T.H.E. Team (trying hard everyday) November '11

Stand Tall
Start Fresh
Believe In Yourself
One Pound At A Time
One Day At A Time

I will be done with p/t in 2 weeks, then it will be up to me to continue to strengthen my foot & be ready to hike the volcano in June. I let myself get lazy after my surgery, telling myself that I can make up for lost time once I was healed again. Well, the healing took a little longer than I had planned & we are heading into the rainy season (the first storm is supposed to hit Thursday night & last through Friday) so I need to pull out the Wii Fit, the Leslie Sansone DVDs, climb onto my eliptical & burn some calories!!!!!
My daughter got me Jillian Michael's 30-days shed for my birthday in April (one month after I was diagnosed with Posterior Tibial tendon Disease) so I wasn't able to use it at that time. I will be checking with my doctor when I see him in December to see if he feels I am strong enough to do it, before I pull it out of its case. My mom asked me if I wanted a bathrobe for Christmas this year. Nope. I no longer want to hide my body in clothes. I told her that I want a set of Kettlebells to get my arms in shape & also start using the 3-5-10 pound weights I already have. I want to work hard enough to be proud of what I look like when I walk onto the plane in 215 days.
Whether I have to wear this brace for the rest of my life is yet to be known. That also depends on me. I will do my best to strengthen my foot & hope that it is enough so that I don't need the brace anymore. But, I will cross that bridge when I come to it - IF I need to.
Right now, my focus is on our trip to Hawaii & not to look like a beached whale.

No changes in my weight, due to TOM.


  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    I have MS and don't want to overdue physical stress so I work up to the next level of intensity that I do for any exercise. I think you might want to check into getting a DVD that I got free, it's for exercising when you have MS. MS doesn't affect my balance like it does many, but it may be helpful to you as pain and muscle stiffness is a symptom many people with MS experience. Sounds like you have something that this could help you still exercise with.. You don't have to have MS, you can get it knowing someone..me..who does. Google it, its active ms or something like that. i just looked up Exercise for MS patients
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Hey there! Just got a message to join y'all so here I am :)

    Quick recent background: Had my son in January after a high risk pregnancy with a lot of prenatal interventions. My water broke at 32 weeks so I ended up on hospital bedrest til 35 weeks. With a high risk pregnancy I couldn't work out anymore. He was born with a cyst in his lung at 35 weeks and required ECMO (heart/lung bypass) and had the cyst removed while on ECMO on day 2 of life. He was in the hospital from birth (1/27/11 til 4/20/11) and came home with a feeding tube. Things seem to be normalizing a bit with his schedule, but DH and I work from home and care for him and we have a 6 year old and dog, so I can't get to the gym 5-6 days a week like I did pre-pregnancy because he cannot go into their daycare center. We are working on getting a pediatric CNA in to help us, but the process has been long.

    So I'm on the journey of getting rid of this weight for the last time. I eat cleanly allowing myself very little to no sugar. I lean towards primal eating with meats, veggies, but I do have a little carbs (sweet potato and oatmeal) and some dairy. I love weight training and take classes at the gym sometimes doing 2 in a row to get it done.

    Thanks for having me!
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    Good Positive thoughts brings good intentions and rewards. Keep thinking like that and acting on your resolutions and I am sure you will be a winner:).
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    UPDATE: Before getting into the shower this morning, I stepped on the scale - I've dropped 2 pounds since the 29th (TOM weight) so now I weigh what I did when I started MFP almost a year ago. It's been a bad 2011 for me (family & medically) but as I said in my earlier post - start fresh. So, now I will continue to watch the numbers on the scale go the RIGHT way.
    My next big fight will be Thanksgiving between not over-eating & also having TOM during that time, but I will win that fight & then take on Christmas too.

    SW: 253
    CW: 253
    GW: 160 or so
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    @ Hawaiiandreamer Great to hear you doing what ever is necessary for you:bigsmile: . I have been eating really well (look at my diary) and working out but I was real pleased to see that I did lose weight last month. I am saying this to you Hawaiiandrem coz I am sure you can do this even over Thanks giving and Xmas. Don't be self concious of yourself when you exercising , most important YOU are doing something about it!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hi Everyone!

    I received the invite to the group and look forward to getting to know everyone!

    A little about me:

    I turned the big 3-0 this year and I have a 5 1/2 year old son. I've always had struggles with my weight and my pregnancy was no different. I gained almost 40 lbs while pg and at the end I was almost 300 lbs. I've been up and down since then however I have started my current weight loss journey in Jan. and have gone from 280 to my current weight of 245.5. My goal is to hit the 200 mark but would like to go even farther! The lowest weight I've had in my adult life was in 2003 when I weighed 220.

    I've gone through a lot in my life which has not helped with my weight problem. I lost my dad to lung cancer in 2004 and also went through a divorce in 2006-07.

