Friends & Weight Loss

I was talking to a co-worker recently about weight loss and she said something to the effect of realizing that every time she goes out with friends its to eat. It got me thinking...almost all of my interactions with my friends are at a restaurant, a bar, or my house where I've cooked a big meal. There is ALWAYS food as the main source of entertainment...

Anyone else have the same issue?


  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    The kitchen is the "heart" of the home. It satisfies my need to nurish, nurtue, and love my family. So its natural that we gather and food is present. Its up to us to make good decisions, or make nuturing meals. Nobody said it was easy believe me I know and so does my waist.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    This happens in our circle of friends a lot, but we also suggest things, like badminton, a hiking trail, bowling, an indoor trampoline park, and disc golf to do. Choose something active that everyone can do, and you have yourself a party!

    My friends and I don't care for competitive sports, and we like to choose things we can chat while doing. Otherwise, anything is fair game!
  • ashgraz
    ashgraz Posts: 1
    Ok. I totally used to have this problem. I starteod to surround myself with friends that had fitness goals just like me and were trying to be conscious of what they were eating. I stopped going out for food with friends unless i had a planned cheat day. It all about self control. So if you cant go out with friends and say no to unhealthy choices then only go out with them on your cheat day. At least until you know you can control yourself better. By surrounding youroself with people from the gym or others with good fitness goals it makes achieving your goals easier. I liked that idea of suggesting sports or some kind of activity that involves movement. I love to go salsa dancing for example. Its an intense calorie burn.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I too used to have this problem. All our get togethers with friends would be centered around kids, food, alcohol, etc. Then I picked up triathlon. Now I have a new set of friends and all of our get togethers center around training. Much healthier, but perhaps more expensive.
  • barbergirl28
    barbergirl28 Posts: 54 Member
    I just came to the exact same thought this past Sunday... anytime we go over to anybody's house it is always food centered. So we were on the way to my husband's parents house and I was talking about meals to make over the week. My husband suggested spaghetti and I told him no because I wouldn't have any control over that to have a small enough portion. Come to find out - his mother decided to make spaghetti. That was walking into a nightmare. The worst part is - you can't avoid family - and you can't control what they cook! However, when it comes to friends, suggesting outings that aren't set around food is always an option. Good luck! I hope they support your decision to make healthier decisions. It is hardest when people say they support your healthy decisions but their actions show otherwise.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I don't know that many of our friends know their actions aren't supportive. For people who have never struggled with weight issues they don't quite understand the entire life overhaul it takes for many of us to start in the right direction much less stay on track headed the way we started. They don't get that one meal out at the wrong time can send you spiraling back to a point you really don't want to revisit. You just have to be polite in saying "No thanks." and explain why so they don't take offense.
  • nisemac
    nisemac Posts: 25 Member
    I don't know that many of our friends know their actions aren't supportive. For people who have never struggled with weight issues they don't quite understand the entire life overhaul it takes for many of us to start in the right direction much less stay on track headed the way we started. They don't get that one meal out at the wrong time can send you spiraling back to a point you really don't want to revisit. You just have to be polite in saying "No thanks." and explain why so they don't take offense.

    scott091501 Thanks for putting this out there...its so true!
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I can understand this problem, but is it really a "problem" to be begin with? Humans evolved by surviving in groups hunting and gathering for food. It is only natural that eating has become a social event. The problem is WHERE/WHAT you are eating. So many people go to terrible places (nutritionally) like Chili's or Applebee's and get horrible meals that they blame their friends or going out on over-eating.

    Bottom line: suggest healthier options with your friends. Stray away from the chains and sodium-bomb restaurants and go for something more unique. If your friends are really your friends, they will value your opinion and life change and hopefully accommodate.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Monday night was my Bunko night. I got to tell you I generated some laughs when I made the hostess get out a 1/4 cup measuring cup so I could portion out my roasted peanuts. And it was the running joke of the night that I nibbled on those peanuts thru a full 18 rounds and topper came when I then asked for a little plastic bag so I could take the remainder to finish at home.