Work through sore muscles or rest?

I've been running for quite some time, so i haven't really had the muscle soreness in a LONG LONG time. I am training for a 1/2 and did 4 miles on Wednesday-longest i've run in a while. My muscles were a bit sore yesterday, but it was my weights day, so I lifted, did some lunges, etc. Then I ran 30 minutes today. Do you just fight through the soreness, or do you rest, even if it is a scheduled work day? I didn't do anything I felt would injure me or anything. Like I skipped squats because I felt I couldn't do them well enough with my sore legs. What do you guys do? Rest or just push through?


  • heartshines
    heartshines Posts: 53 Member
    I alternate my weightlifting and run days, as well. I may be glutton for punishment, but I push through any soreness. End the night with a hot Epsom salt bath.
    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water during your weightlifting. That helps restore oxygen to the muscles.
    I take L-Glutamine supplement before each workout. This helps also.

    I will say...I have been a runner for many years and used to compete in powerlifting. I do not do squats or lunges anymore. They interfere with my running by aggravating my knees. I feel like my legs get a good workout from everything else.

    This is what works for me....

    Good luck!!!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks so much! Glad to see I'm not the only one mixing the 2. I feel like people are telling me to do cardio OR weights and I'm training for a 1/2, so what is the point in doing all of that running if it is just eating away at my body-muscle included? I NEED those muscles!!!
  • JaiSkorpio
    I started on the exercise bike again and after a few days had really sore quads and calves. I wasn't sure whether to work through this or take a day to recover. I didn't wait long enough and after another workout they hurt even more. As far as I know, DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is caused by tiny tears in the muscle fibre and a build up of lactic acid. This happens when you push your muscles beyond their capacity and it builds the muscle up via the healing process. I think you need to allow time for the lactic acid to dissipate before continuing. This is what I've read / been told so please correct me if I'm wrong. I waiting 24-48 hours before doing another workout and they feel fine.
  • mariodispenza
    mariodispenza Posts: 28 Member
    I used to push through soreness no matter what. But as I hit my late 40's the overuse injuries started to occur. So now, if I have a lot of soreness, I take as long as I need to do a slow, warm up through a full range of motion (oly weightifting). If the soreness doesn't go away once I'm warm, I know that I'm better off with a rest than with pushing through. I think that's a good principle for any sport, really.
  • heartshines
    heartshines Posts: 53 Member
    I do both..always have. But like I said I do not do squats or lunges. Older I get, I don't want to risk injury. Running works your legs so much. I still do leg extensions and calf raises.
    If you want to increase your running speed, upper body strength helps in this area. Helps you push through the wind of races. ;-)

    I've ran for fitness and done 5Ks in the area. Doing my first half in October.

    Don't stop lifting, girl!!!
    Keep it up and you'll be awesome!