    I receive support from my Mom as well as my SO but joined MFP to get a little extra :smile:
  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    WOOHOO new thread!
  • floreo22
    floreo22 Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I got an invite to join T.H.E. Team, so I thought I would come along and introduce myself. My name is LIly and I'm 21, living in the UK with my wonderful boyfriend.

    I have always been a little bit heavier than my friends, but it was nothing drastic until I was about 18. After losing about a stone with weight watchers, I started binge eating and put on 5 stone through university (I really hate writing that down - it sounds awful!) This is mostly down to a horrible torrent of family and personal problems meaning my weight went unchecked. On top of that I have ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which means I struggle with exercise due to rubbish energy levels.

    I have joined MFP because my sister, who is my best friend, is getting married next year and wants me to be her chief bridesmaid, but I feel too embarrassed to wear a dress in public at the moment. My goal is to feel fabulous by next August so I don't let her down on her big day.

    I really look forward to getting to know you all and hopefully helping each other on our journey. My weight stats should be in my signature. Also, I weigh in on a wednesday, as this works best for me, but I can post my loss on a Monday if that is better for you
  • WannaBeSlimJim2
    WannaBeSlimJim2 Posts: 39 Member
    Do you need an invite to join this group?
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I just joined this group and posted in the Oct thread. Since this one opened up I want to reintroduce myself to everyone.

    SW= 377 lbs
    GW= 185 lbs
    CW= 312 lbs Oct 31st.

    I have fibromyalgia and right now I'm on oxygen 24/7 from a bout with pneumonia in March. My husband was diagnosed with diabetes in March 2011 and instead of going on medication he wanted to make dietary changes and lose weight. March was not a good month health wise! He has lost 68 lbs and never needed to go on medication! His blood sugar numbers are now in the normal range. :happy:

    I have a blog where I'm updating as I go along. www.fitharts.com I would love for you to visit. :flowerforyou:

    My goal this week is to burn 1500 calories via exercise.

    Feel free to friend me just include a message that you are part of T.H.E. Team!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Hello newcomers!

    I'm down a lb and a half from a week ago. I couldn't be more thrilled! I haven't been in the 150s since 2006, so this is huge.

    This month as I shed the last few pounds, I'm going to focus on toning exercises. If I don't I'll still be a mess at my goal weight!

    Here's to a wonderful and successful November!
  • WTG shannon_2003!!
  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    I was kindly invited to participate in this group, and since I suspect I will need all the help I can get to go the distance and reach my daunting goal of losing 130 lbs. I decided to accept that kind invitation. So here I am and these are my opening statistics:

    My S/W as of this morning (11/4/2011), first thing, right after I rolling out of bed and visiting the bathroom, was 287 lbs.
    My G/W as of this time is set at 157 lbs.

    I am on medication for high blood pressure for about 15 months and I would like very much to not need this medication anymore. I believe weight loss will help me achieve this goal. Last year at my annual physical exam, my blood sugar was not out of normal range, but was creeping up. One thing I have sworn to myself is that I will never allow myself to become diabetic if there is anything humanly possible I can do to avoid this from occurring. From a year ago 11/5/2010 until now, I have gone from 315 lbs to 280 lbs, and in the past 5 weeks or so back up to 287. That 7 lbs. gained is my new wake-up call. Time to smarten up and get back on the elevator going DOWN, not the one going UP.

    Since I just joined 60 minutes ago, I have no success to report except the weight loss of the past year, which is something significant. I have achieved that loss by cutting out processed food and sugar, minimizing grains, bread, potatoes, adding in a lot more fruit and organic vegetables and grass-fed meats and free-range eggs. But I travel for my work, and that can be a real challenge.

    So I'm resetting my shoulder to the task, resetting my goals, and onward and downward from today!!
  • scarrier715
    scarrier715 Posts: 16 Member
    @ Tinathatsme - I am newly part of this group, but I suspect you will be warmly welcomed, if my welcome has been any indication.
  • I was kindly invited to participate in this group, and since I suspect I will need all the help I can get to go the distance and reach my daunting goal of losing 130 lbs. I decided to accept that kind invitation. So here I am and these are my opening statistics:

    My S/W as of this morning (11/4/2011), first thing, right after I rolling out of bed and visiting the bathroom, was 287 lbs.
    My G/W as of this time is set at 157 lbs.

    I am on medication for high blood pressure for about 15 months and I would like very much to not need this medication anymore. I believe weight loss will help me achieve this goal. Last year at my annual physical exam, my blood sugar was not out of normal range, but was creeping up. One thing I have sworn to myself is that I will never allow myself to become diabetic if there is anything humanly possible I can do to avoid this from occurring. From a year ago 11/5/2010 until now, I have gone from 315 lbs to 280 lbs, and in the past 5 weeks or so back up to 287. That 7 lbs. gained is my new wake-up call. Time to smarten up and get back on the elevator going DOWN, not the one going UP.

    Since I just joined 60 minutes ago, I have no success to report except the weight loss of the past year, which is something significant. I have achieved that loss by cutting out processed food and sugar, minimizing grains, bread, potatoes, adding in a lot more fruit and organic vegetables and grass-fed meats and free-range eggs. But I travel for my work, and that can be a real challenge.

