tkeller3 Member


  • I wouldn't consider myself a "success story" yet but here is a before and a during picture. I still would like to lose about 40 lbs or so. I started out at 213 back in 2010. I've been kind of working on losing weight on again off agin but maintaining in between. I lost weight very quickly for my wedding back in 2002 but it…
  • I'm right with you! I have been losing weight, but very very slowly, and I need to exercise to speed it up! Happy New Year to you, and good luck! I know you can do it!
  • I have worn them together and hae no issues with it. I like seeing my heart rate while working out to make sure I am working hard enough. Also I wear my polar heart rate monitori in the pool and you can't do that with the bodymedia. Hope that helps!
  • I have the bodymedia fit armband (same exact thing as the body bugg) and I LOVE it! It is so fun to see your calorie deficit everyday translate into pounds lost on the scale. I am a gadget girl so I love this type of thing anyway. It was expensive but well worth it in my opinion. My only complaint is you can't wear it…
  • Great job! You look fantastic!
  • Hi! I just started P90 today! I did the sculpt 1-2 and tomorrow morning I will be doing cardio 1-2 and abs 100. I haven't actually bought the program yet, just borrowed the first DVD from a friend. So I have no idea what the diet is, just trying to log on here and stay within my target calories. I plan on buying the whole…
    in Power 90 Comment by tkeller3 August 2010
  • Same thing happened to me on Sunday. I had some icing from a birthday cake and got really sick. Not even worth it.
  • My son also does this, although he rarely eats dinner. He is and always has been a snacker, so I do try to limit snacks around dinnertime for him. I don't want him to go hungry, but I want him to be hungry for dinner. Sounds like you have the opposite problem! Lots of good advice here!
  • Wow! Keep it up, you are doing great!
  • Good for you! It's great that you picked yourself up and started again today. I've been trying not to even wait until the next day to start over. Like in the past if I messed up then I would spend the rest of the day binge eating. I definitely have an all or nothing mentality that I am trying to fight! It is so hard,…
    in Wow! Comment by tkeller3 June 2010
  • I go back and forth from Silk to Almond Breeze depending on sales/coupons. I really like the silk the best, it is great! I have to drink it as I can't do dairy.
  • Great job!
  • I also wear mine under the band of my sports bra. I've never had the problem of it going to zero though. I do what the directions say and get the band a little wet when I start since I'm usually not sweating yet.