Invest in a HRM. It's the only way to accurately know what you're burning.
My heart rate generally stays 170-185 when I'm running (usually 7-8 min/mile). My HRM tells me 130-170 is the optimum fat burning zone.
You can log your strength training through the cardio section if you want it to show calories burned :smile:
I lift, you can add me
I'm around 5'6.5, and was always slim until I went to uni- far too much eating and drinking! I hit 150lbs at my heaviest then started trying to lose weight and got really into long distance running, and dropped to 120. I started weight training last year and now weigh 125lbs
I feel your pain! Ive been off exercise due to ilness, going to get tests done today so hopefully i'll be back on it soon :/ i just feel sooo sluggish and gross, even with walking everywhere i can. All i want is to get better and back to training!
I'm lucky, my gyms so cheap. 50 for the entire year (its my uni's gym but this includes the whole of summer too). We've got two large cardio suites, strength room, exercise studio, activity hallf, squash courts, swimming pool, steam room and sauna. Tons of equipment and it includes all gym classes :)
Babe i'm so sorry for you! That is so so so **** :( i dont know what id do if i couldnt run anymore, its become such a big part of my life :(!! All i can say really is chin up, and hopefully you can find something else to compensate it with :( xx
If i eat less than 2 hours before i workout, and sometimes even then, i feel really sick. I far prefer working out on an empty stomach!
I used jillian michaels last year as well as the gym, now, i probably wouldnt do her dvds and i would definitely choose the gym over it as i have a much more strenuous workout. If you hate them, dont do them! If you want results fast, do strength and cardio at the gym :)
I just got ryvita light crackerbread - only 19 calls a slice and its an excellent sub for stuff like bread! I'm the same as you - crisps and bread etc i sometimes crave soo much. I won't have crisps in the house anymore so I resist the temptation :)!
Red meat, steaks in particular (dont even like looking at them), fish (except tuna if its mixed with mayo or pesto or something) and brussel sprouts...
... why dont you just drink diet fizzy drinks? not saying they're good for you but calorie wise they'd sort you out. although, i do advocate drinking on the job ;)
My friend used to get shin splints really badly whenever she did the slightest running. she went to a physiotherapist and they advised some massaging exercises on your shins as well as special insoles. cant remember all the details, my apologies! but if you can go see one, might be worth a shot :) and as a runner, i…
hahahaha assuming this is a joke. but for the heck of saying its not, you got probbbblems. your body fats not changing, just your sanity. go see a shrink.
i use it :) Jo Crowther if you wanna add !
Gonna have to say my own (although with more toning). Hey, ive worked hard, and there's no point dreaming of a body I'll never be able to have... so why not idealize the one Ive got :D
But you said you were debating about buying a motorcycle - if you can afford that surely you can afford a bike? Also, look online, you'll be able to get one cheaper than that.
You said you wanted to run because you were enjoying it... why not go back to mountain biking if your not? Or get on a bus just out the city and get some more country air. If youve not tried running with music, you ought to as you will not know if you find it too much of a distratction until youve tried it. I sometimes run…
single single !
haha yeah, loving the moustachio
Jesus. Seriously? Why the hell would you even BEGIN a relationship knowing he'd treated ex's like that. Particularly the fact that he broke off a marriage, supposedly a lifelong commitment, because she didnt put enough effort into losing it? Honey, thats gonna be you in 5 years. He wont be happy, get. the. hell. out.
WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING. I wont sugar coat it for you. Your being a fcking idiot. Get out of such a shallow, depreciating relationship. It will only end up getting worse and worse for you in the long run. THEN, lose the weight for YOU, go and find a guy who knows how to value a person for who they are and would love…
Huh. I'd say the gym is probably one of the more boring exercises (excluding classes etc). I still enjoy it though. I absolutely love running... if I didn't, I wouldnt do it. Why not look into some sports? Maybe if you found a sport you enjoyed you wouldnt hate exercising so much...
i absolutely love it - goes great with muesli, coffee, and ive used it in baking muffins and stuff too. im not a huge cows milk fan though, which is maybe why i love it so much !
Started at 150, down to 120 :)
I think it depends on your frame a lot... I started on here at 150 and am down to 120 - while i'm maybe looking to lose a couple more this general weight for me is a lot better! edit - im 5'6.5 :)
you can add me if you like - my goal is 1150 although i go over sometimes because ive already lost what i wanted to lose and so amn't overly strict anymore. i like to cook, so cook a lot of my meals myself (makes it very easy to be low cal as i can use the substitutes/amounts that i want)...
Hey, I have hypothyroidism and was diagnosed about 6 years ago now. I'm really sorry its affected you so badly - maybe I was lucky or maybe ive been on meds for so long that it doesnt matter! But, i lost 30lbs and luckily the weight shifted really easily. Definitely go see an endocrinologist, because the doctors tests for…