"Don't Get Too Skinny"



  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I've gotten it before and was not prepared, but now I am:

    "I'm currently at about 22% body fat, which means if I weighed 250 pounds, I'd be carrying around like 50 pounds of pure lard! So, don't worry about me!!"

    That might make them think twice about what constitutes looking "sick".
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I get it often. I got the "you are too skinny" when i started trying to loose weight at 140 (my usual weight is 120-130 but i packed it on when my hubby deployed). Now i have dropped to 126 and people seem to think i'm crazy or anorexic. I eat almost 1500 cals a day and am healthy. Do what you feel is right for your body, their words prob come from jealousy.

    How'd you do this? 140 was my starting weight too. Any tips would be appreciated!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Omg these are the most annoying-est comments in the world. I have heard it countless times. Just brush it off and ignore them cause we all know we are doing this the healthy way. I am the healthiest I have ever been!
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    I've gotten that comment a few times too. Usually I just smile and fake laugh. Don;t let it bother you, as long as you know you're eating enough and being healthy those comments mean nothing. I find most of the time it's said out of person's insecurities anyway.
  • barbergirl28
    barbergirl28 Posts: 54 Member
    I told someone I still had another 30 pounds or so to go to get to my healthy weight... I thought they were going to fall over in shock. Now seriously - I don't want to put a number on it, but when I get there I will know where I want to be and I still have a way to go. But because I sitll have a long way to go I get so sick and tired of hearing people call me skinny minnie... what was I before... Fat Cat!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My mother in law insists on feeding me even though I say 'no thank you' to her offers. She'll put on a spread and then give me the 'I'm so put out' look when I don't eat anything. I won't give in to her tricks!
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    Obesity has actually visually redefined skinny up a few pounds in most peoples eyes, people will always try to hold you back to their level of fitness. Otherwise they'll have to admit that they need to make a change.

    Blow them off. My 'too skinny' comments stopped after a year.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I think people are trying to be nice and make you feel good, but it is usually an awkward conversation. I was told by a lady at the gym to not lose any more weight or my face will be too thin. I think she was trying to give me a compliment but it was strange. Just laughed it off. Do what works for you, and laugh the rest off :)
  • I really feel like people in today's world like to justify being over weight by saying that what is considered healthy weights are really too skinny, sickly looking, or doctors are crazy/stupid and don't know anything. I come into contact with people who turn their nose up at literally anything healthy....I just laugh it off and remember that I'm going to be to the one who probably won't suffer from a number of health problems.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I think people really hate it when other people change for the better. Especially if they want to make the same changes and don't have the desire to really stick to it.
    I don't know why so many people are happy to drag others down.
  • my mom says this often..
  • losingitincollege
    losingitincollege Posts: 70 Member
    Yep, and it's very frustrating. I get that from relatives (often times from those much bigger than me). They'll say, "Don't go and get all scrawny on us." -__- ugh.

    I still have 40lbs left to go to reach my goal. Can't wait to hear the remarks when I make it there. lol
  • When I was at my thinnest 5'10" and 149....I got them all the time. My fav was "your not puking are you?"
    Ya, like I would tell you! :noway:

    It was hard because I had worked so hard and then felt like, yet again, I was a failure.

    I never dilvudge info now. I repond with the same vague statements "I just want to be healthy" :huh:
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I'm lucky in that if people HAVE commented on my weight loss, they've practically all been very complimentary. My mum occasionally says 'Anymore and you'll disappear!', but it's in a very light-hearted way. I've never had people nag me incessantly or tell me I look sick. I think that's plain rude. If you walked up to someone and said 'Wow, you've piled it on!', you'd probably (and rightly) be lampooned for it, so why is it okay to say 'Wow, you've lost so much weight! You look ill!'?

    I think that can happen for a number of reasons. One, I think, is that people get used to you looking a certain way, so when that suddenly changes, it can be quite a shock to the system. I also think sometimes people think they're being complimentary, or joking around, without realising how hurtful comments like that can be.

