heartshines Member


  • hahaha...that's exactly what I thought this post was about! I was thinking...'wow..they are really pushing the envelope'
  • I run in sports bras...I do not have perfect abs, but i hate the restriction in major humid weather. I don't care what people think. I figure that I'm the one out in the heat running..they're not. I do not go to a gym like that...but i do run in them on the streets and in races.
  • Peanut butter!!! You could also add canned pumpkin on waffles.
  • Simple and fit 2 x 2 x 2, i get egg whites, instead of egg substitute. I add Cholula hot sauce on my eggs. I also use sugar free syrup on my pancakes. It's only 435 calories. I feel very full and feel like I'm eating normal!
  • People tend to be the resident expert and do not want to help others. They only want to better themselves...or simply act like they know everything. I assume most of us are here for the same reason..to lose weight and lean on others for support. I enjoy the forums and do hate seeing where the 'omniscient' ones just put…
  • I prefer to run solo. I actually teach women's self-defense. You have to be aware of your surroundings and run smart! Common sense is the biggie! Run in the daytime...never at night. Change your routes and times. Attackers look for patterns and know when you are running. My husband always knows the vicinity of my…
  • Don't expect her to jump right in on what you're doing. Be happy she is doing something. Also..do not compare your progress to hers. Why don't you walk with her? This would be good quality time with her. Important part of exercise/weight loss is moving. Then as she loses weight and becomes more conditioned to exercise, she…
  • First thing of the day, after I pee, completely naked. That way there is consistency. Weighing daily shows me the changes in my body...what did I eat to cause me to weigh heavier, etc.? Just a personal preference
  • crocheting :tongue:
  • I can write anything backwards without having to think about it. I can also write backwards with my left hand and forwards with my right hand at the same time.
  • Free day..going to enjoy the day, without stressing about calories. Making oreo truffles in shapes of footballs. YUM! Indulge in chips/dip, BBQ and whatever everyone else brings!
  • I have all my bibs over the years. I just ordered a BIBfolio was goneforarun.com. I love it. On the back of each bib I write the race, date, my finish time, weather. This helps me in how I am progressing or how conditions alter. I'm not fast, but I love them. Great memories to cherish!!
  • I run in any weather conditions: rain, sleet, snow. I will not run if it is lightning. Why care if someone is staring? They may be staring because they are jealous you are exercising and they are not. Do not allow others to control you. You are in control of yourself!!
  • I love coffee....black. super hot. I drink it all day. I will always drink. Nothing will ever deter me from my greatest addiction!
  • That's not being honest..that's being rude. As you get older, (i see you are only 20) you need to learn to be tactful. This site is to help you lose weight..not a single's site. Otherwise, you are on the wrong site. I first got this app on my phone and these sections are NOT on your phone to update, neither are the message…
  • Dream...living on the beach teaching martial arts all day long! Or to be Big Ben's massage therapist. Hey....a girl can dream?!
  • "They" also say diet drinks cause cancer. I'll live dangerously. I switched to diet 4 years ago..best choice I made. Less sugar. I actually enjoy still being able to drink my soft drinks with zero calories. If one thing doesn't kill you, something else will.
  • NOBODY can fight genetics. A perfect picture of health of someone can drop dead tomorrow of a heart attack because of genetics. My mom has severe Type I diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Neither of these are from what she ate...we're Kentucky women. This is from genetics! I could inherit this. I take care of myself for…
  • Welcome!! This is an awesome site full of so many supportive people! :smile:
  • Exercise is going above and beyond your normal activity. If you went grocery shopping before you lost weight, what is different? Are you running up and down the aisles...keeping your heart rate up for at least 20-30 minutes..that you didn't do before? Are you carrying cases of soft drinks? I have a 4 block distance from…
  • Challenge yourself to do more real pushups. 10 today will be 12 tomorrow. You will only get better by pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. If it were easy, everybody would be a picture of perfection! Before you know it, you'll be able to do knuckle pushups.
  • I stand by the Taylor digital one from Target. It only costs about $20. I have had mine for 4 years and love it. I even weighed a dumbbell to check accuracy..and it was right on the money. Digital scales give you a more exact reading. When you lose 0.2 pounds, you feel successful.
  • 80s old school. I love 'Baby Got Back'
  • I do both..always have. But like I said I do not do squats or lunges. Older I get, I don't want to risk injury. Running works your legs so much. I still do leg extensions and calf raises. If you want to increase your running speed, upper body strength helps in this area. Helps you push through the wind of races. ;-) I've…
  • I alternate my weightlifting and run days, as well. I may be glutton for punishment, but I push through any soreness. End the night with a hot Epsom salt bath. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water during your weightlifting. That helps restore oxygen to the muscles. I take L-Glutamine supplement before each workout.…
  • Run your race..not the other ones'. Don't worry about anyone around you. Not sure your weather where you are...if it's cold, try not to start off too quick. Easy to pull muscles. Find your pace. Good luck!
  • I have assorted 100 calorie packs at work for snacks. Oreos are great! I also love the 100 calorie popcorn at night..feels like I'm getting a treat. No sugar added diced peaches fruit cup is only 35 calories.
  • Love muscles! All about the arms! Love muscular arms. There's a difference between muscular guys and steroid junkies! I love muscular guys! I know they care about their body and their physique. We are all shallow and looks are the first thing we see. We are lying if we say we don't. It's all about being noticed. My husband…
  • I recommend a balaclava. You can wear it to only your eyes are exposed. I struggle with it over my mouth, but I pull it down from time to time. It also keeps your neck good and warm. Invest in Under Armour cold gear running tights. They are worth the money...keeps the cold off your legs. Layer up and make sure to keep your…