Justine13 Member


  • I am 25 and am 5'10"!! I love seeing how many tall ladies there are out there!!! :0) Justine
  • Thanks for the advice. I have been reading a lot about these and how you have to slowly work your way into wearing them. :0)
  • Awesome info! I can't wait to get dirty next year!! :0)
  • Awesome Job! you look amazing! :0)
  • Don't do them anymore! I have a bad knee from an accident i was in when i was younger so i have done TONS of reading on knee injuries and how to take care of them. You will cause a lot of damage. If your knees make a bad noise, that's a bad sign. :0) Justine
  • That woman's face looks horrible. I feel so bad for that little girl. People don't think!! She should get in so much trouble!
  • I used the Hal Higdon marathon training program! I highly suggest it as well, it is really good. Good Luck with your run :0) Justine
  • Awesome. I'm going to try these tonight, they sound amazing. Thanks for the post :0) Justine
  • You should take vitamins after you eat (not on an empty stomach). I have read that multi vitamins such as one a day do not have enough of each vitamin to actually make much difference in your body. try a health food store (that is where i get mine). the capsule type vitamins are easier for your body to digest and you get…
  • I personally eat under 1200cal per day, and I don't eat back my work out calories either. My mom doesn't eat wheat because it hurts her stomach and messes up her digestive track as well. I think that as long as you feel healthy you should be ok if you are eating less calories than that. If you get bloated from eating too…
  • Hi There, My name is Justine. I've been on MFP for a few months now and it's great! I also am not looking to loose weight just to tone. I suggest using an eresice ball for ab workouts. i have one at work and iv'e been using it for about 2 months now and i am seeing the lower abs i always wanted! and it is alot easier on…
  • I hate to give you bad new but the only way to firm it up it to do the squats and lunges.... i want my butt to be a bit bigger still. i'm kinds flat back there and i want some curve and tonage. its a bit hard to explain but the exersice where you lye on your back with your knees bent and then lift your butt into the air.…
    in Hiney-Bo Comment by Justine13 March 2012
  • Hi There, I am on a 1200 Cal plan as well. I have a son who is 5. he is very active so it helps me out. You can add me if you'd like :0) Justine
  • Awesome job! I do have the visalus shakes however i only have one a day, i am not really trying to loose weight. BUT i have noticed that i haven't been sick with the flu since i started taking them and i do really like that that keep you full and my body have felt more balanced. My friend is currently doing the 90 day…
  • Try making sure your body is balanced. by which i mean take your vitamins. i don't eat dairy products they hurt my stomach, but when i have my shake in the morning i use fat free soy milk ( i can't stand using water for my shake. eww). I know that i don't eat enough during the day for my body to get what it needs so i take…
  • My son is 5 and he sounds a bit like yours. Sometimes he is just not into eating. However i am the snacking type myself so i just always have containers of things ready to go in the fridge for us. he doesn't mind eating veggies so i'm lucky there, but sometimes he wont eat dinner and i don't push him to eat, i just save…
  • I have an exersice ball as well they are great. Plant your feet and lye down with your back on the ball and do crunches. You can also hang onto a table or somethign and lean back and do the plank. If you do some everyday you will see results. well i sure did! Good Luck Justine :0)
  • I have a 27"waist and 36.5" hips. i have a smaller bum. But i'm working on it to make it bigger!! i find that jeans with stretch in them stay up better. I don't wear alot of jeans because it's hard to find a good pair. i'm in Canada so i can't really recomend brands. lol. Good luck Justine :0)
  • I have heard and read that both sides are better that the other. ie. small meals are better and 3 meals is better. I think personally you should experiment with your body as everyone is different. I personally eat breakfast, then have a coffee in between breakfast and lunch, have lunch, then a snack on my way home from…
  • I have a little man who is 5. My hubby and are will most likely start trying to have a few kids more in about 1.5-2 years so i want to be in good shape :0)
  • That is great you have such a supportive husband! I think you should register. I am doing my first half marathon this fall and I have always worried about my time as well. I didn't want to sign up for one unless i knew i would have a good finish time. I was hit by a car when i was younger and it messed up my knee pretty…
  • I run about 5 days a week. I wear a long sleeve shirt, windbreaker jacket, thin long johns, and windbreaker pants, thick socks, and a toque, and medium think gloves. I'm never cold and don't get over heated. If you wear too much you will over heat, you may be a little cold when you start but that will go away quickly. Hope…
  • Thanks for the Info. I just downloaded this app as well. I'm going to try it out on my run tonight :0) Justine
  • No i dont think so. What kind of exercises would help?
  • Me too. I don't have weights at work. Atleast we are trying :0)
  • I tried a pair of those shape-up shoe. I deffinatley would NOT work out with them. the first while you wear them you have to be very aware of your walking as they are unstable. They do however make your lower butt and thighs feel good afterwords BUT i worked retail so i was litterally walking for 8 hours and only felt the…
  • I have an exercise ball at work. I do crunches, the plank (hold onto your desk for balance), and one legged squats on it throughout the day. It also helps with posture as well. I highly reccomend trying it. My stomach is showing awesome results and i'v only had the ball for about a month! Justine :0)
  • Thank You for all of the advice. I will try to get myself out of bed. maybe ill set my alarm up on the other side of the room so 'll have to get out of bed. It is winter and it is really cold in the mornings here.. I just have to dedicate myself! :0)
  • Yup you should it will make you look more toned. Don't watch your scale though, muscle is heavier than fat. Justine :0)