    In parts of the world where obesity is very prevalent, I think people's perceptions of what a healthy body looks like can become very warped. I've even seen that on here, a weight loss forum. Reactions to slender, but not alarmingly thin, women that tend to read as 'She's way too skinny! She must be anorexic!' When people say things like 'You're getting so skinny! Don't lose anymore!' and you know full well that's not the case, it could be that the person making that remark is either unaware of what a healthy body looks like or is in denial about their own health. Saying something in response like 'I am/am not yet a medically healthy weight for my height and body frame' might be a good way to shut them up and make them confront whether they're actually unhealthy.

    Another reason (although I hate throwing the 'jealousy' card around so often) could well be that people become insecure and/or envious. By saying things like 'Don't get too skinny' what they could mean is 'You're making me feel bad' even if you're not acting remotely superior. This says more about their issues with their self-image than it does about your actual image.
  • trosen80
    trosen80 Posts: 1 Member
    With about 70% of Americans being overweight and about 36% being obese, I think most people forgot what healthy looks like. I do get those comments too, but despite the fact that people forget what we should look like, I get offended. Getting to where I am took a lot of hard work. I don't have an eating disorder and I base my goals on BMI, which a lot of you seem to do too.
    Oh well, at least we have each other for positive support!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    It's not exactly a "don't get too skinny" comment, but a conversation I had with my sister (she's my roommate) yesterday left me pretty flabbergasted. It was her turn to do the dishes, and she was mad that I'd used a few more bowls and pans than usual that night. She told me that no matter how far I had come, I was still fat and I was always going to be fat, and to just give up and stop making life hard for my roommates for something I was never going to accomplish.

    :noway: This is a family member saying this to me!

    Misery loves company, I guess. I was just shocked that she'd go that far over having to do a few extra dishes. Guess it's time to move! :laugh:
  • just4u_cara
    just4u_cara Posts: 100 Member
    I"ve been getting a few of these comments already, and I'm not even halfway to my goal!

    But seriously I think "don't get too skinny" really means "don't get skinnier than me!"

    Everyone who says it to me, is not at their goal weight. They're all trying to "diet" their way thin, or couldn't be bothered to even get outside for a walk (we all have shoes, therefore, we can all walk)

    I just roll with it (while not rolling my eyes LOL) and say thanks, but I have a long way to go yet, no worries ;)
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Although I agree that some of these people are jealous, I don't think that is always the case. They are used to seeing you fat. You ARE skinny compared to what you once were. I think they are just a bit shell shocked. They'll adjust eventually, in the mean time just keep reiterating that you are doing it to be healthy and happy.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    With about 70% of Americans being overweight and about 36% being obese, I think most people forgot what healthy looks like. I do get those comments too, but despite the fact that people forget what we should look like, I get offended. Getting to where I am took a lot of hard work. I don't have an eating disorder and I base my goals on BMI, which a lot of you seem to do too.
    Oh well, at least we have each other for positive support!

    You hit the nail on the head there. People have forgotten what a healthy body actually looks like, so, in comparison, somebody with a middle of the healthy-range BMI would look "skinny" for sure!

    At the end of the day, we are here to get healthy and to achieve OUR personal goals---nobody else's. So let them whine about how skinny you are, because you know that you're doing this for YOU.

    I'm really fortunate that I haven't had a single person say "don't get too skinny" or "you look skinny" in a negative way. Last time my mom saw me she said "Look at you, skinny minny!" and she meant it in a totally positive way. However, she is very health-fitness oriented too (she's a part time personal trainer), so she knows where I'm coming from. Get others on the health and fitness bandwagon, and surround yourself with positive people, don't sweat the negativity!
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    I get that all the time - i've lost 42 lbs so far with 15 to go, and am by no stretch of the imagination 'skinny'. i even had a guy friend tell me 'you've lost all your cute'. what? ugh. i know he meant well, but still....