    So I'm resetting my shoulder to the task, resetting my goals, and onward and downward from today!!

    Welcome to the group! I am with you on the not wanting to become diabetic as my mom is and I see what she has to go through daily. Eating while traveling is tough! That seems to be one of my hardest things to deal with as it's easy to just pick up something quick and fast. Good Luck and we are here to support you!
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    @tiggerbounce411, @Mwoneis , @Vs1023 ,@scarrier 715 TO all of you a hearty welcome. Sorry if I missed any new members but you are included in this welcome. Please friend me so I can keep in touch with you all and comment individually.

    We all have been through life with our ups and downs but we here to help each other become stronger and healthier. Most importantly we are HERE and have found each other .Lets all make our quest and dreams in life a success!:bigsmile:
    WE can do this.

    Sorry I missed Tinathatsme and floreo22 ---Welcome
  • WannaBeSlimJim2
    WannaBeSlimJim2 Posts: 39 Member
    HI T.H.E Team

    Still not sure I get all of this, if u are a seperate group, or if you all just befriend one another...?

    Anyhoo. The dirt on me is

    This is my second time coming back to MFP. My husband who is 34 had a heart attack in July and has been doing amazing at how he eats, gave up cold turkey all his bad habbits, and has slimmed down from 194 to now 176 as of yesterday. UGH. He obviously needed to do it, but really, so much easier for men. So this had the opposite affect on me. I became the closet eater. When out in the car, or when ever alone, I would eat and eat and eat. Sugar is my weakness. Even while eating it I would question why I don't have the strength to say no, how much harder it was going to be to reach my goal, and so quick to feel defeat, it became my soothing food. Whatever I had to tell myself to say it was okay I was indulging.

    Well enough is enough. I've never had the hour glass figure, but I want to feel good in clothes. I don't want to sit down and pull my shirt out because it's "clingy" to me. If I get a few head turns when out...SWEET, I want to feel good in my skin.

    SW 206
    GW 155

    SO dumb it down for me peeps...I check in here to see how everyone is...we "friend" one another...light bulb not gone on yet for me
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    Hi, I'm Robin! I'm a happily married 37 yr. old mom of 4 boys. I just joined MFP. I started my weight loss journey in April this year. I lost 15 lbs. initially. Then, I got sick. Gained a couple back. It took me a while to get motivated again. After my kids started school, I decided it was time to focus on me. Sept. 1, I started working out on my elliptical trainer and watching my calories. I've lost 31 lbs. since then. Total weight loss so far, 44 lbs. I want to get as healthy as possible to try for one more baby starting around my birthday on March 20, 2012.

    SW= 225 lbs
    GW= 145 lbs
    CW= 181 lbs Nov. 4, 2011
  • HI T.H.E Team

    Still not sure I get all of this, if u are a seperate group, or if you all just befriend one another...?

    Anyhoo. The dirt on me is

    This is my second time coming back to MFP. My husband who is 34 had a heart attack in July and has been doing amazing at how he eats, gave up cold turkey all his bad habbits, and has slimmed down from 194 to now 176 as of yesterday. UGH. He obviously needed to do it, but really, so much easier for men. So this had the opposite affect on me. I became the closet eater. When out in the car, or when ever alone, I would eat and eat and eat. Sugar is my weakness. Even while eating it I would question why I don't have the strength to say no, how much harder it was going to be to reach my goal, and so quick to feel defeat, it became my soothing food. Whatever I had to tell myself to say it was okay I was indulging.

    Well enough is enough. I've never had the hour glass figure, but I want to feel good in clothes. I don't want to sit down and pull my shirt out because it's "clingy" to me. If I get a few head turns when out...SWEET, I want to feel good in my skin.

    SW 206
    GW 155

    SO dumb it down for me peeps...I check in here to see how everyone is...we "friend" one another...light bulb not gone on yet for me

    Welcome to the group! I am sorry to hear about your husband's heart attack but I am glad that he is on the right path now. I agree that it does seem so much easier for men to loose weight! Argh! Good Luck with your weight loss and feel free to friend me so we can keep supporting eachother!
  • Hi, I'm Robin! I'm a happily married 37 yr. old mom of 4 boys. I just joined MFP. I started my weight loss journey in April this year. I lost 15 lbs. initially. Then, I got sick. Gained a couple back. It took me a while to get motivated again. After my kids started school, I decided it was time to focus on me. Sept. 1, I started working out on my elliptical trainer and watching my calories. I've lost 31 lbs. since then. Total weight loss so far, 44 lbs. I want to get as healthy as possible to try for one more baby starting around my birthday on March 20, 2012.

    SW= 225 lbs
    GW= 145 lbs
    CW= 181 lbs Nov. 4, 2011

    Welcome to the group Robin! WTG on the weight loss so far! How exciting that you are going to be trying for another baby soon! Good luck and look forward to supporting you in our journey!