

  • My machine has built-in programs in various degrees of difficulty. All of which are intervals. Maybe you could check if either of the machines you can use are pre-programmed. The calorie count on mine is way off so beware...
  • I'm about 60 minutes north of Detroit...nothing. Didn't even know there was a quake.
  • I thought I wanted one too...until I tried it. My niece bought one and within a few seconds I felt like an idiot shaking this thing and ended up laughing hysterically. My husband thought it had potential as the motion I was doing looked a little...ahem...suggestive. (Oops just realized I was posting under his…
  • I enjoy it. I've done a couple classes through our community center. It was something to mix up my routine so nothing I've done long term. Fun to do with friends too. The community center was good but I did try another class with someone who does it for a living and there was a big difference...way better workout! I've…
  • Angel Lush Cake: (1) Angel Food Cake (1) Can Crushed Pineapple (in juice) (1) Box (4 serving size) of Sugar Free Fat Free Vanilla instant pudding (1) Cup Cool Whip Free (thawed) Assorted Fresh Berries--strawberries or blueberries--whichever you prefer or both Cut cake into 3 layers. Mix pineapple, pudding and cool whip in…
  • Starbucks has a really good skinny vanilla latte (fat free milk and sugar free syrup). McDonald's also has a good skinny latte too. Both are good iced or hot. I save them as a treat...gives me incentive and saves a few $$ :wink:
    in latte Comment by gz960 June 2010
  • Keep your chin up! It's just as important to remember all the good things happening INSIDE our bodies while we are striving to be healthier. I bet you are starting to have more energy and are able to do things you may not have been able to do before you started. It's difficult when the amount of effort we put in doesn't…
    in sad Comment by gz960 June 2010