and stay motivated! I am 31 years old and have 4 children. We moved from my home state of Texas to the frigid and desolate Northern Nevada about 5 years ago and living here has just seemed to put on the pounds and bad habits and lifestyles for my husband and I. We were very active and fit before moving here and have both decided (at 40 pounds overweight each) that we want to get that back. He has been a great support person for me, but it is still hard because we have opposite schedules, (he works graveyard and swing shifts, and I take care of the kids and house in the day time), so I am glad to have found this site! Thanks for the invite and I look foward to reaching our goals together!
    Add me if you want! :)

    SW:167 (3 1/2 weeks ago/before finding this site)
    CW:156 GW:128
  • Thank you for inviting me! I will still be taking a look!
  • hello! i am excited! this is going to be a journey!
    *DISCLAIMER- before you start to judge my username, i realized it's not necessarily true. i mean't to put healthy, but you can't change your username again, but i hope you all get the idea.*
    i'm 14, and i am really excited to make a change in my body. i tried weight watchers summer of 2010, and it worked , but i gained all the weight back. i have been on MFP since July, on and off. I still see how many calories are in everything, but I haven't really been counting..

    SW: 140 lbs.

    i want to be confident! thank you for your support!! :)
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    Like others here, I got an invite to join, so here I am. I started My fitness pal about 3 1/2 weeks ago after getting really sick, Type 2 Diabetes related. I don't have as much to lose as some, but the weight I have has really affected my health. I have Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, high triglicerydes and high cholesterol. I am experiencing numbness and pain in my feet. I have decided to take control and do something about it (besides the handfuls of pills the doctor has me on!) before it gets the better of me. So far, 10 pounds lost in 3.5 weeks

    SW 179
    CW 169
    GW 135

    Congrats to all of you who have been succeeding! Together we can do this and feel great! It doesn't hurt to post a "skinny" picture on your fridge to see where you want to go!
  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    Like others here, I got an invite to join, so here I am. I started My fitness pal about 3 1/2 weeks ago after getting really sick, Type 2 Diabetes related. I don't have as much to lose as some, but the weight I have has really affected my health. I have Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, high triglicerydes and high cholesterol. I am experiencing numbness and pain in my feet. I have decided to take control and do something about it (besides the handfuls of pills the doctor has me on!) before it gets the better of me. So far, 10 pounds lost in 3.5 weeks

    SW 179
    CW 169
    GW 135

    Unnecessary to compare amount of weight to be lost with others, I'm sure; any weight that affects one's health in a negative way should be addressed - I salute you for addressing your needs.

    A book I have found helpful with understanding proper nutrition and confronting modern foods is Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon. There is an excellent chapter about nutrition and what the human body really needs in the front part of the book. The cookbook portion addresses how earlier people coped with food storage without additives and preservatives and is very interesting in general, but gives one the tools to handle food differently than mainstream Big Food provides.

    Another tool I have used in the past year is a book called Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. The Primal Blueprint talks a lot about the change of diet helping with diabetes and hypertension, high cholesterol and high triglycerides. I have hypertension myself and desire to get off the medication my doctor has me taking, so that partially motivated me to seek this out. Mark Sisson has a blog (MarksdailyApple.com) and also has several books, and a couple cookbooks. I'm not his spokesperson or anything, but I have several of his books and read his blog and have a lot of respect for his thoroughly researched material. In the past year gradually moving to a more primal way of eating, I have lost 33 pounds, including the 4 pounds I have lost since joining MFP 4 days ago. I'm working hard to avoid Type II diabetes and hopefully to resolve my hypertension issue. I feel great with 33 lbs lost, so I'm hoping my next physical will show good results.

    I used to work for a physician who had a bariatric program. One of his strong contentions was that people were never designed to eat the kinds of foods and additives, etc. that we consume today without a second thought. I see now, that he was a man ahead of the times in his thinking. I participated in his program for a while and lost considerable weight, but when he and his wife decided to move away, he closed his program and I lost my momentum.

    Anyway, that's my contribution to the cause for today.
  • Divamomma
    Divamomma Posts: 66 Member
    I Love Your Outlook I Began Being Faithful To MFP Sept 12th I Log In & exercise I Love It Sept 11th I Went To My doc I was Ready For a lifestlye Change So He put Me On 1200 cals a day Wanting To get Healthy For Myself , My Amazeing Hubby & Beautiful Son age 2To I Got Hubby On This Too I Love zumba We R Loveing Eating Healthier But I am still Learning.. I"ve Lost 14lbs So Far & Going Loveing it :) When I was Pregnant I Had a Very High Risk Pregnancy I had Hyper Emphsis Grabaderm 7months Hospitalised 2x Bed Rest 90% Of pregnancy Borderline gastanial diabetis & Preclampcia I Want To avoid all Of That We are Working on baby #2 Plus I was 195 prego Then I Got down to180 2summers ago working out at gym3-5 x a week & Eating right I lost 23lbs Then I Platuea & I Gained 5 Then in June or july I started Zumba Classes Love Them But had to stop for 3rd endometriosis surgery so I was down all of aug back on my feet now & active Zumba dvds & Wii :)
    I Am Going Ouuta State Nov12th-Nov14th So I will Try To Log In Those days Best I Can Going On Vacation To See My Best Friend Its Been 10 Years My goal for Nov Is 5 Or More Pounds!!