barbergirl28 Member


  • Way to go. I totally feel your pain. I just went through a huge bout of depression and anxiety. At first, I was put on medication and it did make a difference, but it seemed that after the 6 months, all of a sudden I pounded up. I gained so much weight in such a short amount of time I could actually feel it tearing my…
  • Amen - and sign me up for that 5K with the donut at the end. Maybe it will motivate me to actually do the 5K since running isn't my favorite thing. I will admit, I do work out extra because I really like food (oh - and sometimes cheap meals are high in calories and I got a family to feed!) but I understand when the scale…
  • I told someone I still had another 30 pounds or so to go to get to my healthy weight... I thought they were going to fall over in shock. Now seriously - I don't want to put a number on it, but when I get there I will know where I want to be and I still have a way to go. But because I sitll have a long way to go I get so…
  • You got this and it is possible to do. Why? Because just based off your post I see you have the motivation, the desire and the drive... if anything to prove to yourself and prove to her that she is wrong. I know she probably didn't mean it in a negative way, and maybe it was more of a justification on her part if she will…
  • What a difference! You look amazing! Keep up the hard work!
  • I know you have everything measured out, but is she getting enough dairy. I am one of those people that have a problem with results showing. However, I find if I am lacking on my dairy, it is even worse. When I started adding one yogurt a day - and not really sure if it was because of the calcium or if it is just the…
  • I was searching for other people's results on the Inferno Plan... today is my day 5 so I won't know what my results will be until tomorrow. That being said! I am not finding too much information on how much people are losing... and other than what I have seen in the test group for The Inferno Plan - real people haven't had…
  • Awesome post - thanks for sharing... just out of curiousity (and not that I want to do this) but how in the world do they lose those big numbers on the biggest loser. I don't supposse they are eating back their exercise calories but they consistently do it every single week! I have just been always curious about that…
  • Amazing results... I was thinking of ordering P90X2 but figured after I finished P90X I knew I still wasn't strong enough for it... after seeing some of the moves... I think I made the right decision. So - I went ahead and ordered Turbo Fire. I just recently finished my 2nd round of P90X. This week - I am doing the Inferno…
  • SoCal here.... Hemet to be exact! Would love to have some supportive friends from around the same area.
  • Wow - these are all so horrible. For me.. any nasty comments have been forgotten. I have enough issues with my own negative self-talk and telling myself how fat I am. I don't need to listen to others bad comments. That being said, it always bugged me when people made the comment, "You have such a beautiful face!" What and…
  • I would stick with the same day weigh-in. Mostly because it is seems to be more accurate if you keep things consistent. I have also found that when I have had a "bad" weekend, those are the weigh-ins that seem to be more successful. While I am not for sure about it, I say it is due to tricking my metabolism. If I am used…
  • I believe if you are breastfeeding you only need to add an additional 500 calories to your diet. Therefore if you set your goal to lose 2 pounds, just eat an additional 500 calories. If you are not getting enough calories in your diet, you will be able to tell a few ways. First way, your baby will be hungry more frequently…
  • I took my before picture when I first started P90X on Oct. 3rd of 2011.... It definately was a "I want to puke I look so bad" kind of picture. And even after I lost the weight.... I still couldn't see the difference in my body by looking at the mirror. However, the pictures were a godsend. If it wasn't for them, I would…
  • I was always eating under my calorie goal. I was burning so much in exercise it just seemed like so much. So I figured the extra burn would probably pay off on the scale. However, this meant that I was not netting 1200 calories a day with my exercise. This past week I have been starving... I felt like a bottomless pit. Now…
  • Hemet area here! Feel free to add me if you would like! :)
  • Just out of curiousity... because I know I don't have the issue of an hour commute... but would there be any way that you could schedule yourself say 20 to 30 minutes before you go to work. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred only takes about 20 minutes (25 if you count the warm up and cool down) and it will give you the cardio…
  • 1200 calories is a generic number based off research. This number - which works for most people - is the bare minimum needed to survive. This amount of calories is used to keep your organs functioning. Sure, you can go lower and probably won't go into starvation mode for a short time, but is it really worth it in the long…
  • You look great and you are definately an inspiration for anybody out there that thinks they can't do it. Keep up the good work. Just goes to show how much determination pays off. BTW - I would love to have your home gym! :)
  • Don't rely on the scale so much... it is just a tool. While yes we are all here to lose weight it is normal for the body to fluctuate it's weight, up to five pounds, each day. This could be due to water retention, that time of the month, or even the amount of blood pumping through your muscles if you had a good workout.…
  • I guess I really don't have a schedule... I clean when I want because frankly with a 2 year old... my house will never be clean. I also have a 7 year old who adds to the mess and a 9 year old that hides from chores. My husband works 2 jobs so he isn't available to help at all. This means it is all left on my shoulders.…
  • 1. I am completely utterly obsessed with exercise. There are days when I sometimes do 4 workouts. I love it... and even when I am done, I want to pop in another video - yet I am still fat! :( Even after all the weight I lost I can still look in the mirror and not see it! 2. I am the black sheep of my family. 3. I like my…
  • Everybody has been saying Eat More... eat back your exercise calories... but honestly each person is a little different and you need to find that sweet spot that while keep you from avoiding plateaus. That being said, you should not be eating less than 1200 calories a day. That is not healthy. Before I started on MFP, I…
  • Funny that you mentioned this... we just got a CRV about a month ago. I swear to god I have never seen them on the road before. Now - I swear everybody has one! On a side note - I also notice what everybody else is eating... and I secretely calculate their calories for them. I also investigate people's carts when I am out…
  • Those are outstanding results! I did 30 DS on and off while I was doing my second Round of P90X. What I thought was pretty cool was our measurements are very close and we are looking at hitting the same goal! So, seeing someone else that is right where I am is pretty encouraging! Keep up the good work!
  • Good job... you look fantastic!!! What workout are you doing? Or are you just watching what you are eating?
  • I just came to the exact same thought this past Sunday... anytime we go over to anybody's house it is always food centered. So we were on the way to my husband's parents house and I was talking about meals to make over the week. My husband suggested spaghetti and I told him no because I wouldn't have any control over that…
  • I am blaming the lack of insulation. Since I started this little "get healthy" journey I have dropped my body fat percenntage by 5.4 percent. And right now... unless I am working out... I am always cold. However, upon reading the comments, I think the body going into ketosis is a good explanation as well. After all, to…
  • I have used Hydroxycut in the past (all differnt varieties and forms) and got no results what so ever. I have also tried Xenadrine and also had no results. The key to both supplements or diet pills is consuming lots and lots of water otherwise it doesn't work. That being said, if you are consuming the correct amount of…